Читать книгу Documents Relating to the Constitutional History of Canada 1759-1791, Part II - Adam Shortt - Страница 14
Оглавление1. That the Trade and Commerce with the several Tribes of Indians in North America under the protection of His Majesty shall be free and open to all His Majesty's subjects, under the several Regulations and Restrictions hereafter mentioned, so as not to interfere with the Charter to the Hudson's Bay Company.
2. That for the better Regulation of this Trade, and the Management of Indian Affairs in general, the British Dominions in North America be divided into two Districts, to comprehend and include the several Tribes of Indians mentioned in the annexed Lists A. and B.
3. That no Trade be allowed with the Indians in the southern District, but within the Towns belonging to the several Tribes included in such District; and that in the Northern District the Trade be fixed at so Many Posts, and in such Situations, as shall be thought necessary.
4. That all Laws, now in Force in the several Colonies for regulating Indian Affairs, or Commerce, be repealed.
5. That there be one general Agent or Superintendant appointed by His Majesty for each District.
6. That the Agent or Superintendant for the Northern District shall be allowed three Deputies to assist him in the Administration of Affairs within his District; and that the Agent or Superintendant for the Southern District shall be allowed two Deputies.
7. That there shall be a Commissary, Interpreter, and Smith, appointed by His Majesty to reside in the Country of each Tribe in the Southern District, and at each Post in the Northern District.
8. That it be recommended to the Society for the propagation of the Gospel in foreign parts to appoint four Missionaries in each District, to reside at such places, as the Agent or Superintendant for each District shall recommend.
9. That the Commissaries, Interpreters, and Smiths in each District do Act under the immediate Direction and Orders of the Agent or Superintendant, who shall have a power of Suspending them in Case of Misbehaviour, and, in Case of Suspension of a Commissary, or of a Vacancy by Death, or Resignation, the Office shall be executed, until the King's pleasure is known, by one of the Deputies to the Agent or Superintendant.
10. That the said Agent or Superintendant shall have the Conduct of all public Affairs relative to the Indians; and that neither the Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in America, nor any of the Governors and Commanders in Chief of any of the Colonies, or persons having military Commands in any of the Forts within each of the said Districts, do hold any General Meetings with the Indians, or send any public Talks to them without the Concurrence of the Agent or Superintendant, unless in cases of great Exigency, or when the said Agent or Superintendant may be in some remote part of his District.
11. That the said Agents or Superintendants do in all Affairs of political consideration, respecting peace and war with the Indians, purchases of Lands, or other Matters, on which it may be necessary to hold any general Meetings with the Indians, advise and act in concert with the Governors, (or the Governors and Councils, as the Occasion may require), of the several Colonies within their respective Districts; And that the said Agents or Superintendants shall be Councillors extraordinary within each Colony in their respective Districts, in like manner as the Surveyors General of the Customs for the Northern and Southern Districts of America.
12. That the Governor or Commander in Chief of every Colony be directed to communicate to the Agent or Superintendant of that District, within which his Government lyes, all such Information and Intelligence, as he may receive respecting Indian Affairs; And that the Agents or Superintendants shall in like manner communicate to the Governors all Intelligence and Information, respecting the State of Indian Affairs, which may in any wise regard the Security and Interest of the said Colonies.
13. That no Order shall be issued by the Governor or Commander in Chief of any of His Majesty's Colonies, or by any Officer having Military Command in any Forts within the Indian Country, for stopping the Trade with any Tribe of Indians in either of the said Districts, without the Concurrence and Consent of the Agent or Superintendant for Indian Affairs.
14. That the said Agents or Superintendants shall by themselves, or sufficient Deputies visit the several Posts or Tribes of Indians within their respective Districts once in every year, or oftener, as Occasion shall require, to enquire into, and take an Account of the Conduct and Behaviour of the subordinate Officers at the said Posts, and in the Country belonging to the said Tribes; to hear Appeals; and redress all Complaints of the Indians; make the proper Presents; and transact all Affairs relative to the said Indians.
15. That for the maintaining peace and good Order in the Indian Country, and bringing Offenders in criminal Cases to due Punishment, the said Agents or Superintendants, as also the Commissaries at each Post, and in the Country belonging to each Tribe, be empowered to Act as Justices of the Peace in their respective Districts and Departments, with all powers and priviledges vested in such Officers in any of the Colonies; and also full power of Committing Offenders in Capital Cases, in order that such Offenders may be prosecuted for the same; And that, for deciding all civil actions, the Commissaries be empowered to try and determine in a Summary way all such Actions, as well between the Indians and Traders, as between one Trade and another, to the Amount of Ten Pounds Sterling, with the Liberty of Appeal to the Chief Agent or Superintendant, or his Deputy, who shall be empowered upon such appeal to give Judgement thereon; which Judgement shall be final, and process issue upon it, in like manner as on the Judgement of any Court of Common Pleas established in any of the Colonies.
16. That for the easy attainment of Justice, the evidence of Indians, under proper Regulations and Restrictions, be admitted in all Criminal as well as civil causes, that shall be tried and adjudged by the said Agents or Superintendants, or by the said Commissaries; and that their Evidence be likewise admitted by the Courts of Justice in any of His Majesty's Colonies or Plantations in Criminal cases, Subject to the same Pains and Penalties in Cases of false Evidence, as His Majesty's Subjects.
17. That the said Agents or Superintendants shall have power to Confer such Honors and Rewards on the Indians, as shall be necessary; and of granting Commissions to principal Indians in their respective Districts to be War Captains or Officers of other Military Distinctions.
18. That the Indians of each Town in every Tribe in the Southern District shall choose a beloved Man to be approved of by the Agent or Superintendant for such District, to take care of the Mutual Interests both of Indians and Traders in such Town; and that such beloved Men, so elected and approved in the several Towns, shall elect a Chief for the whole Tribe, who shall constantly reside with the Commissary in the Country of each Tribe, or occasionally Attend upon the said Agent or Superintendant, as Guardian for the Indians and Protector of their Rights, with Liberty to the said Chief to be present at all Meetings and upon all Hearings or Trials relative to the Indians before the Agent or Superintendant, or before the Commissaries; and to give his Opinion upon all Matters under Consideration at such Meetings or Hearings.
19. That the like Establishments be made for the Northern District, as far as the Nature of the Civil Constitution of the Indians in this District, and the Manner of Administering civil affairs will admit.
20. That no person having any Military Command in the Indian Country shall be capable of Acting as Commissary for the Affairs of the Indians; in either of the above mentioned Districts respectively; nor shall such person having military Command be allowed to carry on trade with the Indians, or to interpose his Authority in any thing, that regards the Trade with, or civil Concerns of the Indians; but to give the Commissary or other Civil Magistrate all Assistance in his power, whenever thereunto required.
21. That the said Commissaries shall keep exact and regular Accounts, by way of Journal, of all their Transactions and Proceedings, and of all Occurrences in their respective Departments, and shall by every opportunity communicate such Transactions and Occurrences to the Agent or Superintendant in their respective Districts; which Agent or Superintendant shall regularly by every Opportunity correspond with the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations.
22. That the Agent or Superintendant, to be appointed for each District, as also the Commissaries residing at the Posts, or in the Indian Country within each District, shall take an Oath before the Governor or Chief Judge of any of the Colonies within their respective Districts, for the due Execution of their respective Trusts; and they and all other subordinate Officers, employed in the Affairs of the Indians, shall be forbid, under proper Penalties, to carry on any Trade with them, either upon their own Account, or in Trust for others, or to make any Purchase of, or accept any Grants of Lands from the Indians.
23. That for the better regulation of the Trade with the said Indians, conformable to their own Requests, and to prevent those Frauds and Abuses, which have been so long and so loudly complained of in the manner of carrying on such Trade, all Trade with the Indians in each District be carried on under the Direction and Inspection of the Agents or Superintendants, and other subordinate Officers to be appointed for that purpose, as has been already mentioned.
24. That all Persons intending to trade with the Indians shall take out Licences for that purpose under the Hand and Seal of the Governor or Commander in Chief of the Colony, from which they intend to carry on such Trade, for every of which Licences no more shall be demanded or taken than two Shillings.
25. That all persons taking out Licences shall enter into Bond to His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors in the Sum ofwith one Surety in the Sum offor the due observance of the Regulations prescribed for the Indian Trade.
26. That every Person willing to give Security, and finding a Security willing, if required, to take an Oath, that he is possessed of property to double the value of the Sum he stands security for, shall be intitled to a Licence.
27. That every such Licenced Trader shall at the time of taking out the Licence, declare the Post or Truck house, at which or the Tribe of Indians with which he intends to trade, which shall be specified in the Licence itself.
28. That no Licence be granted to continue longer than for one Year.
29. That no Person trade under such Licence, but the person named in it, his Servants, or Agents, whose Names are to be inserted in the Margents; and in Case any of the Servants or Agents named in such Licence shall die, or be discharged, the same shall be notified to the Governor, by whom the Licence was granted, or to the Commissary of the Post, or in the Tribe, where such Trader carries on Trade, to the end that the Name or Names of any other Servants or Agents, employed by the said Trader in the place of those dead or discharged, may in like manner be inserted in the Margent of the Licence.
30. That all Licences be entered in the Secretary's Office, or other proper Office of Record in each Colony, where they are taken out; for which Entry no more shall be demanded or taken than Six pence for each Licence; and all persons to have free Liberty to inspect such Entry, paying a Fee of Six pence for the same.
31. That Persons trading with the Indians without a Licence, and without giving the Security above required, or trading at any other Posts or places, than those expressed in their Licences, do forfeit all the Goods they shall be found then trading with, and also pay a Fine ofto His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, and sufferMonths Imprisonment.
32. That all Traders immediately upon Arrival at the posts or Truck houses in the Northern district, or in the Tribes in the Southern district, for which Licences have been taken out, and before any Goods are sold to, or bartered with the Indians, do produce such Licences to the Commissaries appointed for the Direction and Inspection of the Trade at such posts, or Truck houses, or in such Tribes.
33. That all Trade with the Indians shall be carried on by Tariffs, to be settled and Established from time to time by the Commissaries at the several Posts, or Truck houses, or in the Countries belonging to the several Tribes in Concert with the Traders and Indians.
34. That the Commissaries appointed to direct and inspect the Trade at each Truck house in the Northern District, shall be empowered to fix and prescribe Limits round each Post or Truck house, within which Limits all Trade with the Indians may be commodiously carried on in the most public Manner.
35. That all Traders have free Liberty to erect Hutts and Warehouses within such Limits, in such Order and Manner as the Commissary shall, with the concurrence of the Officer Commanding at such Post, Direct and appoint.
36. That no Trader shall Traffic, or have any Dealings with the Indians without the Limits prescribed by the Commissary or other Chief Officer appointed for the Inspection and Direction of the Trade.
37. That each Truck house or post of Trade in the Northern District be fortified and garrisoned; and that all Traders have free Liberty to retire into such Garrison with their Effects, when ever any Disturbance shall Arise, or the Commissary at such post shall represent it to be necessary.
38. That no Trader shall sell or otherwise supply the Indians with Rum, or other spirituous Liquors, Swan Shot, or rifled Barrelled Guns.
39. That in Trade with the Indians no Credit shall be given them for Goods in Value beyond the Sum of fifty Shillings; and no Debt beyond that Sum shall be recoverable by Law or Equity.
40. That all Disputes concerning Weights or Measures in the buying or selling Goods shall be decided by Standard Weights and Measures, to be kept in each Post or Truck-house in the Northern District, and in each Tribe in the Southern District.
41. That no private person, Society, Corporation, or Colony be capable of acquiring any Property in Lands belonging to the Indians, either by purchase of, or Grant, or Conveyance from the said Indians, excepting only where the Lands lye within the Limits of any Colony, the soil of which has been vested in proprietors, or Corporations by Grants from the Crown; in which Cases such Proprietaries or Corporations only shall be capable of acquiring such property by purchase or Grant from the Indians.
42. That proper Measures be taken, with the Consent and Concurrence of the Indians, to ascertain and define the precise and exact Boundary and Limits of the Lands, which it may be proper to reserve to them, and where no Settlement whatever shall be allowed.
43. That no purchases of Lands belonging to the Indians, whether in the Name and for the Use of the Crown, or in the Name and for the Use of proprietaries of Colonies be made but at some general Meeting, at which the principal Chiefs of each Tribe, claiming a property in such Lands, are present; and all Tracts, so purchased, shall be regularly surveyed by a Sworn Surveyor in the presence and with the Assistance of a person deputed by the Indians to attend such Survey; and the said Surveyor shall make an accurate Map of such Tract, describing the Limits, which Map shall be entered upon Record, with the Deed of Conveyance from the Indians.
It is estimated, that the annual Expence of supporting the Establishments, proposed in the foregoing plan, providing presents for the Indians, and other contingent Expences, may amount to about twenty thousand pounds; and it is proposed to defray this Expence by a Duty upon the Indian Trade, either collected upon the Exportation of Skins and Furs, (Beaver excepted,) from the Colonies, or payable by the Traders at the posts and places of Trade, as shall, upon further Examination and the fullest Information, be found most practicable, and least burthensome to the Trade.