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Chapter 1. Choose Your Desire!
ОглавлениеRule #1. Choose your desire!
Our Universe did not start just like that. Just at once. Just without something. The Universe began with a desire. With the desire to be and exist. The Universe began with the desire to “LIVE”! In other words, the desire to live started OUR Universe.
And then there was a desire to “LOVE”. And later, there was a desire to “SURVIVE”. And only after all those desires – the last desire to “MEAN” (or “TO BE IMPORTANT”) arose.
To the present moment, in our days, the very last, the fourth desire took the leading position – a point of domination.
But you need only 3 first desires: to LIVE, to LOVE, to SURVIVE. You will be important later on, when you go through all these 3 stages. Do not rush! Don’t be so fast!
Most people never get rich and happy for one very banal reason – because they want to skip these 3 main and gradual steps and immediately start implementing the “Mean” stage. Do not think about it. Forget it!
You have only these 3 main stages: to LIVE, to LOVE, to SURVIVE.
Do as the Universe does! Do not argue with its “action plan”. Do not engage yourself in your “free creativity.” Just know and remember one thing – your creativity is not free. At least, it’s not free yet. Then, when it becomes free – after passing through previous 3 stages – you will create as you like.
But for now, subjugate the Universe! It is your very first Teacher! And your most correct Teacher from all the other Teachers existing on the planet is YOU!
So, the Universe chose the desire to “LIVE” … In simple terms, the Universe made its choice, made up a concrete decision and boldly declared this desire to the Dark Outer Space. So that our world began exist. And we are all living things – we also started with the simple, but concrete desire of The Universe to LIVE and to EXIST.
In our world, nothing happens just like that, without desire. It is with desire that everything that begins in this Universe begins. If the Universe had no desire – now there would be no Universe. Now there would be neither you nor me.
Nobody and nothing would be existed. It is thanks to the very FIRST desire of the Universe – you are now reading these lines. And precisely because of the desire of the Universe you will become RICH and HAPPY. RIGHT NOW! That is what THE UNIVERSE SAYS!
It is thanks to your caring Universe that you will become the person is loved by THE BIG MONEY!
Therefore, follow the example of YOUR Universe – choose your innermost desire. And don’t reveal your secret desire to anyone on this planet. After all, this desire is very intimate. Do not let “strangers” to your desire. Otherwise, it will end to be intimate. And that means it will cease to be only yours – your desire will become common to all. And this is not great thing.
What you need is just to choose your most intimate desire. Let it be a desire to get something, or to meet someone. And it is better to let it be both – to get something good, to have something best and to meet and to have someone good with you! It means – just to be RICH and HAPPY.
And the only “partner” with whom you can share your intimate desire is only your HEART, and nothing else and nobody else, BUT YOU!
Rule #1. Choose your desire!
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Motto intention: “I know perfectly well that without a desire there will be nothing in my life. In my life everything starts with a desire. The only thing I need to do at the very beginning is just to choose a desire for myself. That same intimate, that same craving is what I want in my life here and now. My Universe will do all the rest!”…