Читать книгу The Word Revealed - Aldivan Teixeira Torres, Daniele Giuffre' - Страница 9

The ark and the flood as symbols


A long time ago the earth suffered a great universal catastrophe indisputable from the scientific point of view and reported philosophically in various cultures. Our planet was covered with water and most of the terrestrial beings succumbed. However, one question remains: What does Yahweh God have to do with this?

Analyzing this important historical phenomenon, I have something to say: The God that I believe and love that is designated as my father is not selective. For him, all humans are equal, what sets them apart is their values, intelligence and ability. So, he would in no way have chosen a human to survive to the detriment of others because he has characteristics of kindness, wisdom, and justice. He too was not responsible for the flood because of human sin. God the Father in his wisdom created the earth and other stars independently so that everything that happens in this environment is only the consequences of natural events of which he has no responsibility at all.

How, then, can we see human legends on this subject such as the epic of Gilgamesh and the biblical account? They should be seen as a sign. Noah is the righteous one who, because of his works, is chosen by God to be saved from a Universal Martyrdom which can be interpreted in the plant-harvest relationship, which is inclusive, that is, as long as man follows the precepts of the creator chosen for a salvation, help that is open to every human being.

Yahweh is not a hangman God who judges you or who keeps pointing out your sins. He wants to be discovered little by little and if you brother opens up to his light and believe in his name he can turn your life into joy. Because he is willing to understand you, to support you and to help you in all that is necessary by making you a Noah, the man saved from the tempestuous forces of fate. So be it!

The Word Revealed

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