Читать книгу When The Stars Fade - Adam L. Korenman - Страница 7


The King gazed out at the stars of creation and rejoiced. In his galaxy, one hundred billion twinkling lights hinted at the possibility of a trillion unknown worlds. Somewhere in the endless spiral were creatures rising from the dirt and seeking out the truth. All He needed to do was to find them and bring them into the fold.

At His command, the Armada left the safety of the Home System and began the journey outward. Watching the massive ships tear free from the planet’s grasp and ascend into the black night, the King stirred with emotion. He would see the end of this crusade, and the banner of his kingdom would rise over countless worlds in triumph and glory, but this galaxy would be his grave. He imagined what could exist in the Far Keeps, the blossoms of white and blue and yellow that floated just out of reach. In the end, He accepted that even Gods must have their limits.

In the sky overhead, the Elder Star churned and tumbled. It had long ago collapsed into darkness, well before the Horde took a single step on dry land. The King gave his thanks to the True Father and asked for a blessing of protection for his brood. There were untold dangers lying ahead, and so He prayed for His children’s survival. Then, settling down on a throne of bone and rock and skin, the King waited for news of victory.

It didn’t take long.

When The Stars Fade

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