Читать книгу Kazakhs and Jews - Алмаз Браев - Страница 4

Chapter 3


Caesar and the Sheep

It just so happens that sheep should see the shepherd and the people the lord.

If ordinary people do not see the lord, they will begin to «command» themselves. And all shepherds know what comes of it (especially Kazakhs. This feeling is at the level of genetics in most people). Sheep without a shepherd are doomed to be eaten by wolves. These are the laws of nature. There’s nothing you can do.

Examples of naturalism are not at all to entertain but to think.

When people do not see the master, they disperse (not necessarily literally, in the sense that they migrate to other parts of the world); when people do not have faith, they pray for inanimate objects (stones, things, money trees, tarot cards and stars with palmistry). If there are many faiths in the territory, then this is not just «democracy»; this is total paganism – many gods, many elitists (in our case, many oligarchs. People want to get rich in order to be crypto leaders. And this is impossible. And every nouveau riche knows this. But to be a local leader for at least five minutes is the genetics of a wandering sheep).


In order for the population not to disperse across the steppe, the «sheep» (sheep) should see one central figure of the «shepherd» (shepherd in Kazakh). Otherwise, the fattest of the herd begins to take the whole sheep to the wolves: all the meat and wool. At any moment, the most powerful oligarch can have all his billions taken away (and these are not his billions). It was the property of the whole herd – the people. Who lost both a strong leader and a core faith for a while.

So a strong leader and traditional faith are a guarantee of prosperity.

A weak leader and paganism portend future upheavals. But first, stealing or scattering sheep all over the world.

In this sense, Jews are the best teachers for all peoples, by their example (in 2000 years), teaching different nomads how to believe and how to live (so that wolves do not eat). The backgammon must have faith if the people do not have an obvious leader. The Jews have taught many people to believe in God. But first, the Jews believed in themselves. It is not for me to judge what came out of their God-chosen.

But let’s start, perhaps, with the fact that the wisest King Solomon had many wives and concubines (something like a thousand). He built the first temple. He spent a lot of money on it (and where does he get the money from? Only from the people). Female beauty is a fatal force. At the end of his wise reign (even inside Jerusalem), pagan temples appeared – well, how can you refuse your beloved woman? The Jews, although law-abiding to the supreme power, could not forgive this. Because the Jews (at least the ancients were definitely fanatical believers). So the son of the wisest Solomon, Jeroboam, inherited not only the consequences of pagan cults but also the murmur. As well as potential separatism.

And so it turned out. Instead of one Jewish state, two appeared – Israel was actually added to Judea. There were three tribes in Judea: Judah, Benjamin, and Levin. In Israel, that means the remaining nine (although it is believed that ten tribes – those living in Israel – were stolen into «Assyrian captivity». They didn’t come back from the word at all. Now everyone is still looking for these missing ten tribes – where did they go?).

To summarize.

All peoples who remember their families and seven tribes of ancestors, that is, who are in the tribal system even in modern times, are in danger. In danger of separatism. Which begins with paganism. Paganism begins if people remember not only their seven tribes – let them remember for their health – but also believe anyone (first the dollar and the euro, for example. And who is painted there).

Kazakhs and Jews

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