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Beetroot and Vodka Risotto



100 g Parmesan cheese

50 ml white chicken stock (see page 199)

1 quantity risotto base (see page 209)

½ quantity beetroot purée (see page 204)

vodka, to taste

lemon juice (optional)

salt (optional)

GRATE 75 G of the cheese and shave the remaining 25 g with a vegetable peeler.

IN A LARGE, flat-bottomed pan heat the chicken stock and reheat the risotto in the hot stock. Fold in the beetroot purée and grated Parmesan and add the vodka to taste. If liked, adjust the seasoning with a touch of salt and a dash of lemon juice.

SERVE IN four bowls scattered with the shaved Parmesan.

This basic, rather rustic dish can be served in the finest of restaurants and will be appreciated by the most discerning of diners. I use De Cecco macaroni tubes (Zita .18) which you will find in good Italian delicatessens. I also use frozen peas for the purée – they give a fresher, sweeter taste than fresh ones because you don’t have to cook them for so long. It’s also worth spending a few extra pence on good-quality frozen peas.

Simple Beginnings: Beading

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