Читать книгу Maidan in Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs - Алмаз Браев - Страница 10

Chapter 8


The Infernal Wheel

It’s time to decipher this phenomenon of Maidan suicide. After all, no one wants war, they don’t want victims, and they don’t want their own blood, anyway. The feeling that it is him, the Maidan agitator, who will carry through and there will be a bright future (or rather, personal business, things will get better, and all corrupt officials will be lustrated!

In revcon, the term flotagia first appeared, namely, how market rules change a person of traditional upbringing and culture. This does not mean that traditional people themselves are immune to the market. Rather, they don't. The most accurate example of this was shown by the vote in the Bundestag, where Muslim migrants voted for same-sex marriage, although, in theory, they should have influenced white people with the strictness of their morals and upbringing. The market is a market, it absorbs everyone, both migrants and non-migrants: migrants and people in general, brought up in the traditional way, even faster, even faster than the same scoops (Soviet people). Traditional people lose everything they had in the form of culture and upbringing. Traditional culture and traditional upbringing. The bulk of the adherents of market civilization are former traditional people, they are also collective farmers (to put it simply).

And here's why.

In connection with the market and pressure on Russian-speaking moral speakers. Yes, yes, not language, but morality, – morality has changed. Principles have disappeared. Will a principled integral person engage in corruption? Of course not. This is closer to the traditional culture, it turns out a new pseudo-city corporation and a group of crypto-minded people. These are the very ones who did not get into the relatives or like-minded people for the accumulation of capital of zef will naturally hate Nazarbayev and his people, because they did not get into the elite detachments. Here they are – former officials, former bankers and people fed by them will most of all desire the Maidan and lustration of their predecessors.


Flotagia is the replacement of principles with petty egoisms in most of the provincials, who did not know these very principles and did not have time to understand what it is. There are no principles, there is no choice of means, there is a mad passion, just a crazy passion to be like Europeans. But this imitation is certainly mechanical and material, nothing more.

Maidan in Asia. Kazakhs and Arabs

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