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Chapter 2. Add The Action 1 +1!


Rule #2. Add the action 1 +1!

So you chose a desire. The next item is an action. Yes it is. Now you have to add an action to your desire. One simple action for one simple desire. And no more else.

Do not overload your actions with desires. And vice versa – do not overload your desires with the actions.

Remember this formula: “1 desire +1 action.”

Let it be 1 concrete desire and 1 concrete action streamed in 1 direction.

Everything should be very plain and simple. Do not try to complicate your desires and your actions. When you complicate them – you limit everything. If you complicate your desires and actions you will limit YOUR UNIVERSE. It just won’t know what you need.

Know one thing. YOUR UNIVERSE never knows exactly what you need. But only until you directly tell the Universe about your desire.

Whisper YOUR UNIVERSE into its ear your desire and perform the action. Consider the above formula. Act on its “1 +1” principle. 1 desire +1 action. And everything will be fine!

If you break this formula, you will fail. And you will be to blame for everything, but not a formula. Therefore, do not resist the Universe and do not go against the formula “1 +1”.

The Universe must know for sure: what you need, what you want, who you want, with whom you want to do something (create some relationship – family, love, sex, business)…

There is such an interesting paradox – the Universe knows exactly how to do something, but only it does not know WHAT exactly it needs to do WHOM for. Whom the Universe gives a present for? For you? Or for nobody?

That’s the thing the Universe must know – who is that person that wants to get the rich present? It must be YOU. And it’s who makes an order of your desire and who declares one’s desire to the Universe.

Rule #2. Add the action 1 +1!

– —

Motto intention: “So, I chose a desire. But I know for sure that if I wished only once, then my desire will never be fulfilled. Desire, which I thought about only once, will forever remain a desire and will not become a reality. Therefore, I clearly know that I also need to act. What I need to do is to constantly return my ATTENTION to my desire and act. I just need every day to fix my attention on my chosen goal, to pronounce THOUGHT FORMS and AFFIRMATIONS, that I will succeed, to form a ‘live picture’ in my head, and then to do anything that I need, to perform any action following the picture in my head!”…

Money Loves You!

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