Читать книгу Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth - Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko - Страница 6

Volume One
Chapter 4 Death Valley


The news had the effect of an exploding bomb. The members of the future expedition were completely delighted. It’s necessary – to go hiking along the taiga paths and see in reality the confirmation of ancient Yakut legends. And the meeting with the mysterious Atlantes and, perhaps, passing through the famous Stargate (everyone remembered how many adventures had to share SG1 – the team from the famous television series of the same name!), spurred on no worse than red-hot iron. True, some were embarrassed by the need to lose the Chips, but the craving for adventure overcame. In addition, outside of Chip’s control and without the use of an antidote, the world around began to sparkle with hitherto unseen colors… So many unknown emotions, such a range of colors and sensations, many of which still needed to be understood! And Stas, as the best engineer of the team, immediately got into the system and projected portable computers,

As promised, the professor spoke with his acquaintances and a week later Alex had the opportunity to introduce the well-known scientist to everyone – Dmitry Ushakov, professor at the Archaeological Institute of the Russian Federation, who replaced Professor Karpatov. Together they began to prepare for a grand journey. Since the institute could not sponsor their trip (it was impossible to make public the true reason for the campaign), and the funds allocated by Valery Stepanovich were clearly not enough, they had to rely only on their own strength. But, fortunately, the collected funds were enough not only to stock up on provisions and uniforms, but even a small amount remained for extreme expenses. The team consisted of six people: Denis Zudin, a specialist in nuclear energy, Alla Wels, Doctor of Biochemical Sciences, Stas Shevchenko, researcher and technician, scientist, Well, respectively, Anna and Arthur himself. The meeting was scheduled for seven o’clock in the morning on September 1. So that no one at the institute would find out about the impending enterprise, all the participants pretended that nothing was happening. But still, many the day before could not hide their excitement. Even Denis absent-mindedly examined the structure of basalt instead of pumice through a laser microscope for three hours, not understanding why the rock had changed so much…

Finally, the long-awaited day has come. Getting up early in the morning, the expedition members, having loaded heavy equipment, equipment and all the necessary things, including food into cars, stopped by Arthur, who was planned to have breakfast, and only then set off.

– So, Arthur, – Stas put a glass of coffee on the table and looked at him. – What are our plans?

– Yesterday I reviewed our itinerary again. Airplanes and a light train do not suit us in any way, since, having appeared in society, our group can raise many unnecessary questions. And we have absolutely no need to attract the attention of the Watch and the Guard. So, the plan is as follows: we leave Moscow, then we will pass cities such as Novgorod, Kazan, Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, then through Ust-Kut, Tynda and Aldan we will get to Yakutsk. From Yakutsk we will go to Vilyuisk, and from there we will move along the mouth of the river to the Valley of the Boilers. If you’re lucky, we’ll get helicopters.

Stas interrupted him.

– Helicopters? Who in their right mind would agree to give us a helicopter? If the owners find out exactly where we are going to fly, you know what will happen…

– Come on… For the money they will take you wherever you want.

– Not really. Remember what the professor was talking about – this area is little studied, and during the flight, the navigation system often starts to fail and the engines fail. What sane person would do such a thing?

“Well, then, we should only hope for the power of our machines and the strength of our legs. I must warn you – the road has long been abandoned, which means we will have to move through difficult terrain – this is the taiga, and it means swamps, mari and swamps…

– But it’s wonderful. Just imagine how many new things we learn! – Alla Wels exchanged glances with Anna. True, the girl did not tell her the true reason for their trip, but nevertheless over the past week they found a lot in common and managed to make friends.

– Then let’s go! By cars!

It seemed that nature itself favored their undertakings. The weather was wonderful, the sun was shining brightly. Having got out of the city, we drove onto a superhighway, and without incident, reached Yakutsk for three and a half weeks. But there we had to make a short stop due to heavy rains, and then we could easily get to Vilyuysk. However, upon arrival there unexpectedly new difficulties arose. None of the locals agreed to show the way or be hired as a guide. And it was worth mentioning the mysterious valley, as if their interlocutor was blown away by the wind. As it turned out later, the reason for this was not swamps or impenetrable forests of the taiga, but… legends. Most often, it was about the mysterious forces guarding the path to the valley.

Arthur lost heart. Having traveled such a long distance, they will be forced to turn back! And how he would look the professor in the eyes… And then it dawned on him! How could he forget, because Valery Stepanovich told him before leaving: “You have a difficult path ahead, but I foresaw this. When you arrive in Vilyuisk, try to find an old Evenk. His name is Loko and he was Karpatov’s guide. With his help, their group then safely reached the quarry and, by the way, it was he who showed them the way to the clearing, where the laws of gravity collapse. By the way, from his words it was clear that he knew many such places, and could easily show them to us if the team had the time and the necessary equipment… So, in parting, the professor gave him a satellite navigator with a built-in radio beacon and taught to use it. So that,

Immediately, Arthur took out his GPS and adjusted the ultra-sensitive satellite navigator to the coordinates given by the professor. A small red dot flashed on the screen.

– That’s where he is! But it’s very close!

Wasting no time, Arthur threw on his jacket and, without answering the questions of his comrades, quickly left the room. Going downstairs, he went out into the street and, crossing the road, entered the old diner. He saw shabby tables, covered in spots in places, and the bartender standing behind the counter looked so bored that it became clear that very few people looked here. Walking up to the bar, Arthur ordered kvass for himself.

– Looks like you don’t have a lot visitors today.

– Yes, but to be honest, I’m not surprised. Although in winter there are more people here.

The young man looked at the bartender in surprise.

– Really?

– Oh yeah. The fact is that in winter there is an important event for all residents – reindeer sleigh races. Then a lot of people come here, including nomads. They are excellent riders…

– It’s right.

Arthur turned to the speaker. The words belonged to an old Evenk sitting in the corner of the bar. A smile played on his face.

– Have you been to competitions? – the young man approached him. – May I sit down?

– Yes, I have been to competitions many times, and my team always win prizes.

– Really? And you, probably, are perfectly oriented in these places? Arthur looked at the Evenk with interest. The elderly man was wearing a leather jacket with fur and warm quilted trousers. The weather-beaten face of an Evenk and a serious look, said that this man had seen a lot, but was not used to sharing his thoughts with anyone.

– Well, yes. Recently, I even helped one of your scientists get to the valley where you mine ore. He was a good man.

– Do you remember his name?

– And then, how! His name is Alexander Karpatov.

– And your name?

Evenk gave Arthur a suspicious look.

– Why do

– Excuse me, please. My name is Arthur Dalivin, I am a professor’s student.

– Well, yes?! True, right? I am glad! What brought you to us?

– That’s exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. But, if possible, as they say, face to face.

Loko nodded and they paid and went out into the street. Arthur looked around and, making sure that no one was interfering with them, said:

– It concerns your journey with him. The professor was very grateful to you for the help rendered to him then and told a lot about the places where you visited with him. And especially about that mysterious clearing.

Evenk nodded.

– So, the professor, unfortunately, did not have time to tell anyone about what he saw, except for close friends, before the epidemic claimed his life.

Loco interrupted him.

– Did professor die?”

Arthur nodded. Loko lowered his head and sighed heavily.

– Very sorry. He was a good man, not like some of yours. The mind was open, understood a lot… But why did you come here?

Arthur lowered his voice.

– There is a reason. Now everyone is only interested in money and, in addition, everything has been swallowed up by the global market economy. And in what ways to sell a product and how to produce it – it does not matter to anyone. And so, recently, the board of directors decided to build a huge nuclear power plant on your river. Previously, people thought about environmental protection and anomalous zones, sent expeditions to these places, but everything has changed. Now for such stories, unless, of course, you can provide evidence, it is quite possible to lose your job. Therefore, the professor informed me of this under the strictest confidence. In secret from everyone, we gathered an expedition and decided to go in search of these places. If our enterprise succeeds, then it will be possible to declare your land reserved and inviolable for such encroachments. And if you help us…

Loko thought for a moment, and for a moment there was silence, broken only by the rustle of the beginning of rain. Then he looked at the young man again and nodded.

– Okay, I’ll be happy to help you. But remember, these places are for those who know them and whom they know. Therefore, we must be very careful…

– Thanks, Loco. We will try.


The next morning, having collected the necessary provisions, the detachment set off. It was decided to move along the river, as going straight ahead would have taken too much time. Trees dressed in gold and scarlet outfits and untouched by man, nature, beautiful in its originality, and clean air fascinated. It seemed as if you were transported to another planet, and the smog and stuffiness of the cities was just a forgotten dream. During the campaign nothing unusual happened, except that several times small herds of deer were shown in the distance, still living in the local forests. Finally, on the fifth day of the journey, the travelers, accompanied by Loko, approached the foot of the hill, all overgrown with young birches and pines, where an amazing phenomenon awaited them – the trees were dancing. Their trunks bent into sometimes simply incredible shapes – from helical to intricately curved,

– Incredible! – Stas approached one of the trees. – How is this possible?

– It’s impossible to explain this logically, – Arthur examined the tree from all sides. – Although I saw something similar on the Curonian Spit on the Internet…

– Of course, while sitting at the institute, there is little you can see with your own eyes, – Ushakov grinned and turned to the conductor. So, it looks like we’re almost there?

– No, for a long time. From this hill, do you see the trail going up? We’re just there. Then everything is straight and straight. Go to the valley a day and another day.

When the group climbed to the top of the hill, they saw a stunning view of the river and the hills overgrown with forest. And behind them was an open space with the tops of rocks of bizarre shapes rising to the sky.

It was decided to arrange a halt in a small clearing. The sun went down, the temperature dropped sharply, and a fire had to be lit. The rising flame dispersed the cold, and everyone felt quite comfortable. After supper with stew warmed over a fire, the expedition members went back to their tents.

Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth

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