Читать книгу When The Stars Fade - Adam L. Korenman - Страница 4



It feels strange to be back here so soon. When I finished When the Stars Fade a few years back, I told myself it was ready for print. I moved on. And yet, some part of me never quit dreaming of how it could be changed and molded into an even better product.

Shortly after I proposed to Corinne, I met with a dear friend, Robert Peterson. Bob had written about a million books at that point and was something of a mentor/business partner to me. He impressed upon me that there was a chance to take When the Stars Fade to a new level, starting with a real, live publishing deal. The catch? I had to revisit the recently completed novel and break it up into two books.

At first I was terrified. I thought then that I had already bled everything onto the pages. I was sure there could be no more gold spun from straw (and yes, I know how egotistical it sounds to compare my writing to gold, but this is my foreword, so there). After a while, however, I realized that this new opportunity would afford me the chance to correct what so many fans had commented on: the science.

Then I remembered that this was science fiction, so I decided to focus on characters instead.

This is my definitive edition. This is The Gray Wars as it is meant to be. From an epic, if flawed, trilogy to a (hopefully) driving and emotional hexology. Everything I could squeeze out of my veins went into this, and all I can do now is hope it is enough.

So, without further ado, here is some stuff I wrote.


When The Stars Fade

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