Читать книгу Rival's Desire - AlTonya Washington - Страница 9

Chapter 2


“What the hell were you doing?”

Viv propped one hand on her hip and glared at Caesar. “Excuse me?”

Caesar had no idea how furious he appeared. “What the hell were you doing?” he repeated, his voice rising an octave as he frowned more fiercely.

Vivian only shook her head. “What are you doin’ here?”

“I asked you first,” he retorted, stepping closer until his huge frame towered over her.

Viv tossed a curl out of her face. “I was helping a friend.”

“That was obvious.”

“What are you trying to say?” she asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

Caesar poked a finger against her shoulder and watched Viv move backward. “I didn’t know you were givin’ it up to the neighbors, Plum.”

Viv’s palm ached to slap the handsome face before her. “You dirty weasel, I’m not givin’ it up to anybody. Not that I have to explain a damn thing to you!”

“The hell you don’t! What were you doin’ in there with him?”

“None of your business!” she cried, uttering a silent prayer of thanks that Alex was playing his music loud and couldn’t hear the squabble in the hallway.

Of course, the hall’s other tenants finally peeked out of their doors. One of Viv’s neighbors was so bold as to walk out into the hall and approach the shouting duo.

“Excuse me?” the man interrupted.

“What?” Viv and Caesar simultaneously roared.

An uneasy smile crossed the man’s face and his blue eyes widened a little. In his hands, he held a small book, which he offered to Caesar. “Could I get your autograph?”

Caesar switched modes easily and grinned while taking the book from the sports fan. “No problem, man, you got a pen?”

Vivian rolled her eyes and headed back to her apartment. “To hell with this!”

“Don’t walk away from me, Viv,” Caesar warned, even as he signed the autograph. “Here you go, man,” he said, returning the book. He followed behind her once the fan had returned to his apartment.

Viv held her head in her hands as she stormed into the living room. “Caesar, please! I don’t want anything more to do with you. Can’t you just leave me be?”

Caesar massaged the bridge of his nose and thought about his grandmother’s suggestion to work things out with Viv. “I don’t think that’s gonna happen, Granny.” He took a seat on the arm of Viv’s green-suede love seat. A moment later, he heard a deafening scream.

“Viv!” Caesar called, bolting from the love seat and sprinting up the staircase. He followed her agonizing cries to the bathroom. When he peeked around the corner, a wide grin brightened his face.

“Dammit!” Viv groaned. She stood on a floor teeming with water and bubbles. The tub had overflowed while she’d done a good deed for a neighbor and then argued with her nemesis out in the hall. When she heard the low, male chuckle behind her, she whirled around. “Get the hell out!”

Caesar forced an innocent expression to his face and leaned against the doorjamb. “But, Plum,” he said, then chuckled again, “I want to help.”

“You can help me by leaving,” she said, gathering the drenched hem of her emerald robe. The low chuckles she heard turned into fullblown laughter.

“What happened in here?” Caesar managed to ask.

Viv blew a curl out of her face. “I’d say that’s pretty obvious, wouldn’t you? The damned tub overflowed while I was helping Alex.”

Caesar grimaced at the mention of Viv’s neighbor. “I guess you should’ve been paying more attention to your own house, hmm?”

“You know, Caesar, I really don’t need to hear this now, okay?” She felt around the bottom of the tub for the bottle of bubble bath.

Caesar knew his teasing was only making things worse, so he left her alone. The sight of Viv toiling around in the water and foamy bubbles was as amusing as it was arousing. “Can I help?”

“You can stop acting like a buffoon and help me find the bottle of bubble bath.”

Caesar pulled off the stylish beige loafers and socks he wore and rolled up his shirtsleeves and pant legs. He walked down the three steps leading to the sunken bathroom. “You know, finding it might be easier if we shut the water off.”

Viv ground her teeth as she watched Caesar push the water knob in. “Thank you,” she whispered, continuing her search for the bottle. When her fingers brushed the plastic container, located at the bottom of the deep tub, she uttered a victorious sigh.

“You better get dressed if you plan to be on time for dinner.”

Viv stood and shook the water from her hands. “I’ll probably be late anyway. I really need to take a shower after spending the afternoon in the studio.” She headed through the opposite door that connected to her bedroom and used the phone on the nightstand to call housekeeping. After the call, she set the phone back on the receiver, and found Caesar lying on her bed. “Get out,” she ordered.

“Where will you take your shower?” he asked. His head was cradled in his hands as he stared at the robe clinging to her damp body.

“Don’t worry about it,” she sweetly replied. Vivien then headed to her wardrobe and disappeared behind the tall glass doors.

Caesar’s long brown lashes closed over his eyes. “I don’t have a choice. The grannies want us to come to dinner together.”

“What? Why?” Viv asked as she tied a belt around the waist of the short pink robe and stepped from the huge closet. When Caesar shrugged, she tapped a nail against her cheek. “I wonder what they’re up to?”

“I guess they want to make sure the company’s in the best hands.”

“Humph. Yeah, emphasis on hands,” Viv noted, coming to stand in the middle of the room. “I just don’t get why they want both of us to run the place.”

“I guess they didn’t want to hurt your feelings.”

A small furrow formed between Viv’s arched brows. “Excuse me? How would they be hurting my feelings?”

Caesar snuggled his mammoth-size frame deeper into the bed and smiled. “Plum, it’s obvious I’m better qualified for the job. Granny and Miss Carly know it, they just didn’t want to upset you.”

“You know, Caesar, you’re just dense enough to think something crazy like that.”

Caesar opened one eye to see Viv towering over the bed, a murderous expression on her face. “Did you forget my major was business?”

Viv gave him a tired look. “No, I didn’t forget. Business was my major, too, plus I had a minor in public relations.”

Caesar let out a deep breath. “Please! If anyone knows about PR, it’s me.”

Viv rolled her eyes and walked away from the bed. “I deal with fans, executives, cosmetics people, magazines—”

“So do I,” Caesar replied in a haughty tone.

“Forget it,” Viv said, raising her hands above her head as she walked out of the room.

“So, do you want to use my shower or not?”

Viv returned to the bedroom, suspicion clearly etched in her dark almond-shaped eyes. “You’d actually let me do that?”

Caesar propped himself up on his elbows. “I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t mean it, Plum.”

Viv watched him for a few minutes before her gaze faltered. “No, thanks.”

“You scared?”

The taunt stopped her in her tracks. “Scared of what?”

One sinewy shoulder rose just slightly. “Of what might happen.” He taunted her so covertly it might have been imagined.

Vivian’s full laughter burst forth. “Only in your wildest dreams, sweet stuff.”

Caesar decided not to respond. Silently and arrogantly, he assured himself that if he decided to have her, she wouldn’t think of refusing.

Viv could see the doubt on his handsome face and decided to prove him wrong. “Give me a few minutes to get my stuff together,” she finally told him as she waited for him to leave the room.

Her housekeeper had already arrived by the time Viv got dressed and packed her outfit for dinner. As she headed downstairs, she could hear the woman’s laughter. Vivian shook her head. Obviously, Caesar was turning on the charm.

Indeed he was. Shelly was seated close to Caesar on the sofa. Whatever he had said was causing the girl to laugh uncontrollably. Vivian ran her fingers through her silky curls and watched them for a moment. She cleared her throat to bring an end to the amusing conversation. Unfortunately, she wasn’t noticed. A few more minutes passed before Viv bustled into the living room and cleared her throat, much louder that time.

Shelly’s brown eyes widened when she saw Viv. “Oh! Hello, Ms. Desmond.”

“Hey, Shelly,” Viv replied, shooting Caesar a sour look. “Did they tell you what happened?”

Shelly nodded quickly. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll have it taken care of in a minute.”

Viv raised her hands. “I think it might take more than a minute, Shelly. You may even need some help. I made a pretty big mess in there.”

“Humph, I’ll say,” Caesar noted as he lounged on the sofa and toyed with his hair.

“Anyway,” Viv sighed, “you don’t have to rush. I don’t need the bathroom right now.”

Shelly nodded toward Viv. She sent Caesar an adoring smile before leaving the room.

“I hope you’re not too upset,” Caesar told Viv, noticing the stern look on her face.

“Upset about what?” She pushed her hands into the back pockets of her snug-fitting jeans.

Caesar propped his feet on the oak-trimmed edge of the glass coffee table and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, I was havin’ a few laughs with Shelly.”


“I know you tend to get upset when you see me with other women.”

Viv’s mouth fell open and she stared at him like he had two heads. “What the hell are you talking about? I never get upset over you and other women.”

Caesar propped one index finger along his temple. His gorgeous brown eyes twinkled mischievously. “Maybe a better word would be jealous.”

“Jealous!” Vivian cried. “You know, Caesar, you’ve always been arrogant. But, after all these years, even you should know how much I hate your guts.”

Caesar pushed himself off the sofa and retrieved Viv’s duffel and garment bag. “I understand why you keep saying that. You’re trying to convince yourself.”

“Convince myself of what?” Viv asked. She frowned as she looked up into his handsome face.

Instead of replying, Caesar grinned and patted her bottom.

By the time Caesar parked in front of the condo he owned in Manhattan, Viv was a bundle of nerves. She had always counted on him enjoying their sniping and arguing. The constant quipping was the only thing that kept her from thinking about how attracted she was to him. If he tried to change tactics now, she wouldn’t be able to handle it.

“I just won’t let that happen,” she softly promised herself.

“You say somethin’, Plum?”

Viv saw the expectant look on Caesar’s face and realized she’d spoken out loud. Quickly, she shook her head.

Caesar stepped out of the black Expedition and handed his keys to the valet. Viv took a few minutes to get a handle on her emotions and accepted Caesar’s help when he opened the passenger door.

“You can take off the glasses, you know.”


Caesar grinned as they strolled the gorgeous, airy interior of the building. “People are real cool about seeing famous faces in here.”

Viv pulled the stylish, cat-eyed glasses from her face and perched them on top of her head. “I don’t mind the fans a bit, it’s the press I can do without.”

Surprise registered on Caesar’s sinfully handsome face. “You mean, you don’t relish the chance to get in front of the camera as much as you can?” he asked as they approached the elevators.

“The press always catches you at the worst time,” she replied wearily, refusing to let him rile her.

Caesar grinned as the elevator doors closed behind them. “You got a point there.”

“Did you know our lunch at Alindo’s was on the news?”

Caesar only shrugged as he pushed his large hands into his navy trouser pockets. “Doesn’t surprise me. But now I understand why you hate the press being around. You’re always on your worst behavior and they always catch it on tape.”

Vivian clenched her fists so tightly she could have drawn blood from her palms. “You just can’t let it rest, can you?”

Caesar pretended to be confused. “Let what rest?”

Viv closed the tiny distance between them in the elevator and poked her finger against his shoulder. “You just can’t let it go. You have to cut me down as often as you can.”

“I’m not cutting you down. You just can’t handle the truth.”

“Oh, please, spare me, Caesar! Let’s not talk about not being able to handle the truth!”

Caesar’s long sleek brows drew close as he frowned. “I’m not the one who’s been griping all day.”

“That’s because you get off on making me look bad!”

“Love, I don’t think you could take what I get off on,” Caesar softly assured her, the erotic curve of his mouth twitching in amusement.

Viv shook her head and gave Caesar a sour look. “You really are an arrogant jackass.”

Caesar brought his face close to hers. “I’m getting tired of the name callin’, Plum.”

Completely oblivious to the steely edge in Caesar’s deep, rough voice, Viv took a step closer. “And you mean to do something about it, do you?”

When the elevator doors opened, Vivian was thrown across one of Caesar’s powerful shoulders. Her heart pounded wildly as she beat his wide back with her fists.

“Caesar, dammit, wait! My glasses!”

He ignored her, holding her legs snug against chest. He carried her out of the elevator to the polished oak door at the end of the long corridor. He whistled a little tune, unmindful of Viv’s loud voice and her pounding upon his back. He stepped inside the gorgeous, warmly furnished condo and pushed the door shut with his shoulder. He went directly to the bathroom and deposited Vivian on the toilet.

“Get dressed,” he ordered, his stern expression brooking no argument.

The steamy, invigorating shower soothed the tension in Vivian’s shoulders. The powerful spray of water hitting her body felt so wonderful, she dreaded getting out.

“Oh, no,” she groaned when she shut the water off. She realized her bag had not been brought in and Caesar hadn’t been thoughtful enough to provide her with a fresh towel.

Her search through the closet provided no extra towels. “Dammit,” she sighed, propping her hands on her hips and debating on whether or not to risk prancing naked outside the bathroom. “I don’t have a choice.” She pulled the door open and peeked out into the hall. “Caesar?” she called, hoping he wasn’t upstairs. There was no answer, so she sprinted out the door and found a huge bedroom.

She spotted her leather bag on the white oak dresser. “Thank you,” she whispered. She retrieved a thick, dark blue towel and dried her face. Setting the towel on the dresser, Viv bowed her head and took several, refreshing deep breaths. When she opened her eyes and looked into the mirror, she found Caesar leaning against the doorjamb. Unmindful of her nudity, she turned to face him. “What are you doing here?”

Caesar pulled his sensual light stare away from the silky dark curls shielding Viv’s womanhood. “I live here,” he reminded her as he slowly stepped into the room.

Viv gasped, realizing her body was completely bared to his searing gaze. “I mean, what are you doing in here?” She pulled the dark towel in front of her.

“I came to get something.” He crossed his arms over his chest as he watched her. “Besides, I thought I left you in the bathroom.”

“You did, but you brought my bag in here.”

Caesar closed his eyes as realization dawned. “Yeah, that’s right.”

Viv propped her hand on her hip and gave him a strange look. She had no idea the towel only covered the front of her body, leaving the rest in plain view through the mirror. When Caesar just stood there staring, she frowned.

“Are you gonna leave now?” she asked.

“I hadn’t planned on it.”

“Caesar, what are you doing?”

“You know, I wish you’d stop asking me that,” he said, pushing his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

Viv’s lashes fluttered as she shook her head. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“You know damned well what’s going on here.”

“Well, would you clue me in anyway?”

Caesar leaned back against the wall. “Come on, Plum. All that arguing with me, getting all up in my face, pushing all that chest against me? You’ve been coming on to me all day.”

Viv’s mouth fell open. She was so exasperated it took a full minute before she could speak. “I don’t believe you just said that.”

A wolfish grin spread across Caesar’s face. “Truth hurts, huh, Plum?”

“No-o-o, lies hurt!”

“I’ve been around enough women to know the difference between one who’s not interested and one who’s flirting with me.”

“I’m sure you have, but you’re wasting your time with me!”

Caesar leaned his head back against the wall and smiled. “I’ll take my chances for a body like that.” His eyes trained on the mirror.

Vivian’s lovely, dark gaze narrowed and she glanced behind her. “Dammit!” she gasped, whipping the towel around her body. “I really hate you, Caesar Morrison.”

He feigned surprise. “What?”

“You could’ve told me.”

Caesar pulled one hand from his pocket and pressed it against his chest. “And deprive myself?”

“Of course not, Caesar.” Losing her zeal for fighting, she dropped to the side of the bed. “Oh, how can they make us work together? We can’t even be in the same room for two minutes without arguing.”

Caesar’s features softened at the tiny, lost tone in Viv’s words. He walked over and took a seat next to her on the bed. Turning to face her, he brought his hand to her face and cupped her chin in his palm. “Hey,” he said, waiting for her eyes to meet his. “The grannies must see potential in us or they wouldn’t be asking us to do this.”

“It just won’t work.”

“Shh…” Caesar whispered, leaning closer. His lips brushed the baby-soft hair near her temple.

Vivian closed her eyes and leaned into the pressure of his mouth against her skin. The sweet gesture felt so right, an insistent tingle emerged in the most intimate area of her body. “Caesar…” she whispered, a twinge of unease in her voice.

He trailed his lips down the side of her face, then stood. “Hurry up and get dressed,” he ordered, forcing himself to be firm. “I’ll be back in fifteen minutes,” he called over his shoulder as he walked out of the bedroom.

Caesar looked for the key to his grandmother’s front door while Viv stood next to him. As he pushed the thin key into the lock, his striking champagne stare slid to Viv’s beautiful face. For a while, their eyes held. Vivian was the first to look away. The door opened and Caesar escorted Viv inside with one hand pressed against the middle of her back.

“Are you okay?” Caesar asked, staring directly into her eyes. Concern was clear on his handsome face.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” Viv assured him, though her voice was barely above a whisper.

“Caesar? Vivian? Are you two out there?”

“Yeah!” they called in unison, following the sound of their grandmothers’s voices.

“Oh, the two of you came together!” Francine cried as she and Carlotta rushed across the foyer to hug their grandchildren.

When the two women pulled away from Caesar and Viv, they couldn’t help but notice how subdued the two seemed. Caesar was unusually quiet and Viv seemed a bit unsettled.

Carlotta slipped her arm around Viv’s waist as they all headed to the living room. “Baby, you look so lovely tonight.” She took in the ankle-length peach dress with spaghetti straps and empire waist.

“Thanks, Grammy,” Viv sighed as she placed an arm around Carlotta’s shoulders and pulled her closer.

Francine smiled and looked up at Caesar. His gaze was unwavering as it followed every movement of Viv’s svelte form. She patted his back and hugged him. “Aw, baby, you look lovely, too,” she cooed, seeing the smile tug at his lips.

Caesar looked down at Francine. “Thank you, Granny.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“Does anybody want a drink?” Caesar asked when they stepped into the living room.

“Sure, if you’re playing bartender,” Francine retorted.

Caesar raised his hand. “I got it covered. What’ll it be?”

“I’ll have a gin tonic,” Francine called.

“Same for me!” Carlotta said as she selected a different set of jazz CDs to play.

Viv was getting comfortable on the love seat. Francine and Carlotta watched as Caesar stepped from behind the bar and walked over to her. He brushed the back of his hand against Viv’s shoulder.

“Are you gonna have something to drink, Plum?” he queried softly when she looked up at him.

“A glass of wine—Riesling, if Miss Frankie has it.” Her alluring dark gaze lingered on his incredible face a bit longer than necessary.

“So, are you two ready to discuss the business and what’s expected of you?” Carlotta asked when Caesar stepped back behind the bar.

“It’s obvious this is a package deal. The two of you want the two of us.”

“That’s right,” Francine confirmed, nodding. “How do you feel about that?” She posed the question to Vivian who had been rather quiet.

“Well,” she began, glancing back at Caesar, “we both want a chance to run the business. If we have to do it together, we’ll give it our all.”

Francine and Carlotta exchanged curt nods and moved to sit together on the long sofa. Between them were three manila folders.

“There are a few key deals that need your attention right off the bat. Thank you, sweetie,” Francine said to Caesar when he handed her a gin tonic.

Carlotta sat her drink on the coffee table. “These deals are in the last stages of negotiations. All that’s needed now are the final go-aheads. Meetings will be abundant,” she warned them, pushing the folders across the marble-topped table.

“The two of you should get together and discuss them,” Francine advised, taking a sip of her drink.

Viv took the files and placed them between herself and Caesar on the love seat.

Carlotta and Francine stood and headed to the white double doors at the rear of the room. “We can finish talking over dinner,” Carlotta called as she and her business partner headed to the dining room.

“When do you want to go over this stuff?” Caesar asked, picking up one of the folders and thumbing through the contents.

Viv toyed with a curl lying against her cheek. “I guess we should find out when the first meeting is.”

Caesar nodded, his long brows drawn as he scanned a page in the folder. “Humph, from the looks of it, we have a meeting in the morning.”

“What?” Viv whispered, snatching the file out of his hands. “I don’t believe it.” She shook her head at Caesar and smiled. “I guess we’ll have to get together after dinner.”

“My place or yours?” he asked, a fiendish smirk crossing his mouth.

Viv tossed her bouncy, clipped locks and stood. “The office.”

Caesar nodded. Even he agreed it was probably the safest place.

Rival's Desire

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