Читать книгу Helping Relationships With Older Adults - Adelle M. Williams - Страница 38

Lymphatic System


The major function of the immune system is defense against infection and disease. With advancing age, the lymphatic system becomes less effective at combating disease and fighting off infections. A compromised immune system leaves older persons vulnerable. Illnesses or diseases negatively impact the lives of older adults due to the potential social inactivity, isolation, decreased ability to perform activities of daily living, and increased financial expenses due to the need to purchase equipment supplies and medication and pay for any health care services. Older persons may become depressed and/or anxious. Mental health professionals can assist older persons by encouraging them to obtain flu vaccinations, eat nutritious meals, comply with their treatment regimen, and engage in physical activity. Mental health professionals can provide counseling around issues of stress and loss and medical issues that have arisen from the suppressed immune system. Mental health professionals can also encourage social interaction, teach stress reduction techniques, and educate older persons on various issues pertaining to their illness. A compromised immune system with any associated conditions does not need to impede the quality of life for older persons. Mental health practitioners are in an excellent position to assist older persons in developing coping mechanisms.

As a person ages, the ability to fight off infections declines, and the risk of becoming ill increases. The cells within the immune system react more slowly. Specifically, T and B cells are associated with fighting off disease. The T cells, white blood cells that coordinate immune defenses, are responsible for cell immunity. They coordinate and regulate the immune system to allow it to fight off diseases. With age, the T cells become less responsive and make it harder to respond to pathogens. The B cells are responsible for producing antibodies. The antibody levels do not rise quickly enough after an infection enters the body with age (Aging Changes in Immunity, 2012).

The decline in immune system functioning can explain several findings that are associated with aging (Whitbourne, 2000). The cancer rate increases with age because the cells of the immune system are not able to recognize the malfunctioning cells that cause cancer. Vaccines are less protective for older people because the body is not able to produce the antibodies needed. Older adults are more susceptible to common infections, such as pneumonia and influenza, which become more prominent and can cause death. Additionally, open wounds will not heal as fast because the cells responsible for healing act slower and are reduced in number. The lymphatic system provides protection for all human beings and without it, illness and death may occur. The emotional state of an older adult can either promote a healthy outcome or become detrimental to the recovery process.

Helping Relationships With Older Adults

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