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How to Preserve a Vaseful of Flowers for a Year.


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Take home your basket of wild flowers, “nodding violets,” cowslips, bright-eyed anemones, and all the lovely offerings of the woods, and before arranging them in the vase, carefully seal the stem of each flower. Place a glass shade over the vase; be careful that flowers, vase, and shade are perfectly dry; then fill up the groove in the wood, in which the shade stands, with melted wax. By covering the wax with chenille it can be perfectly hidden.

Flowers kept in this way will last for a twelvemonth.

The flowers preserved in an empty bottle may be taken out, the wax cut from the stems, and, if arranged in a bouquet, will last as long as perfectly fresh flowers.

Those in the alcohol lose their color after being immersed for a time, and will not last when removed from the alcohol.

In following any of these directions be careful not to tie the flowers. No string must be used. The flower stems must be loose and separate from each other.

A florist of much experience in preserving bouquets for an indefinite period gives this recipe for

How to Amuse Yourself and Others: The American Girl's Handy Book

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