Читать книгу Our Monthly Devotions - Albert A. Lings - Страница 6

Second Day.


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Jesus underwent the circumcision as an act of redemption. He was carried forth by His holy Mother to begin the way of the cross, and from that moment until the day of His death He suffered physical pain. You may here form many thoughts on this period in the life of this holy Child, which will console you in your sufferings. Be not cast down in your struggle after a livelihood, be not impatient in poverty and suffering, for by these Jesus has redeemed the world. These crosses will one day bring you to heaven. All humanity from childhood has the vicissitudes of nature and fortune to combat. Cruel indeed is the fate of some children: poverty, neglect, sickness, the death of parents, and other misfortunes, leave them often in a deplorable state. But there is a Providence watching over them; not a sparrow falls from the housetop without the will of the heavenly Father. At the same time those who have the means should be interested in God's poor, and seek to help them in all their necessities.


O Jesus, when Thou givest me such touching proof of Thy love, could I remain cold towards Thee? No! it is not possible. I will love Thee, then, O my God, with a love which nothing will daunt or repel.

Our Monthly Devotions

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