Читать книгу Vegans Save the World - Alice Alvrez - Страница 14


Can You Make a Difference?

Once you start reading about the millions of animals being held in such poor conditions in the food industry, it can be overwhelming.

Well, one person cannot change the entire industry—that much is clear. But for every person who does, it’s one step closer. You’d be surprised how a single person’s lifestyle and diet can impact the lives of hundreds of animals.

To put it in perspective, here are some figures on what the “average” person consumes in a year:

• 189 pounds of liquid milk per year

(about 23 gallons)

• 31 pounds of cheese

• 200 pounds of pork, beef, and poultry

• 260 eggs

Granted, it’s not that easy to visualize the actual animals behind these figures, but you can still get the overall idea. For the 200 lbs of meat, that roughly represents 1 entire pig. So over a decade of vegan eating, you are “saving” the lives of 10 adult pigs. And that’s only regarding meat.

In just a year, that’s a lot of animal-based food you’re NOT eating. And don’t forget, these are just the obvious products that come directly from animals. By avoiding all the hidden ingredients as well as animal-based materials like leather, you are adding to your personal impact.

Vegans Save the World

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