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There are at least three pain suffering scenarios pain sufferers might find themselves in:

Scenario 1 - Suffering from pain and taking no action other than relying heavily on prescribed medication resulting in having no confidence.

Scenario 2 - Suffering from pain and taking some action as well as taking prescribed medication. This action may involve trying complementary medicine in negligible quantities, too little to be of any benefit, expecting instant results and not giving it enough time to take effect.

Another action might be doing specific exercises to help with the pain, but in a controlled manner: pacing yourself, building it up slowly, and efficiently so that the muscles and ligaments do not get strained or damaged.

Maybe trying a different alternative treatment, once again not taking it very seriously, as lack of confidence brings doubt.

Scenario 3 - Suffering from pain and taking positive action. Taking everything seriously, in a controlled manner, maximising efficiency. For instance deciding to take up complementary medicine, taking the recommended daily amounts on a regular basis. Deciding to try exercises and conscienciously following expert advice in a controlled manner, pacing yourself to maximise efficiency. Self discipline and persistence will result in reaching good fitness levels.

Analogy: One might be able to run around the block now and again in spite of not being fit, however a daily run of increasing length will result in fitness.

Looking into alternative solutions and staying positive will accomplish good results and boost confidence.

Personal experience - After a few years of trying really hard to live a normal life with the help of prescribed medication, remaining as active as I could by being pro-active in dealing with pain, and trying hard to have a positive attitude to chronic pain, I learnt various tips, such as pacing myself, avoiding lifting heavy things, not bending my back and avoiding stress among other things. I was still determined to find new solutions: I wanted to give up prescribed medication, so I went to see my GP (2003) who referred me to a Qualified Alternative Medicine Practitioner at University Hospital in Coventry. At that point I was suffering from joint pains everywhere, in addition to my usual pains to my lower back, neck and legs. Every morning I would wake up with pain in my joints (feet, ankles, knees, hips, elbows and hands). More on this later. So in summary, my condition has always been twofold: nerve pains in my spine from the back of my head down to my heels affecting two or more areas of my body, caused by inflammation to the nervous system. I sometimes experienced referred pains (inflammation) to my liver and other internal organs. This happens because nerves coming from the spine are connected to internal organs. I also suffered from severe migraines, sciatic pains in my leg (especially my right leg), and inflammation to the joints in my hip. When the inflammation affected my coxis, I found sitting very painful.

By this time I was slowly learning how to live with this condition which meant carrying various degrees of pain, being unable to move at times but still maintaining a positive attitude and a cool head to avoid depression.

52 Years Coping with Chronic Back Pain

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