Читать книгу The Firefighter Blues - Alan Bruce - Страница 13



On one particular occasion our zest for adventure could have had very tragic consequences. While walking through bushland adjacent to Williams Creek, Jenny decided to head to the water's edge while I waited further up the bank. Suddenly, a man brandishing a machete appeared out of nowhere. As if frozen, like a terrified statue, Jenny stood motionless. He then attempted to grab her hand and lead her further into the bush. Although very young, it just didn't feel right and I'm sure Jenny felt the same. The stranger mumbled something just as I yelled,

'Jenny this way!'

As if zapped by a cattle prod, she woke from her trance and in a flash, sprinted towards me. Panic stricken, we both ran as fast as we could, up the narrow bush path and headed for home. Too frightened to look back, we just focused on our little hut in the distance and ran as fast as our trembling legs would carry us.

Mum and Dad were in our hut when we stumbled in through the doorway. Frantic, sweaty and out of breath, we couldn't get the words out quick enough. They could see the fear in our eyes as Jenny blurted out,

'A man tried to grab me, he asked me to take off my swimming costume.’ Dad was gone before the last words left Jenny's lips. He headed straight for the bush. Sighting no-one suspicious looking, he returned shortly after. He then set off again in his car to search the entire hostel and the surrounding area. It was dark when he finally arrived home. Although livid that his search was unsuccessful, neither he or Mum went to the police. Jenny and I were given a lecture about venturing too far into the bushland and that was the end of the matter.

What made Jenny's unsavoury experience even more chilling, was a horrifying event that occurred a few weeks later. The rape and murder of twelve year old, Monica Schofield, a hostel resident. The body of young Monica was found on the 25th June, 1963, in a shallow grave near Deadmans Creek, a few miles from the hostel. She was walking towards the footbridge to attend East Hills high school when she was abducted.

Monica's family, like thousands of other British migrants, moved to Australia hoping to provide greater opportunities for their children. After such a tragedy, the Schofield family moved back to Britain, distancing themselves from the unbearable, heartbreaking and haunting memories of their daughter's death.

Caught in Grafton, a few months later, the convicted murderer, Barry Rodrick, was sentenced to life in prison. This was exchanged for an eternity in hell, when in 1970, he killed himself with a gun he made in gaol. I doubt if anyone mourned his passing.

We will never know if the two episodes are linked but its something that's haunted Jenny for decades.

The Firefighter Blues

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