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Nasal Sounds


The nasal sound is the sound of a vowel followed by n or m. However, the n or m is not to be pronounced. The nasal sound has no exact equivalent in English.

There are four nasal sounds:

1. a nasal: an, am, en, em.

 Somewhat like the an in want with the sound cut short: dans, jambe, enfant, temps.

2. i nasal: in, im, ain, aim, ein, eim, yn, ym.

 Somewhat like the an in rang without the sound of g and with the sound cut short: fin, simple, main, faim, plein, Reims, syntaxe, sympathie.

3. o nasal: on, om.

 Somewhat like the on in long without the sound of g and with the sound cut short: mon, bon, tomber, nom.

4. u nasal: un, um.

 Somewhat like the un in sung without the sound of g and with the sound cut short: chacun, parfum.

Le Premier Livre

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