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Orthographic Signs


The accents (´, `, ^). There are three accents in French which generally indicate the pronunciation of the vowel:

 (´) acute accent (accent aigu),

 (`) grave accent (accent grave),

 (^) circumflex accent (accent circonflexe).

The apostrophe ('), l'apostrophe, indicates that a vowel has been omitted: l'enfant.

The cedilla (¸), la cédille, placed under a c, indicates that the sound of c is soft: français.

The diaeresis (¨), le tréma, placed over the second of two consecutive vowels, indicates that the first vowel is to be pronounced separately: naïveté.

The hyphen (-), le trait d'union, is used to connect words: suis-je?

Le Premier Livre

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