Читать книгу The Dark Night Of The Soul - Aldivan Teixeira Torres, Daniele Giuffre' - Страница 18

Back to the cabin


After the completion of the third challenge, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I decide to go immediately back to the cabin in order to have a rest. With that in mind, I took the first steps and my preoccupations turn to the next challenge and to the mysterious and incognita figure of the Hindu who I still did not know. Could it be that I was capable of assimilating his knowledge? Could the fourth challenge be more dangerous than the previous ones? Well, I would try to find the answers to those questions when I meet the said person. In meantime, I should assimilate in full the knowledge acquired on the three past challenges. The walking pace is intense and I have already covered a third of the way back. Who was I at that moment? Not only a simple dreamer who climbed the mountain in search of an unknown destiny, but someone in search of the knowledge, the total control and understanding about the aspects of the dark night, the same dark night capable of saving or condemning a person. Those aspects were essential in my formation as seer and man. Only then I could pursue my career in search for mysteries and truths hidden for centuries, with the aim of making many hearts dream. What is life without dreams? A great emptiness without meaning or soul. Therefore, my new attitude in search of such ardent knowledge.

A walk a little longer and I have already covered more than half the distance. At this moment I feel very tired, but try to forget and carry on walking. After all, I have learned at the cave that a man is only dignified when he shows dignity and this includes perseverance, effort and dedication. This was precisely what I was trying to cultivate on the path to meet destiny, which I would have to run after, even if I wanted to reach the so necessary evolution. This was essential in my career so that I could continue to enchant hearts of all ages. It was for them and for the wonderful Universe, which has gifted me, that was once more taking risks on the mountain. The journey has been worthwhile, for I already have found out the origin of the dark night and two more important aspects. Six more stages needed for the final revelation. I get close to my temporary ceiling, the place where I rest from this tiring adventure. I feel straight away the guardian lady’s presence, who has helped me so much in my way. As I get near, she initiates the dialogue:

—So, you have accomplished the third challenge. Congratulations! Now, tell me about your experiences and conclusions. I want to be sure that you are prepared to go further on the complex path of the dark night of the soul.

—Before anything else, I would like to thank you for your helpfulness and dedication to my cause. Without your advice, I certainly would not be able to surmount all the adversities that I have come across. Understand that from now on my victory will be also your victory. About the aspects of the dark night of the soul I learnt that pride is the origin of that dark night. It prevents the individual to see the most adequate path to evolve and reach the Father. Besides, those that are fooled by this sin, become self-sufficient, and, as consequence of their acts, lose all contact with the forces of the light which could help in their mission. Analysing well this sin, I ended up concluding that humility is the only and best antidote, for only the humble can triumph. As in relation to avarice, the second cardinal sin, I was able to conclude that it closes the human being heart to the pain and problems of the others. We need to understand that wealth, power and social ostentation are not eternal. There are only material assets and must serve as means to reach the desired and necessary evolution. How does this happen? Through donations, charity and detachment. Thinking a little more about this sin, I conclude that the avaricious will never evolve and probably will be condemned by the pursuing dark night. As for lust, it affects the morality aspects and the dignity of the human being. Currently there is a trivialization of the sacred which perverts the feelings and the person’s heart, making it impure. With that the contact with the Holy Father, who wants only our wellbeing, is lost. Analysing the situation, I can say that the sins of the flesh, including lust, are the most dangerous ones, for they control the human instincts. We need, indeed, make our spiritual and rational side prevail over our animal side. Lust is capable of condemning, if the person persist in erring.

—Interesting. I feel you have the capacity of evolving even further, but for the time being it is enough. You can progress to the next challenge, the meeting with the Hindu. He is a wise man, coming from abroad, specializing in the last four cardinal sins. If you succeed with him, you can go further, towards the third challenge.

—Well, I am not too sure about being helped by this Hindu. He is trustworthy?

— If you doubt, it means that you are not ready yet. But if you really want the knowledge then you have no choice. My part is done, now is you and your new master.

—Where can I find him?

—He lives right here, on the mountain, on the north-western side, in a little sap house. When you see him, tell him you were sent by the spirit of the mountain. He will promptly attend to you.

—Thank you for everything guardian lady. I will never forget you.

—Don’t worry. We will still see each other times for you are going to need me and my advice. Good luck in your path, son of God, may you achieve your most profound dreams.

Suddenly, the guardian lady disappears without trace. Who was she precisely? Right up to today I don’t know, despite having spent time with her. The only thing I was sure at that moment was that she was part of the mountain and world’s mystery, someone worthy of not being forgotten. After she left, I rested a little and after I would begin to get ready for the meeting with the mysterious Hindu.

The Dark Night Of The Soul

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