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"To the Lords Spiritual and Temporal in Parliament assembled.

"The Petition of his Majesty's loyal and dutiful his ancient Subjects settled in the Province of Quebeck,

"Humbly sheweth,

"That since the commencement of civil government in this province, your lordships' humble petitioners, under the protection of English laws granted us by his sacred majesty's royal proclamation, bearing date the seventh day of October, which was in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-three, have been encouraged to adventure their properties in trade, estates and agriculture, to a very considerable amount, thereby rendering the province a valuable acquisition to Great-Britain: That, to their inexpressible grief, they find, by an act of parliament intitled, "An act for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebeck in North-America," they are deprived of the habeas corpus act and trials by juries, are subjected to arbitrary fines and imprisonment, and liable to be tried both in civil cases and matters of a criminal nature, not by known and permanent laws, but by ordinances and edicts which the governour and council are impowered to make void at their will and pleasure, which must render our persons and properties insecure, and has already deeply wounded the credit of the country, and confined our views in trade to very narrow limits.

"In this cruel state of apprehension and uncertainty, we humbly implore your lordships' favourable interposition, as the hereditary guardians of the rights of the people, that the said act may be repealed or amended, and that your humble petitioners may enjoy their constitutional rights, privileges and franchises heretofore granted to all his majesty's dutiful subjects.

"And your petitioners, as in duty bound, will ever pray.

"Quebeck, 12th Nov. 1774."

[15]"An Account of the Proceedings," &c., p. 246. This bears the same signatures as the petition to the King.
Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada 1759-1791, Part II

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