Читать книгу How to Amuse Yourself and Others: The American Girl's Handy Book - Adelia B. Beard - Страница 40

Little Quakeress.


Table of Contents

The Little Quakeress.

Half an egg-shell, with the face and hair painted on it, forms the head. The cap is made of white tissue paper cut in four strips; one, for the crown, is six and a half inches long, and a little over one and a half wide; another, for the brim, is four and a half inches long and one inch wide; while the strings are each three and a half inches long, and one and a half wide. The crown is plaited in the centre, the brim folded lengthwise through the middle, and sewed to the crown. The strings are fastened on either side of the cap, and crossed in front; then the cap is pasted on the head, the surplus paper folded back, and the whole glued on a card. The ends of the strings are also fastened to the card, forming a Quaker kerchief.

Lawn-Tennis with Our Own Net.

How to Amuse Yourself and Others: The American Girl's Handy Book

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