Читать книгу New Pandemics, Old Politics - Alex de Waal - Страница 2
1 Cover
6 1 Following the Science, Following the Script Following the Science A Week Is a Long Time The ‘War on Disease’ Storyline Towards Democratic, Ecological Public Health Notes
7 2 The Rage of Numbers: Cholera Cholera as Protagonist Cholera on the March Clausewitz and Cholera Post-Mortem on Clausewitz Cholera’s New Order The Streets of London Cholera’s Empire Declaring War on Disease The Train from Berlin Notes
8 3 Metamorphosis: Influenza The War before the War The Jester How It Began ‘Warriors’ A Story That Could Not Be Told Track Changes Notes
9 4 Who, Whom: HIV/AIDS Cohabiting with HIV HIV’s Thread After Austerity, after Conflict, after Apartheid Love and Liberation AIDS in the Margins of Error No Singular Story Notes
10 5 Imagined Unknowns: Pandemic X ‘Outbreak’ Institutionalizing Uncertainty Pandemic Preparedness Meets Bio-Terror Viruses Are Things of Beauty SARS: Storylines for Outbreak X Influenza: How to Name a Pandemic? The Usual Suspect, Ebola Notes
11 6 Emancipatory Catastrophe? Covid-19 De-Prepared Disruptive Capitalism and the Coronavirus What Is It Like to Be a Bat (Virus)? Alternatives to the ‘War on Disease’ Notes
12 References
13 Index
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