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Buy in Bulk

Now, this tip is about buying bulk foods (the kind where you bag your own) and not just buying large quantities at Costco. Most people know this can be a way to save money with grocery staples like sugar, flour or beans, but there is a great environmental aspect to bulk food too. It’s all about the packaging or, really, the lack of packaging.

The specifics vary by the type of food. Some foods are already sold in recyclable packages anyway, so the bigger benefit lies in products that are sold in non-recyclable materials. Things that come in foil-based packages, some types of paper packaging, or all those types of plastic you can’t put in your blue bin are examples where bulk is better.

Using non-packaged bulk food in your home can save thousands of pounds of garbage each year. Another benefit to buying food at a bulk store is that you can control your quantities better, which can mean less waste if you only need a small amount. Why buy a package that has more than you need?

If you haven’t spent any time in a bulk food store recently, the variety of foods available is surprising. Larger stores will carry all your usual baking ingredients, as well as bins of dried fruit, pet food, pasta, candy, coffee, spices, trail mixes, dry cereal, and a lot more. Really good bulk food chains are also carrying plenty of organic options.
Get a collection of containers to keep your bulk goodies in. The bags you get at the store are fine for some things, but a sturdier tub or jar would be better for most stuff. Save your old spaghetti sauce or peanut butter jars for free containers.
Start shopping at your bulk store next time you need a few things, and see how much money and garbage you can save.

Green Homekeeping

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