Читать книгу Rival's Desire - AlTonya Washington - Страница 10

Chapter 3


“You and Miss Carly are tryin’ to baptize us by fire,” Caesar playfully accused during dinner.

Francine and Carlotta laughed.

“It’s the best way!” Carlotta assured him.

“Besides,” Francine added. “We’re confident you two can handle it. We wouldn’t entrust you with our life’s work, otherwise.”

Viv cleared her throat as she cut into the succulent white meat of the Cajun-styled mahi. “Can we at least get an overview of the deals that are about to be closed?”

Carlotta set her fork aside. “The largest deal is the Tydes’ account. A couple from Jamaica—brother and sister. They own a lovely bed-and-breakfast and they’re interested in carrying a line of our dolls in their gift shop.”

“What line?” Caesar asked, cracking the shell of a crab leg.

“Our Island line,” Francine replied. “The Tydes are interested in carrying them exclusively.”

Caesar nodded, dipping the crab meat in a bowl of butter sauce. “How do you two feel about it?”

Francine and Carlotta exchanged wide grins.

“Actually, it’s the deal we’re most excited about,” Carlotta admitted. “Of course, the final yes would be given by the two of you. We’ve informed our clients and employees on the change of power. You can expect everyone’s full cooperation.”

Dinner passed very quickly. Caesar and Viv had a lot of questions about the D.M. Doll Factory and how it functioned. Of course, Carlotta Desmond and Francine Morrison were two savvy businesswomen with a wealth of knowledge. By the time dinner had ended, Caesar and Viv were fully informed on what was expected of them.

“Do you need to stop by your house for anything before we head to the office?” Caesar asked Viv, his hand rested against the small of her back as they walked through the foyer.

Viv shook her head. “I don’t need anything,” she assured him, smiling when he patted her back.

“So, what do you think?” Carlotta asked Francine as they stood beneath the beveled living room doorway and watched their grandchildren leave.

“This is gonna work,” Francine predicted, sending her friend a knowing look.

“Man, when they told us you and Viv were gonna be working here, everybody went crazy. Workin’ for a football player and a singer? Only in America!”

“Well, it’s the off-season for me,” Caesar said. “And Viv had some downtime before really gearing up for her new CD’s touring and release. So our schedules just seemed to work out!”

Caesar and Viv laughed at Jermaine Wilkes, one of the night watchmen at the factory.

“We just hope we don’t embarrass ourselves,” Caesar told Jermaine and the other guard, Thomas Gentry.

Thomas waved his hand. “Please! With those two backin’ you up,” he said, referring to Francine and Carlotta, “they’ll help you out of any pinches you get into around here.”

“Besides, everybody who works here loves to help out,” Jermaine assured them. “With you two, they’ll be fallin’ all over themselves to offer assistance.”

Vivian laughed as she patted both men on the shoulder. “I don’t know about all that, but you got me feelin’ a lot better.”

“Anytime!” Jermaine and Thomas replied in unison. They shook hands with Caesar and watched him follow Viv to the elevators.

“Oh my…goodness,” Viv breathed, her midnight eyes widening when she stepped past the double doors leading to the president’s suite. “They’ve redecorated since I was here last. Look at this.”

“I know,” Caesar agreed, taking in the plush elegance of Francine and Carlotta’s office.

The room was magnificent. It looked less like an office and more like a combination living room, dining room. In the far corner, there was a built-in bookshelf stocked with as many horror, romance and psychological thriller bestsellers as there were business manuals, newspapers and financial journals. Between the polished oak shelves was an impressive glass bar and a small white refrigerator. A fabulous white-leather living room set sat before it. On the opposite side of the office were two glass desks that faced each other. On the wall next to them was a built-in black entertainment center trimmed in gold. A huge TV and stereo sat there. The shelves held a DVD player and movies on one side, a hefty stash of jazz, R&B and classical CDs on the other.

“Damn, when do they find time to work?” Caesar teased, inspecting the titles in the movie collection.

“I’ll say,” Vivian agreed, though both she and Caesar knew their grandmothers deserved the best.

Francine and Carlotta began the D.M. Doll Factory right out of the Brooklyn housing project they lived in as young women. When their husbands left for work, the two of them spent hours designing dolls and clothing. It was just a hobby, something to keep their minds off the reality of living in such poor conditions. When a business fair came to the city one year, Francine and Carlotta took a chance and showed their ideas to a young man seated at a bank booth. He thought the ideas were so great, he talked his bank into fronting them cash to produce the dolls. Moreover, he educated them on the procedures for starting and running a successful business. The factory flourished out of their tiny apartments, then into the houses they moved to later that year. Soon, the need for even more space became necessary.

Vivian took a seat behind one of the desks and turned the dark, tanned swivel chair to the windows. “Caesar, remind me to thank Miss Francine and my grammy for my gorgeous new office.”

Caesar, who was still kneeling in front of the movie case, looked up at Viv and frowned. “Your new office?”

“Mmm…” Viv confirmed, enjoying the myriad city lights twinkling in the distance.

“I know you don’t think all this is yours?” Caesar queried, rising to his full height.

Viv was twisting her chair to and fro, basking in the success that surrounded her. The tone of Caesar’s voice didn’t affect her at all. “Until Miss Frankie and Grammy get back, it is.”

“The hell you say!”

“What?” Viv replied, turning the chair around. She saw Caesar standing behind the other desk, his fists braced on the glass top.

“There is no way you get to have all this, Viv,” he coldly assured her.

Viv’s gaze widened. “You can’t possibly want this office?”

Caesar’s long brows drew close. “Why the hell wouldn’t I?” he barked, spreading his arms wide. “Look at this place.”

“Yes, look at it, Caesar,” Viv prompted, standing behind the desk. “It’s clearly a woman’s office and since this isn’t a permanent thing, there’s no time for you to clutter it with sports magazines, basketball goals and your weight machines.”

Caesar’s thick lashes closed over his striking amber stare as he struggled to control his temper. “That may be so, Plum, but I’m not about to give this place up to you.”

Viv massaged her neck. “We’ll just have to share it, then.”

“It worked for our grandmothers,” Caesar retorted, taking a seat behind the opposite desk.

Headed to the bar, Viv cast him a tired look over her shoulder. “Yeah, but they are friends.”

Caesar’s deep chuckle rose and he leaned back to prop his long legs on the desk. “Ah, Plum, I’ll hate it when you leave.”

“Ah, Caesar, I’m not goin’ anywhere,” Viv assured him, pouring herself a glass of wine.

“Let’s get to work, shall we?” Caesar advised, rising and moving away from the desk to grab the folders off the coffee table.

Viv took a seat on the long sofa. “I thought you’d never ask.”

Finally, the two of them settled down to work. They spent close to two hours reading files. Afterwards, they tossed questions and ideas back and forth. Not once did it occur to them that they were getting along so splendidly. Soon, they were sharing the sofa.

Vivian began to sing softly as she scanned the last file on her list. She didn’t notice Caesar watching her. He had set his papers aside and was sitting with his elbow propped along the back of the sofa.

“That sounds so good,” he whispered, gaze soft.

Viv glanced up at him and smiled. “Thanks.”

Caesar turned his attention back to his papers. “Would you sing for me sometime?”

“Ha!” Viv bellowed, slapping her hand against her thigh as she laughed. “Yeah, right!”

“What’s wrong?” Caesar cried, a murderous frown beginning to cloud his face.

Viv pushed her thick curls away from her face and pinned Caesar with an amused glare. “Caesar, please, do you remember the last time I sang in front of you?”

Caesar shifted his huge frame on the sofa, grimacing at the sound the leather made. “I don’t remember that.”

Viv set her papers aside. “In high school? Your grandmother had that big cookout before our senior year?”

“Oh yeah…yeah I remember now,” Caesar whispered, nodding his head. “That was somethin’ else.”

Viv’s smile was far from humorous. “Yeah, it was somethin’ all right. I got up to sing and all I could hear was you giggling and talkin’ in the back.”

“I did that?” Caesar asked, feigning shock. He pressed one hand against his chest and his slanting, deep-set stare was mockingly innocent.

“You know you did that,” Viv told him, her black stare narrowing. “You were so loud, I heard you say I sounded like a man.”

Caesar’s full, rumbling laughter burst forth. He fell face-first onto the sofa, pounding his fist against the leather cushions. Vivian began to kick him with her foot.

“I’m sorry, Plum!” he cried, almost breathless from laughter. “I was just a kid!”

Viv punished him with another shove from her foot. “That’s no excuse!”

Caesar held his hands over his head to ward off the blows. “Plum, I was too young to appreciate your singing then.”

Viv couldn’t help it and her contagious laughter soon filled the office. “Good try, but I’m not fallin’ for it.” She moved to leave the sofa. Caesar’s large hand closed over Viv’s ankle and he stopped her.

“I’m sorry, Plum. Honest. If you give me another chance, I promise to be a better listener next time around.”

Viv drew her dress above her knees and knelt on the sofa. “You promise?”

“I promise,” he instantly replied, his gaze unwavering.

Again, their eyes mirrored an emotion that made them forget about all the misunderstandings. It was as though the rest of the world faded away, leaving them alone…together.

Caesar’s fingers slid across the space separating them to trail her bare knee. Viv’s lashes fluttered as a rush of sensation coursed through her from the simple caress. When Caesar’s hand curled around her thigh to pull her close, Vivian’s lips parted in anticipation of kissing him.

Papers resting beneath Viv’s knee crinkled when she moved closer. The sound intruded on the moment, forcing them back to reality.

Caesar cleared his throat and pulled his fingers away from Viv’s leg. She pressed her hand against the nerves twisting in her stomach and moved off the sofa.

“I better get home,” she said, reaching for the stylish, peach wedge-heels sitting beneath the coffee table.

Caesar nodded, but said nothing. After Vivian slipped into her shoes, they tidied the office and left.

“I hope your bathroom is okay,” Caesar told Viv, watching as she unlocked her front door.

Viv walked inside and headed right for the stairway. “I do, too!” she called, sprinting up the carpeted steps. Thankfully, the bathroom was in pristine condition and Viv hugged herself. “I’m gonna take that bath I missed out on!”

“You sure you got time?” Caesar asked when Viv walked back into the living room. “You should be trying to get all the rest you can.”

Vivian sent him a knowing look as she walked over to him. “I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be in top shape for our meeting. Don’t worry,” she added, pressing her palms against his chest. The solid, chiseled muscles forced a gasp past her lips. Sometimes, she forgot just how powerfully he was built. “Good night, Caesar,” she whispered quickly, hoping to hide her embarrassment.

Caesar didn’t tease, but a knowing smile tugged at the curve of his lips. “I’ll see you in the morning,” he promised, heading toward the front of the condo.

Vivian followed him to the door. When he was gone, she let her head fall against the polished maple door. “I can’t fall for that man. Please don’t let me.” She felt more attracted to Caesar in that moment than in all the years she had known him.

Still, aside from the fact that she felt desperately attracted to him, Viv steeled herself against letting things go further. It could never work. A fling was out of the question and anything more serious would not be fruitful—literally. Several years ago, Vivian discovered she was unable to have children. Though she tried not to let it make her feel like less of a woman, it was still something she was ashamed of. She survived the anguish of that by reminding herself that she’d not be partly responsible for bringing a child into a world where things changed so rapidly. Things like a parent’s love…Clearing her throat suddenly, Viv dismissed the upsetting memories and focused her thoughts elsewhere.

Caesar Morrison had crafted a well-known, respected image. Part of that image had a lot to do with the way he felt about children. Kids who otherwise would not stand a chance with society, could look to a man like Caesar for advice and consideration. His work with less fortunate or at-risk youth had gained national and, in some cases, international attention. It wasn’t for show—even Vivian could admit that. Caesar truly dedicated himself to standing up for those who couldn’t stand up for themselves.

A fool could see that the man would want children of his own. He deserved to be with a woman who could give him that. Vivian knew that woman could never be her.

Vivian felt more like herself when she arrived at the office early the next morning. She appeared cool, sexy and confident in the stylish, light blue business suit she had chosen for the day. The short, linen blazer hugged her torso, outlining her full breasts adoringly. The matching skirt reached mid-thigh, accentuated the length of her shapely legs.

The D.M. Doll Factory was alive with conversation concerning the arrival of the two superstars. It took Vivian quite a while to make it to the top floor, with everyone wanting a moment to speak with her. She felt even more confident about working there after seeing all the support and smiling faces of the Doll Factory family.

“Hey, Sandra!” Viv called, waving as she gave the tall, lovely woman a bright smile.

Sandra Weathers, executive assistant to both Carlotta Desmond and Francine Morrison, waved back. “Girl! I’m so happy to see you!” Sandra cried as she stepped from around the desk.

Viv pulled the woman into a tight embrace. “How have you been?”

“Just fine!” Sandra confirmed, her round vanilla-complexioned face practically glowing with excitement. “I guess I don’t have to ask you that.” She stepped back to take a better look at Viv. “You look fierce!”

Viv threw her head back and laughed. “Sweetie, you should get paid extra just for the way you compliment!”

“Thank you. I’ll make a note of that.”

“So, how’ve you been really?” Viv asked again.

Sandra shrugged. “Working.”

Viv appeared to be shocked. “Working? What about romancing?”

“Romancing?” Sandra replied, her hazel eyes widening. “Girl, please! It’s slim pickin’s around here!”

Viv tapped one French-manicured nail to her chin and frowned. “I don’t know about that, girl. I saw some pretty nice specimens when I walked in this morning.”

Sandra smiled, as well. “Well, so did I this morning when Caesar Morrison walked in.”

Viv rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Oh, please don’t tell me they’re fallin’ all over him already?”

Sandra stepped forward and brushed her hand against Viv’s arm. “Honey, you didn’t know? I think every woman in this place has made an effort to get on this floor for some reason just to get a glimpse of the man.”

“Mmm…” Viv gestured, her dark eyes twinkling mischievously. “They sound very happy to have him here.”

“Humph. We are,” Sandra assured her. “Come on, lemme give you the fifty-cent tour and get you reacquainted with this place.”

“I understand you and Caesar are sharing the office?” Sandra remarked as she and Viv entered the break room—their last stop.

“Unfortunately, that’s true,” Vivian sighed, peeking inside the tall, chrome refrigerator.

Sandra folded her arms across her chest and leaned against the paneled countertop. “I know a lot of people who would gladly trade places with you.”

“They can have it.”

“Mmm-hmm. Put it in writing.”

The two of them burst into laughter. Then Sandra patted Viv’s shoulder and headed for the door. “Talk to you later, girl.”

“All right!” Viv called, inspecting the cabinets. “I’ll be out after I make a cup of tea,” she said, choosing a box of flavored herbal blends. She reached for a pot of hot water and filled a black mug.

“Is that Vivian Desmond I see?”

Viv turned to the doorway and screamed. “Ray Warren, I didn’t know you still worked here!” she cried, holding her arms out to the tall, brown-complexioned man who approached her.

Ray pulled Viv against him and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Girl, you know I can’t leave those two old women!”

Viv laughed. “Ha! You mean they won’t let you leave!”

Ray’s deep laughter filled the room. “Same difference.”

“I know.”

“So, how long are y’all gonna be working here?” Ray asked, his warm, dark-brown gaze questioning.

Viv shrugged. “We’re not sure. It’s up to the grannies.”

Ray chuckled. “Well, you and I need to have lunch or something before you jet off.”

“Hey, we should do it today. I really don’t know what the rest of my schedule will be like.”

Ray checked his watch. “I’m free around one.”

Viv thought for a moment. “Sounds good to me. Come by the office and we’ll head out.”

Ray leaned forward and kissed her cheek again. “I’ll see you then,” he whispered before heading out of the room.

Vivian collected her things and headed out a few minutes behind Ray. The president’s office was located around the corner at the end of a long corridor. When she stood outside the double polished oak doors, she took a deep breath and headed inside.

“Good morning, Caesar,” she greeted in an airy voice.

Caesar looked up from the folder he had been studying. His bright, deep-set eyes narrowed as they raked over Viv’s gorgeous figure in the flattering light blue suit. A long whistle flew past his lips, followed by a deep chuckle, when Viv twirled around for him.

“Very nice,” he complimented, reclining in the large black-suede chair he had requested.

Viv set her briefcase and mug on the desk and nodded. “You, too.” She took in the beige pin-striped suit he wore with a beige silk vest beneath and matching tie.

“I appreciate it,” he replied, his eyes still sweeping Viv’s body with heated strokes.

“I’m glad we didn’t have to argue about the desks,” Viv conceded, taking a seat.

Caesar’s brows rose as he turned his attention back to the files he’d been studying. “If I remember correctly,” he began, “I never really lost my temper about the whole thing. It’s you who always has an angry word for everything.”

“Me?” Viv breathed. “You lying dog. You almost ripped my head off when I mentioned havin’ this office to myself.”

Caesar leaned back in the chair and propped his legs on top of the desk. “I don’t think so,” he argued thoughtfully, scratching the line of his brow.

“Oooh! You make me so damn mad!” Viv clenched and unclenched her fists. Her blue pumps tapped the carpet methodically.

Caesar pressed his lips together to keep from smiling. He let Viv stew for a moment before making another comment. “You know, Plum, if you need me to handle the meeting, I can.”

Viv shook her head, curly dark tendrils dangling outside the sleek French roll she wore. “Why would I need or want you to handle the meeting?”

“Well, you still seem to be on edge from last night,” he told her, pretending to be engrossed with the contents of the folder he held. “I’m a lot calmer, so I’ll probably make a better impression with the Tydes and—”

“Forget it, Caesar Morrison,” Viv snapped, standing behind her desk. “If you think I’m gonna let you handle everything and look like Snow White for the grannies, you got another think coming.”

Just then, the buzzer sounded.

“Yeah, Sandra?” Caesar called into the intercom as he watched Viv standing before him with her fists braced on the desk.

“Caesar, Kitty and Derrix Tydes are here for your meeting.”

“Thanks, Sandra, we’ll be right out,” he replied, standing behind his desk, as well. “So? Are you ready?” he asked Viv, his sleek brows rising in challenge.

Viv grabbed her portfolio and walked around the desk. “I pray we get through this meeting without a scuffle.”

Caesar laughed and offered her his hand. He smiled when Viv accepted it.

“Let’s do this.”

A short, brown-complexioned couple waited in the quiet, cozy lobby outside the president’s suite. They stood when Caesar and Vivian walked out to meet them.

Sandra had just arrived with a tray of coffee and smiled when she saw everyone. “Caesar Morrison and Vivian Desmond, this is Derrix and Kitty Tydes of the Tydes Inn, Kingston.”

Caesar and Viv stepped forward to shake hands with the brother and sister. Meanwhile, Sandra poured four cups of coffee and headed into the office.

“Your grandmothers told us they had beautiful grandchildren, but they did not tell us how beautiful,” Kitty remarked, her brown eyes twinkling merrily.

“Thank you,” Caesar and Viv replied in unison.

“We hope you’re as interested in our proposal as your grandmothers are,” Derrix stated, his expression clearly questioning.

Viv stepped forward and placed her hand in the crook of the handsome, older man’s arm. “Our grandmothers gave us plenty of information regarding your proposal. We assure you we’re very interested.”

Caesar nodded in agreement before smiling down at Kitty. “Shall we?” he asked, waving one hand toward the office.

“Mmm. This coffee is delicious!” Viv exclaimed later when they were all seated in the office.

Kitty Tydes practically beamed. “Thank you, dear. It’s a blend we serve in our inn.”

“Well, if the coffee’s this good, I can imagine what the food tastes like,” Caesar said, placing his cup and saucer on the coffee table.

“It used to be served in the gourmet coffee shops, until we convinced the owner of the recipe to let us serve it exclusively,” Derrix informed them.

Viv’s striking dark eyes widened. “And they gave it to you?”

Derrix shrugged. “For the right price.”

“But,” Kitty interjected with one raised finger, “he was happy to do so, since he has a lifetime pass to the inn.”

Everyone laughed and nodded at the man’s reasoning.

“Sounds like a fair trade,” Caesar said.

Derrix shook his head. “I don’t know about that. Do you know how many new visitors we’ve had since we brought this coffee in? The revenue in our little café has more than tripled.”

“Because of this coffee?” Viv asked, taking another sip of the delicious brew.

“Initially,” Kitty replied, “they come for coffee and wind up ordering everything else on the menu.”

Caesar grinned and propped his elbow along the arm of the high-backed leather chair he occupied. “And now the two of you want to add dolls to the list?”

Kitty nodded, her eyes never leaving the handsome face before her. “We met your grandmothers two years ago at a black entrepreneur’s convention in Hawaii. I was so taken by the collection of dolls they had on display, I stopped to talk to them.”

“At first, we proposed showing the dolls around our lobby,” Derrix informed them, pouring himself another cup of coffee, “just for decoration, but Francine and Carlotta suggested selling them in our gift shop.”

Vivian, who was seated opposite Caesar in the other white armchair, chuckled. “That’s Francine and Carlotta, always thinking about the sale.”

“Well, it’s good they did,” Derrix replied. “We took a shipment of fifty dolls with us to the inn. They sold out in less than a week.”

Caesar and Viv exchanged impressed looks across the coffee table.

“Well, Derrix,” Caesar began, clearing his throat as he leaned forward, “Viv and I have gone over the numbers one-on-one and with our grandmothers. We’re very impressed with everything we’ve seen.”

“Does that mean you’re ready to get the ball rolling with full-scale production?” Kitty asked, leaning back against the leather sofa.

“We’re more than ready,” Viv assured her.

Kitty clasped her hands together and smiled brightly. “Oh, that’s wonderful! We can’t wait to get started working with the two of you!” She said this to both of them, but her eyes were solely focused on Caesar. “I think you and Vivian should come visit us at the inn.”

Caesar could not hide the smile tugging at his lips. He had noticed Kitty Tydes’s obvious interest in him since the meeting began and glanced at Viv to see if she had caught on to that. To his disappointment, she was engrossed in conversation with Derrix.

“That sounds good, Kitty. I think we could arrange something.”

“Well, I do hope so. The two of you should really come down to see first-hand how and where the dolls will be displayed,” she told him, her eyes raking the width of his shoulders and chest.

Viv glanced up in time to catch the wanton stare Kitty Tydes sent in Caesar’s direction. She heard the woman’s offer for them to visit the inn, and shook her head at the effect of Caesar’s charm. After a moment, she cleared her throat and caught their attention. “Um, Derrix and I were over here discussing ideas on how to present the dolls. We think it would be good for them to be shown with more looks and outfits. What do you two think?”

Caesar sent Viv a knowing look as the conversation returned to business. The duration of the meeting was quite productive. Kitty and Derrix were pleased and excited by the new venture. An hour later, Caesar and Vivian were escorting them to the elevators.

“We did it!” Viv cried the moment they were back behind the closed doors of the office.

“One down, two to go!” Caesar replied, referring to the other deals they had to close.

The two of them were so excited and relieved after the success of the important meeting they pulled each other close and hugged. Viv slid her arms around Caesar’s neck as his encircled her waist. The rush of sensation the closeness provided was completely unexpected. The seemingly innocent hug only lasted a few seconds.

“You know…” Caesar cleared his throat as he headed to his desk. “We should go out and celebrate,” he suggested, trying to dispel some of the tension that filled the room.

Viv thought she should refuse. Of course, she wasn’t quite ready to let go of the joyous moment, either. “We’ll go out after work.”

Caesar and Vivian got right back to work after the meeting. They hadn’t realized it was time for lunch until Viv’s stomach growled, signaling its approach.

Caesar could not stifle his laughter.

Viv sucked her teeth at the deep, rumbling sound.

“Do you want to order in or go out?” he asked, once he had calmed himself.

Viv was about to reply when a knock sounded on the door. “Um, I’ve already made plans,” she told him, moving from behind the desk.

Caesar tapped the pen he held against the glass top of the desk and watched Viv bounce across the room. When she opened the door to Ray Warren, the pen ceased its tapping.

“Hey, Ray, you ready?” Viv said, pulling the man inside the room. “Caesar, you know Ray Warren, right?” she asked, walking back to the desk to retrieve her purse.

Caesar stood and shook hands with Ray. “What’s up, man?” he asked coolly enough, though his temper was raging.

“I’ll be back soon!” Viv called, missing the stony look on Caesar’s gorgeous face.

When the door closed behind Vivian and Ray, Caesar glanced down at his hand. The pen he held had been crushed to pieces. Laughing softly, he sat behind the desk and brushed the remnants of the pen into the wastebasket. As the shards of broken pen sprinkled into the wooden bucket, Caesar shook his head. Why are you suddenly so upset about her going out with another man? he asked himself. Of course, it didn’t take long for him to find an answer. He had never been around Vivian enough for it to bother him. He was glad, because he didn’t like it.

“I’ll try to get down there in a few weeks.”

“Man, will you relax? This place could probably run itself.”

“I’d like to see that,” Caesar replied, laughing as he spoke with Simon Harris, the manager of his restaurant in Atlanta.

“I’ve got this place runnin’ smooth as butter,” Simon assured him. “You just have fun in New York playin’ with your dolls.”

Caesar threw his head back and laughed. “Yeah, I see right now. I need to make a run down there for a good ass whippin’.”

“Bring it on, man,” Simon goaded.

The office door opened just then and Viv stepped inside. The easy mood Caesar enjoyed vanished as his cool, light stare turned hard.

“Um, Simon, man, I’ll call you back later, all right?” Caesar said, not waiting for a response before he set the phone down. “I wish you’d told me how long you planned to be gone,” he snapped.

The edge in his deep voice was clear and Viv was surprised by the attitude. “I’m sorry,” she slowly replied, putting her purse in the bottom desk drawer. “We had a lot of catching up to do.”

Caesar closed his eyes, running one hand through his blondish-brown curls.

“Besides,” Viv sighed, taking a seat behind her desk, “the Tydes meeting was the only one we had today.”

Caesar slammed one mighty fist to his desk and stood. “That’s not the point, Viv! We got a lot more to take care of, or didn’t you realize that?”

Vivian’s lovely eyes were wide with confusion. “I didn’t know you needed me to stay through lunch,” she softly replied. “It won’t happen again.”

“See that it doesn’t,” he ordered, jerking into his beige suit coat.

Vivian cleared her throat and attempted to concentrate on the files lying on her desk. Her hands were shaking so badly, she could not focus.

“Are we still on for tonight?”

Viv jumped at the sound of his booming voice and nodded. “Yeah,” she assured him, her voice barely above a whisper.

Caesar nodded, his penetrating eyes shooting her a loathsome look. The office door closed with a vicious slam.

Vivian watched the door several minutes after he left. She realized she was holding her breath and rested her head against the desk. Caesar was right, she thought. He had never really lost his temper with her. She had never seen him act that way before and she hoped she never would again.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with him, Grammy. I never saw him so angry.”

Carlotta smiled as she listened to her granddaughter on the phone much later that day. “And he just started acting this way when you got back from lunch?”

“Yes!” Viv cried, still on edge from the earlier scene. “He seemed fine when Ray and I left for lunch.”

“You and Ray?”

“Yeah, Ray Warren.”

“I know Ray, dear. Caesar knew the two of you had a lunch date?” Carlotta asked.

“Yes,” Viv replied. It never occurred to her that Caesar could have been upset by her going out with another man.

Carlotta sighed, shaking her head at how clueless Vivian was. “Well, honey, I don’t know what to tell you,” she said, deciding to offer a listening ear and nothing more.

Just then the door opened and Viv saw Caesar. “Grammy, he’s back. I gotta go,” she whispered, pulling off her glasses. She watched him drop his keys to the bar and pour himself a glass of juice. “The grannies said ‘hey,’” she told him as he headed to his desk.

Caesar’s low chuckle filtered through the room. “How are they?” he asked.

“In Hawaii and having a ball.”

“Damn, they didn’t waste any time,” Caesar noted, walking around Viv’s desk and leaning against the edge.

Viv’s lashes fluttered as the crisp scent of his cologne drifted beneath her nostrils. “I guess they knew the company would be in good hands.”

Caesar swallowed his juice, before setting the glass aside. The humor in his entrancing, light brown stare faded to a more serious look. “Plum, I’m sorry about the way I acted earlier.”

Viv shook her head, a few loose curls slapping her cheeks. “No, Caesar. I really should’ve given you some idea about when I’d be back. I should’ve told you about my plans earlier. It was very irresponsible.”

Caesar tapped his fingers against his mustache and smiled. “I can’t believe I’m hearing you apologize.”

“Well, enjoy it because it won’t happen often.”

“I realize that,” he said, leaning down to bring his handsome face close. “I’m sorry anyway,” he whispered, cupping her small dark oval face in his massive hands. He pressed a quick kiss to her mouth and Viv gasped, her lips parting instantly. A low growl rumbled in Caesar’s throat and his tongue slipped inside the dark cavern of her mouth. Vivian whimpered as the slow, rhythmic thrusts of his tongue deepened. Her hands reached up to cover his where they cupped her face. She returned the possessive kiss eagerly as though she were starved for his kiss.

Suddenly, Caesar pulled away as though he was shocked by what had just happened. “Are you ready to get dinner?” he asked, moving away from her desk.

It took Vivian a moment to move from the edge of her seat. “I, um, I have my car, so I’ll…just meet you at Tony’s.”

“See you there,” Caesar called over his shoulder.

Vivian pressed her fingers against her lips and watched the door close behind him.

Rival's Desire

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