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1.1.3. The contribution of Heraclitus to the development of the doctrine of Harmony


Starting from antiquity to the present day, Heraclitus remains one of the most popular philosophers in the history of philosophy. In 1961, on the recommendation of the World Peace Council, the 2500th anniversary of the birth of Heraclitus was celebrated. Such an anniversary is usually celebrated to commemmorate the history of some world-famous ancient cities or countries, but to do so for a person is rare and unusual.

Heraclitus believed that everything is constantly changing. The idea of the eternal motion was presented by Heraclitus in the bright image of the ever-flowing river (Fig. 1.2). The postulate on the universal variability of the world, one of the cornerstones of all dialectics, is compressed by Heraclitus in the famous formula: “It is impossible to enter twice into the same river.

Fig. 1.2. Heraclitus.

As Shestakov points out [10], “in the aesthetics of Heraclitus, ontological understanding of harmony is at the forefront. Harmony is inherent, above all, the objective world of things, the cosmos itself what is inherent to the nature of art. It is characteristic that when Heraclitus wants to reveal the nature of harmony most clearly, he turns to fine arts. Best of all, Heraclitus illustrated the harmony of the Cosmos by the image of the lyre, in which the differently strained strings create a perfect harmony.

But, in the aesthetics of Heraclitus, there is also a moment of evaluation. This is especially pronounced in the doctrine of two kinds of harmony: “hidden” and “obvious”. Heraclitus prefers the “hiddenHarmony. Widely known is the following saying of Heraclitus: “The hidden harmony is stronger than the obvious.

Cosmos, as the highest and most perfect beauty, is an example of the Hidden Harmony. Only at first glance the cosmos seems to be a chaos. In fact, a play of elements and events conceals “the most beautiful harmony”.

Mathematics of Harmony as a New Interdisciplinary Direction and “Golden” Paradigm of Modern Science

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