Читать книгу The Affair: The shocking, gripping story of a schoolgirl and a scandal - Amanda Brooke, Amanda Brooke - Страница 11

3 The Accusations


Vikki Swift didn’t know why she had been lying awake all night worrying about Scarlett. It must be so awful for Nina, but teenage pregnancies were a sad fact of life and Vikki had been little more than a teen herself when she had had Freya. Of course the difference was that Vikki had been married by that point, but who was to say Scarlett wasn’t in a loving relationship? Except that seemed extremely unlikely, if what Scarlett had said was true. How was this man she was involved with going to explain himself to the world in general, and more especially to his wife?

Refusing to dwell on the subject, Vikki turned on her side and slipped an arm around her husband. She reminded herself how lucky she was to have Rob. He was her one and only love, and even though she was still only twenty-four, she couldn’t imagine life without him. She held him tightly as she thought about everything they had been through, and how much growing up she had had to do. She might be a teacher’s wife and a mother, but up until six months ago they were simply labels she had collected, certificates she had acquired without actually passing the exams. She had always depended on other people to make sure she didn’t mess up, and although she was trying her best to think more for herself these days, it was still so hard. There were some things that she could never have been prepared for. It was scary how life could change so quickly.

‘What’s wrong?’ Rob whispered.

Vikki was surprised that he had been awake enough to notice her clinging to him. Or was there something keeping Rob from sleep too?

‘Nothing,’ she said.

‘Are you sure?’

‘Hmm,’ Vikki said, which was as near to a lie as she was prepared to go.

The truth was, she wasn’t sure of anything all of a sudden.

The Affair: The shocking, gripping story of a schoolgirl and a scandal

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