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5. Mandl J. N., Schneider C., Schneider D. S., Baker M. L. (2018). Going to Bat(s) for Studies of Disease Tolerance. Front. Immunol. 9: 2112.

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14. O’Shea T. J., Cryan P. M., Cunningham A. A., Fooks A. R., Hayman D. T. S., Luis A. D., Peel A. J., Plowright R. K., Wood J. L. N. (2014). Bat Flight and Zoonotic Viruses. Emerging Infectious Diseases Vol. 20, No. 5.

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18. Foley N. M., Hughes G. M., Huang Z., Clarke M., Jebb D., Whelan C. V., Petit E. J., Touzalin F., Farcy O., Jones G., Ransome R. D., Kacprzyk J., O’Connell M. J., Kerth G., Rebelo H., Rodrigues L., Puechmaille S. J., Teeling E.C. (2018). Growing old, yet staying young: The role of telomeres in bats’ exceptional longevity. Sci. Adv.4.

19. Chionh Y. T., Cui J., Koh J., Mendenhall I. H., Ng J. H. J., Low D., Itahana K., Irving A. T., Wang L.-F. (2019). High basal heat-shock protein expression in bats confers resistance to cellular heat/oxidative stress. Cell Stress and Chaperones 24: 835–849.

20. Schountz T., Baker M. L., Butler J., Munster V. (2017). Immunological Control of Viral Infections in Bats and the Emergence of Viruses Highly Pathogenic to Humans. Front. Immunol. 8: 1098.

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25. Irving A.T., Ahn M., Goh G., Anderson D. E., Wang L.-F. (2021). Lessons from the host defenses of bats, a unique viral reservoir. Nature. Vol. 589 (7842): 363–370.

Парадоксы эволюции. Как наличие ресурсов и отсутствие внешних угроз приводит к самоуничтожению вида и что мы можем с этим сделать

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