Читать книгу The Word Revealed - Aldivan Teixeira Torres, Daniele Giuffre' - Страница 12

The promise that binds the creature and the creator


Everything in life has a why and a reason, absolutely nothing is by chance. So, it is with humanity. Everyone who comes to this planet, place of atonement and trials, has a mission to fulfill. So, it is with everyone. Big or small, we have a role on the planet that is vital to the continuation of life.

Understanding what God requires of us and faithfully fulfilling it is a great obstacle for all. The many difficulties imposed on the way make many give up their own personality and fall into corruption and failure. What do you do to fix this and overcome it? It has a very wise saying that "God writes right by crooked lines." Reinforcing this saying, we have to fulfill our role, pray to the father sincerely requesting the fulfillment of his promise in our life. Yahweh God is sovereign, he animates the human soul, and surely what is written will happen. However, "Do your part that I will help you," is another saying that complements the first and makes perfect sense.

Exemplifying the text above, I will speak from my personal experience. I began to write between the years 2006-2007, a basic self-help text that typed gave exactly thirty-seven pages. That same year, I started my upper degree course and a job in the public service. At that moment, it came from a very complicated personal and financial situation. On the personal side, I had lived "A Dark Night of the Intense and Dangerous Soul" which almost made me succumb completely. In financial matters, I did not have money for anything, nor to buy a simple booklet (That would aid in public tenders) nor much less a computer that was my dream.

I started typing my book during work hours because I had no choice. Within two months it was finished. It was also at this time that I quit my job because of force majeure and I only dedicated my faculty. Having completed my book, I sent it to a commercial publisher and waited for the response deadline.

Three months later, next to the book came a polite and gentle letter, where they discarded the publication. It was my first shock and literary failure that shook my structures a lot. No way out, I just concentrated on my studies and stopped writing. At that time, there was no possibility of becoming a writer.

It was at this moment of uncertainty that the forces of good acted mysteriously. On two occasions, I had the necessary proof that my dream was still possible. leaving college with my little book in hand after showing some colleagues, I received the following message from Yahweh, my father, "Aldivan, do not worry. You're still going to win. You will be "the seer," the most respected guy in literature. " This news to me was a shock at the time. First, why did not he understand the scope of the message: Seer? As well? I had written only a single book, and even then, it had been rejected. It did not make sense.

The second part of the message was revealed when I arrived from college in my beloved village. I was passing through the central square when, at a certain moment, I went into ecstasy. In a matter of seconds, I could see several book titles, the angels singing and at the end the phrase: "The son of God will conquer the world." It also made no sense at the time because I was completely out of prospect because of my problems. However, I had to believe in my victory even if I delayed, because the promise came from Yahweh and it was indisputable.

Time has passed a little. I was able to write a romance biography in the years of 2009 during the vacation period. I still had no computer. Then I lovingly kept the manuscript and life continued. I finished college, bought a computer in 2011 with my savings, typed the manuscript and it was accepted and published in the year 2011.

Even so, the situation was still not good. I had fulfilled the dream of publishing a book, but I did not even know the publishing market, the forms of publication and dissemination, and the financial conditions were still very bad. I had to drop my dream a second time and dedicate myself to public tenders.

With great dedication on my part, I went on a public tender with a reasonable salary. I took possession with thirty years. Thanks to Yahweh, I now had more prospects of fulfilling my dreams. Five months later, I rekindled my hope and went back to writing. From there, I did not stop.

The public service gives me some security so I can write in my spare time. Today, I have more than ten completed works. That first book, written in 2009, entitled "Opposing Forces", the first title in the series "The Seer", has so far been translated into Italian, French, English, Russian and Spanish. Then it is the beginning of the fulfillment of the promises of Yahweh for my life, the conquest of the world.

In short, we must believe in God and his promises because he is capable of this and more. Blessed be my spiritual father!

The Word Revealed

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