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A (Prelative). – relative consumption. The proposed load;

Aloss (t1, t2) – the difference between the incoming supply of goods and serviced supplies of goods;

Ainc. (t1, t2) – incoming supply of goods over a period of time (t1, t2);

Aserved. (t1, t2) – the sum of the quantities of goods handled by consumer group during the period (t1, t2).;

TGD. – the demand value for time of greatest demand;

Aobs. – the demand value during the observation;

a – the load intensity coming from a single source;

c‘receiv s the number of received requests;

c‘serv – the number of serviced requests;

c‘lost. – the number of lost requests;

c‘– average length of queue or average numbers delays batches of goods;

Pmax– maximum consumption;

goods. – losses of volume of goods;

request. – losses in the number of requests for suggestion of goods;

goods. – losses of volume of goods;

P t- losses of implementation time;

p (γ> 0) the probability that the waiting time is greater than zero – that is, the probability of queue;

p (γ> t) – the probability of waiting for any incoming product over time t;

(R> r) – the probability that the queue length exceeds the specified value r);

(γ) – the average waiting time in relation all requests received;

γ delay the average waiting time of only a delayed requests;

Λ (t1, t2) -the mathematical expectation of the number of supplies placed on the market in the time interval [t1, t2);

μ (t1.t2). – the instantaneous flow rate;

Mathematics of the market. Service random flow

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