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Теоретическое осмысление труда и досуга
Лень и прокрастинация как практики активизма
Данила Расков
Список литературы


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Danila Raskov

Author’s affiliation: Associate Professor, PhD in Economics, Chair of the Problems of Interdisciplinary Synthesis in the Sphere of Social Sciences and Humanities, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia, danila.raskov@gmail.com.

Procrastination and inaction in the “culture of total labor” is often referred to as marginal activities or even diseases. Teh aim of the article is to show at the philosophical level that, on the contrary, procrastination, refusal of labor and inaction are active and creative practices that form meaningful work. Procrastination, or delaying the execution, allows you to perform many other, unplanned tasks. Refusal of work is embedded in creative work and is the practice whose potential in the form of “lazy action” or “Lazi-ness” is well understood in the framework of the artistic avant-garde (Malevich, Duchamp). Finally, the most radical form – inaction – allows us to go beyond the opposition of labor and leisure. Inaction as an aimless, pointless, impractical action becomes a switch for a new, creative act. Teh article, thereby, shows the pragmatics of such practices as procrastination, refusal of work and inaction for freedom of action.

Keywords: inaction, procrastination, leisure, idleness, laziness, refusal of work.

Труд и досуг

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