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Seventeenth Day.


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We read that the Lord accompanied His parents on a visit to the Temple in Jerusalem, and remained there unknown to them, when they had departed for their own home. It was His Father's house, and He expressed a kind of wonder that He was expected to be anywhere else at any time. We might apply this to ourselves as well. God is Our Father; the church is Our Father's house, and we should be found at home. Besides, Jesus is in the tabernacle; He, our Brother, is in His Father's house, and the whole family should be gathered there. You should make frequent visits to the church, and should any one be surprised at your conduct, and ask you the reason, you can answer with justice: “Am I not to be about the things that are my Father's?” Go to your work, be in your home, but also love to pass some time in the presence of the Lord in the church. The angels are there, silently praying before their God in the tabernacle; join them in their devout occupation. You like to visit a friend; no nearer nor dearer friend will you ever find than Jesus, your loving Saviour.


O Jesus, Thou knowest my desire of serving Thee with the purest intention of living but for [pg 028] Thee. Thou art my hope, my strength, and my life. I will seek not so much for consolation as for the grace of a greater love towards Thee, my sweet Saviour, and for strength to suffer bravely for Thy greater glory and my own sanctification. Amen.

Our Monthly Devotions

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