Читать книгу Cosmos – Great Deceiver - Aleksandr Khorev - Страница 2

Foreword for English speaking readers


I started writing this book in 2010, that is, ten years ago, and transferred the finished version to the publishing house two years ago. Since then, my views on the structure of our Universe have not changed. Moreover, since I am constantly interested in the opinions of scientists, I began to find confirmation of the correctness of my views on the structure of the Universe in the relevant sections of the Internet. For example, it used to be that our Universe was as flat as a blanket. I believed that our Universe is a flat surface of a ball. And recently, materials began to come across to me that some scientists also believe that our Universe is a ball. Here, for example, is one quote: “Everything that we know about the shape of the Universe may be a mistake. It is possible that our Universe is not flat, but spherical, the authors of a new study say. The results of their work were published on Monday (November 4) in the journal Nature Astronomy.” And another quote: “A team of scientists led by the cosmologist of the University of Manchester, Eleonora Di Valentino decided to cast doubt on the fundamental characteristic of the Universe – its shape. As it known, most of the available astronomical observations speak in favor of a model of a flat Universe, in which light moves in a straight line. Nevertheless, the authors of a new study say that outer space surrounding us can be curved and closed like a giant sphere, and light rays frame this space in a circle and return to the starting point. The findings of the scientists are based on the new data published last year by the Planck mission – the astronomical satellite of the European Space Agency (ESA), which was in space from 2009 to 2013.”

I gave an example about only one of my assumptions, and not the main one.

See how much time has passed since my assumption – 10 years. I have no complicated scientific formulas, only logic. But I am sure that all my other guesses about the structure of our Universe will be confirmed sooner or later.

Basically, the essence of what I wanted to convey to the reader is the amazing paradoxes presented by the constancy of the speed of light. This is truly amazing and, as it were, goes far beyond the limits of ordinary human thinking. When my thoughts on this subject led to paradoxical and completely unexpected conclusions about the structure of the Universe, I had a desire to share my thoughts with everyone who is interested in astronomy as well as I do. I was not at all interested in the commercial success of my book. I just wanted to convey my findings to other people. At first I tried to send the results of my thoughts in the form of articles to various scientific journals. But, since I have no scientific works and corresponding degrees, they politely sent me to hell. Then I decided to try to collect all the results of my thoughts in the form of one small book and publish it. Thanks to Ridero, they took on the job. But the result was zero. That is absolute zero. No one reader wanted to read my book. Bookstores refused to accept it for sale. I guess that, despite the amazing conclusions that I came to when thinking about the constancy of the speed of light, apparently the methods of my presentation are not of interest to readers. Here, after all, it is necessary not only to read my conclusions, but to come to them themselves, based on how I came to them.

I advise English-speaking readers not to linger on the first chapters of the book, but to begin immediately with chapters about time, the speed of light and the structure of the Universe. Especially it should be borne in mind that our Universe is a flat surface of the balloon, and all the stars and galaxies are located on it, like painted flowers on a balloon. And the fact that we see stars everywhere is just an optical illusion, directly related to the speed of light. This is one of the paradoxes of the speed of light and, believe me, is not the only thing that I was trying to tell in my book to readers interested in space. Of course, I am not very upset about my inability to convey to the readers interesting for me discoveries. I’m sure that the truth will strike its way, and what I’m – an amateur trying unsuccessfully to tell readers will be told in 10 to 20 years by scientists who are trying to figure out the structure of our Universe.

Stars carry their light to the Earth for millions of years. A few decades is a moment for the Universe.

Let’s wait.

Cosmos – Great Deceiver

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