Читать книгу The Outrun - Amy Liptrot - Страница 7



bonxie: great skua

burn: stream

byre: barn

caddie lamb: orphan lamb, reared by bottle

clapshot: mashed mixed neeps and tatties

dyke: drystone wall

geo: narrow inlet of sea in cliffs

grimlins: midsummer night sky

haar: sea fog

hillyans: mythical hill folk

holm (pr. ‘home’): offshore islet

kirk: church

kye: cattle

lum: chimney

lum reekin: chimney smoke

Merry Dancers: Northern Lights

midden: muck heap

muckle: big

neep: turnip

noust: hollow for storing small boats

peedie: small

selkie: seal

spoot: razor clam

steamer: ferry boat steamin’/blazin’/guttered: drunk

steeves: stone structures for building stooks

stooks: stacks of grain

swappin’ for auks: hunting seabirds

tangles: seaweed

tattie: potato

trows/trowies: trolls

teeicks: lapwings

tystie: black guillemot

whaups: curlews

yole: simple boat

The Outrun

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