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Chapter IV


When the oppositionist is worse the official

Friendship against the blood.

Where the dictatorship comes from and where leads.

The traditional elite always could stand out and separate themselves from the rest of the crowd. At first, the crowd was understood as the inhabitants of one village and numerous close and distant relatives, then all the rootless and conquered peoples. And the family law required everyone to take care of their own blood. The Patriarchal elite was also to take care of the people. They could not and did not think of any other way to live. Any such village was a collective of mutual assistance and mutual support. This picture is still the same among the peoples of the tradition.

Probably, there comes a time when such care begins to strain the upper classes. Can someone stand high above others or can’t possibly protect others and feed them. Each case requires specific lighting. Maybe the relatives themselves have become lazy, they don’t want to go to war for the leader, because conquests are always trophies for everyone, or maybe they don’t even want to work. In addition, there are always competitors among relatives. Sometimes even the most half-brothers and close relatives became bitter enemies, there are a thousand examples of this, especially when it was necessary to share power and inheritance. In General, we will assume that some elite wants to separate from their relatives so that everyone can clearly see that they are the elite. They say we are all people, maybe even from the same village, maybe blood brothers, citizens of the same state, and we certainly want to get the most.

These two tendencies of fraternal hypocrisy and the immediate struggle for absolute power cannot be taken away. It is not immediately visible, it is not even clear what is really more important. On the one hand, all people from the periphery show at feasts that they are very close, irreplaceable as the real relatives, on the other side, there is no competition more evil than competition within this very family and this very circle. The same situation is possible at the very top. On the one side the traditional government presses on kinship: we are one people, they say, one country. On the other hand, it seems to this people that people from outside, that is, strangers, people in power would be less greedy than their own. It turns out that it is better for a conditional brother to be friends or, more precisely, to be in an Alliance with a stranger by blood, and for a people with a seemingly strange people at first glance. This has nothing to do with blood or the obligation to yield to an older person in the hierarchy with the main credo: you are for me, I am for you. And all the rest is the accompanying hypocrisy. It is clear that if you can do for me, I do for you.

Why are people of the same blood, the same tribe, and the same culture so despotic towards their own people? For example the bankers with their draconian interest rates.

Reason №1.

A radical desire to stand out and rise above everyone. Most of all, it is characteristic of outcasts. The first passion is the passion to prove and take revenge. If some people in search of terrible energy find the answer in Gumilyov’s passionarity, then they are mistaken and the tale of sub-passionaries will not help them. All the time to look for energy in people, because somewhere a crack has formed in the earth’s crust, it is, at least, ridiculous. Only the two-color tribal soul, the existence in the world of sharp categories of good-bad, friend – enemy you can find the answer, why if something is denied, then very clearly, if something is repelled, then very roughly. Elite means are elite. To push so hard. This is a world of contrasts and pressures.

The imposition of kinship together with responsibility for the crowd, then a sharp denial creates the phenomenon of feudal domination or repulsion. From the opposite: for – against, no – Yes, brother – stranger, and so on. This world is two-colored. Related people at the time of the crisis, and this may be a narrowing of the area due to the defeat, narrowing of borders, want to sharply separate themselves in their homes. The upper classes and feudal lords hide from their enemies in feudal castles all the time. Officials hide behind laws that protect them like the walls of a fortress. Officials above the law. Well, in castles, too.

Down with the relationship! Dizzy with success.

But the elite can also stand out from a series of victories. Vertigo of the traditional elite. They will want to fence themselves off from people and leave only the household and loyal servants. This dog-like loyal household is a very characteristic accompaniment of feudalism. Under the monarchy all the rooms are packed with servants. If some blood-related group wants to say something, comes with a contender for the chair, it will mean a war of competitors. But if it is necessary to resist other peoples, then the closest circle can play the role of a friend, although relatives or friends can play for themselves. In any case, one day there will be a desire for undivided total domination of any of the allies. If the traditional culture remains the main one in this area, then every such feudal leader will strive to get rid of any competitors, no matter what it takes. (This was, even when the Soviet people were present as a phenomenon of comradely proletarian solidarity in international expansion. The repression was evidence of this).

There will be reminders that we are one people, one family, one country. And at this very time people will always feel that something very heavy is pressing down from above and pressing on their backs. On one family, one nation, one country, oddly enough, the same old feudal boot presses, it is the boot of the leader and his court servants. The one who is a brother or in any case is considered a brother and son presses and presses along with other people’s sons in the literal sense. These very sons literally came out of the people from their very depths and niches. All the court servants in their highly polished boots guard the secret of this origin.

So, it turns out that the clan itself, or the people, or the Union of tribes chooses or tries to select from themselves not the most noble, but the most passionate. And in the name of proving their superiority, the boots of the new rulers, who are considered brothers, become heavier and heavier. Despotic phenomena are growing. The traditional elite pupates into a narrow and hateful (or at least unpleasant) circle of fraternal boots. And this is not one and not a particular phenomenon. This is the system. This is culture I’m the boss, you’re nobody.

So what happens? We just need to let them calm down.

It is necessary to give such supreme relatives a chance to calm down. Make it clear that yes, we as the people recognize them as the elite, elected persons and authorized heirs of the bluest blood. That we don’t claim their places of honor. Let them have fun in their high tent. We do not impose on them as relatives and do not want to add to the court staff. Although these bosses love loyal people like dogs. Who wants success, let them make a loyal appearance. The contradiction of the traditional people can be solved very simply. So that other «relatives» do not look for a friend, and then a prop for a riot in the neighbors, the opposition and the violators of the brotherhood should be outlawed. Those who oppose the brotherhood cause chaos. They wants to catch a fish in muddy water. And in General, the dogs are better than oppositionists.

Reason №2

That post-kin people don’t know what friendship is, but they know what kinship is, we already know. Friendship is a soft phenomenon outside the generic hard field and categorical: friend – stranger, friend – enemy, good – bad. Therefore, the generic or post-generic fiction always strives to get away from the rigid coupling with relatives, to show who I am and who you are. Those who do not know friendship and did not know, he always wants to strengthen the lack of friendship, with relatives or people, there is no difference. Where there are people in General, friendship always comes first. Friendship or solidarity of rulers and so-called citizens. But where there are no citizens, simply because there is no friendship, but there is a blood relationship or post-relationship, as you want to call it, in General, there are no people who are friends with each other, there will be orders and dictates. You can’t make friends with your family. Then they will come and do nothing. Everyone will become idlers. All will come to rule and enrich themselves with their brothers, their relatives near and far. Others who are not directly related will insist that they are one people: «Ruler, why are you offending us?»

And who is going to work? Most importantly, physical labor immediately becomes a lot of the lower classes, almost slaves. This is a different question, who works and who only eats.

Autocracy vs. fake

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