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Building wealth is simple but not easy. The key to building wealth is to earn more money than you spend. That's simple. However, repeatedly making the decisions that allow you to build wealth and avoiding the common mistakes that hold people back—that's not easy.

Denying yourself the car you want, or your dream vacation, or the big house you feel your family deserves—that's hard. Putting in the work required to make more money, or finding the courage to start your own business, or making uncomfortable changes to increase your income—that's hard.

Most things in life are simple but not easy. Think about personal fitness; it is simple but not easy. Losing weight is a matter of calories in versus calories out. Eat less and exercise more. That's simple. However, just like with your financial health, fitness is about denying yourself things you desire (eating the cookie) and putting in hard work (doing the sit‐ups) to meet your larger goals. You have to forgo indulgent foods and you have to engage in strenuous physical activity. For most people, that's hard to do. If you have a trained and disciplined mind, however, losing weight is a piece of cake (pun intended). The same is true with becoming financially fit.

Psychological Analysis

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