Читать книгу Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth - Anastasia Sergeevna Bondarenko - Страница 7

Volume One
Chapter 5 Not one step back


Anna woke up early in the morning. All around you could hear the predawn singing of birds and the sound of the river in the distance. She stretched and, trying not to disturb Alla, who was sleeping sweetly nearby in a sleeping bag, left the tent. To the surprise of the girl, the whole space around was filled with a milky-white fog, in some places the outlines of tents were still visible, but everything else was hidden by a white curtain. Anna hesitated in place, as strange sounds were heard in the distance, like call signs. Taking a long stick she had saved up from the evening, the girl, as if enchanted, unconsciously moved towards these sounds. They became clearer and clearer, when suddenly Anna slipped and felt herself falling. She screamed loudly and plunged into darkness…

She woke up from the fact that someone gently moistened her forehead with an alcohol wipe. Opening her eyes, the girl froze. Most likely she is still sleeping… How else can one explain the conditions in which she found herself? An oval-shaped white room, bright light reflecting off the walls, and a young blond woman in light silver jumpsuit leaning over her.

– Who you are? Where am I?

The young woman smiled.

– Don’t worry, Anna, you’re safe. My name is Saima, I’m the chief paramedic of Aldabra Medical Bay.

– Aldabra? The girl looked at the young woman in disbelief. – What is it?

Saima spread her hands.

– I think you should meet with the captain, he will explain everything to you. Just be careful not to make sudden movements.

– But what happened, may I ask? I was walking along the path, I heard strange sounds and… I blacked out.

– No wonder, – Saima helped the girl to get up. – You have to look at your feet. Then you would see an open hatch… and a ladder.

The girl frowned angrily. So here’s the thing… Rubbing her bruised head, she got to her feet. Apart from a slight dizziness, Anna felt quite tolerable, so she followed the doctor without much difficulty. Leaving the medbay, they descended a long spiral staircase down. Touching the wall, she felt metal. So it is – the stairs and the walls of this strange room were metal! Finally, the stairs ended, and Anna, accompanied by Saima, went out into a large hall, consisting of several levels, where battened-down compartments opened. An incredible guess flashed through Anna’s head: “Really… An alien ship… I’m in an alien ship! Fantastic …” However, all her doubts disappeared by themselves when two people approached them in the same silver overalls, but with gold stripes on their chests.

– Saima, is everything okay? How is your patient?

This voice… Anna, not believing, peered into the alien’s face. But an alien? She took a couple of steps back in shock. It’s impossible…

– Anna, calm down, – the man, noticing her confusion, held out his hand. – I’ll explain everything.

– Alexander? But you… you…

The man gently took her by the shoulders.

– Yes. But a lot is not what it seems… I’m alive, but in a different way.

A familiar image flashed through her mind’s eye: the hospital, the same one she had volunteered for during the last epidemic, ten years ago. A tinted window, bright lamplight, a table with an artificial lung ventilator and… a hospital bed on which an unconscious man lies. They became friends in practice… Although they were separated by a tangible age difference, he never refused to help his wards, he could give wise advice, and at the same time remained himself, without arrogance or arrogance. And he was always so kind to her… But the outbreak of the epidemic had its own plans. The girl felt that her strength was leaving her. If the young man who accompanied Alexander had not supported her, she would have fallen.

– Alex?! You… But how?! I have seen with my own eyes…

– Hush, hush … – the man hugged the frightened girl. She immediately felt the anxiety dissipate, disappear. – Everything is fine. I know that this is unexpected for you, but… You will understand everything soon, I promise, – the man gently ran his hand through the girl’s silky hair. “Do you remember that vision, a few years ago?

The girl nodded uncertainly.

– So, it was you! And I thought I was going crazy…

– No, you’re fine. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before. And by the way, my real name is Art…


Arthur woke up as if someone had pushed him in the side. Tired from the long journey, he was drawn to fall asleep again, and, waving his hand at everything, he was already falling into the world of dreams, when he heard someone scream. The dream immediately vanished. The man started up and, having risen on the bed, began to listen. However, the cry was no longer repeated. He put on his jacket and left the tent. There was such a thick fog around that almost nothing could be seen, except for the vague outlines of neighboring tents. Trying not to make any noise, he groped his way to one of them, but lifting up the canopy, he noticed that Anna’s bed was empty. The young man was seized with an unpleasant presentiment. In agitation, he touched Alla on the shoulder, she started up and looked at Arthur incomprehensibly:

– Arthur, what are you doing here? What the…

– Alla, where is Anna?

– And how do I know… I was sleeping! What is it?

Arthur jumped out of the tent and called again:

– Anna!

However, there was no answer, and the young man hesitated. To wake everyone up meant to sow panic, and it never leads to anything good. Finally, what does he lose if he tries to figure out what happened himself? Having made up his mind, Arthur moved forward along a path barely visible in the fog. And then… he heard them. Strange signals, similar to the callsigns used on ships. As if in a dream, the young man walked towards them, when suddenly…

He didn’t notice how it happened. Losing his balance and clutching at the air with his hands, Arthur collapsed into the void. However, the flight ended before it even started. The skill and experience of climbing made themselves felt – grabbing the edge of the crevice, he tried to feel the bottom with his foot and, to his amazement, found a light metal ladder. There was no way back and, slowly but surely, the young man went downstairs. The light of day had faded and a slight twilight reigned all around. As his feet touched the floor, the young man looked around. It looks like he is in some kind of dungeon. Complaining about the lack of a flashlight, he groped his way forward. Metal! The walls of the room were completely made of metal! Cautiously moving along one of them, he noticed another staircase leading into darkness and began to descend again, as a bright light flooded the entire surrounding space. Discouraged, Arthur stopped, shielding his eyes with his hands. There were voices from below. The young man quickly overcame the remaining steps. Before his eyes appeared a huge hall, from which the doors of the compartments departed in different directions. But then, at one of the doors, near an incomprehensible device in the form of a type-setting panel, he saw three people. They turned around and Arthur saw Anna among them.

– Anna?

– Arthur? The girl approached the man. – How did you get here?

– Where here? Anna, where are we?

– And what do you think?

– I… – Arthur looked around in bewilderment. Then he met the gaze of a tall man in the clothes of an astronaut. As if reading his mind, he nodded. -Does it mean…

– Surprised? – Anna smiled ironically. – But you yourself wanted to find “something extraordinary,” didn’t you?

– Yes, – Arthur pursed his lip. The slightly mocking look of the girl almost pissed him off. – Thank you for the reminder. I already realized that I was visiting aliens. Aren’t you afraid we’ll be their guinea pigs?

The girl frowned.

– Looks like someone has been watching The X-Files too much. Yes, Arthur, we are indeed in an alien spacecraft. And let me introduce Art, the commander of the expedition, and Mikkel, the captain of the Aldabra.

The astronauts bowed, placing their hands on their chests.

– Very pleased to meet you, – Commander Art waved his hand around the room. – Welcome to Aldabra – the fastest ship in the Orion Constellation.

– Well, nice to meet you, – Arthur held out his hand and Commander Art smiled and shook it.

– Forgive me for interrupting you, – the young man whom Anna called the captain of the ship took a step forward. Graceful, dressed in a silvery suit, with black hair pulled back, he looked like the hero of some fantastic movie about elves. Noticing Anna’s enthusiastic gaze fixed on the alien, Arthur felt an unexpected pang of jealousy mixed with envy. The man pursed his lip, and his hands clenched into fists of their own accord. Not noticing the complete hatred of the look of the man, the Captain looked around everyone with a serious look of chocolate eyes. – We don’t have much time.

The commander nodded, turning his gaze to the girl.

– Oh sure. Anna, now I hope you understand the reason for your being here.

– Not quite… – Anna replied with a shrug. – Although… if you want to say that, once on your ship, we ended up in, so to speak, an alternate reality…

– What?! Arthur looked at Anna in shock. Anna, are you out of your mind? What is another alternate reality?

The astronaut shook his head.

– No, – Commander Art exchanged glances with Mikkel, who impatiently crossed his arms over his chest, and hastened to add. – You are in your own time and space, but we are all connected by one common mission, thanks to which you found our base and our ship.

Seeing that the young people still did not understand him, he sighed.

– Apparently, explanations are indispensable… I think you have heard about the spirits that protect your planet? So, we, of course, are not one of them, but our mission is to observe the life of earthlings.

– Like “Men in Black”, or what? – Arthur chuckled.

– Something like that, – Commander Art nodded. – Of course, this sounds fantastic, but I’m sure, Anna, you are not one of those who need to prove that your planet is not the only one inhabited in the Universe.

The girl nodded. For many years she studied astronomy, the Vedas and Ancient Texts. And Arthur’s recent discovery seemed to have prepared her for the last step of accepting what Commander Art was hinting at. But Art?

– I… of course I understand, but… If you died, then… Now you…

– What? – Arthur threw a perplexed look at the astronaut, but he impatiently waved his hand, interrupting him:

– Yes, you can say that. I don’t want to go into details, but I don’t seem to have a choice. Well, we can actually live one or more human lives in order to awaken those who are ready…” He glanced pointedly at Anna. – Midgard is not just a planet, but what earlier spiritual leaders called a kind of Purgatory. Having come here from our world, your souls, through several rebirths, can receive healing from negative energy…

– So does karma exist? I knew it…

Art continued, ignoring Arthur’s irony:

– … We have been looking for a suitable planet for this experiment for a long time, but without success. The worlds to which we sent expeditions already had developed civilizations like us and did not want to participate in this. Finally, about five hundred billion years ago, we discovered an undeveloped system called the Milky Way. There was no point in delaying. The Intergalactic Council decided to send several ships in order to establish contact between Midgard and Wyrda… Initially, it was supposed to use a device called the Star Gate for communication between the planets. It allowed, with the help of an instantaneous wormhole, to move from one world to another. But the hopes placed on the Gate were misguided. The power of Chaos in the hearts of people is too great, the catastrophes that destroyed civilizations on Mars and Phaeton…

A dreamlike vision flashed through Anna’s mind – a flash of light, a city collapsing… Art, watching her, shook his head.

– We often want to intervene… Stop everything. But we have no right. Our mission is to see that history takes its course, but does not slide into chaos. Of course, sometimes we still have to protect your world from attacks from the outside, such as meteorites, comets and the invasion of unfriendly Space Hulks… But everything that concerns life on the planet is taboo.

– But why? – Arthur looked at Anna. To his amazement, the girl looked quite calm, as if Commander Art’s words didn’t surprise her at all.

– It’s hard to explain, but I’ll try. The thing is that your world is special.

– Really? – Arthur looked at Art in surprise. He spread his hands.

– The history of Midgard is not like the others. During the Second Last Great Battle between Orion and Sirius, a large intergalactic ship of the Vaitmar type, sent by the diplomatic delegation of the Constellation Cygnus, was damaged and stopped for repairs in the solar system to settle in several planets: Orea (Mars) and Deya (you know her as Phaethon, from which now the asteroid belt remains), they housed space navigation and communication stations. But closer to Waitmara was the unexplored Earth, which the Ancients called Midgard. After the death of the civilizations of Orea and Dei, it was decided to settle on it. The air, land and water samples taken showed its suitability for life, and part of the crew landed on Midgard. After the repair, Vaitmara continued on her way, but some of the settlers remained to settle down and ennoble the Earth, on which at that time there were no people, but only plants and animals. The mainland on which the Ancients settled was located at the North Pole and was divided by rivers into 4 parts. They called the mainland DAARIA, i.e. “Gift to the Ancients”, now it is better known among Earthlings under the name Hyperborea. After Midgard was mastered, about 40,000 years ago, many other Races of the Great Commonwealth and Midgard moved to it – the Earth began a new life…

– So everything that is written in ancient texts is true? – delighted Arthur looked at Commander Art. He nodded.

– Yes, Arthur. Your planet is one of the youngest we have discovered, since it is part of the plan, the experiment that has been carried out on Midgard for many billions of years. Our Council is constantly watching you… And the fact that you were sent to find us is also part of the plan. As I said, the Ancient Races came to this planet from outer space. Our galactic system has developed rapidly, reaching hitherto incredible heights in the field of technology and medicine, making our avatars simply invulnerable to external destroyers. But we did not take into account the fact that, while improving the body, we began to forget about the soul… Being proud, we allowed the Darkness to penetrate us, which led to selfishness and a thirst for power. It was then that the Council of Elders decided to create a quarantine zone, a boundary… All this is part of one Great Intergalactic Plan, the purpose of which is to get rid of the inferno. The Earth is just at the junction of two forces – Darkness and Light, therefore it was chosen as a kind of Purgatory. You have probably heard that in your world there is an ancient struggle between two forces – Darkness and Light. The name “Midgard” itself implies the line between the two worlds, a kind of frontier where, through spiritual trials, it is possible to expand consciousness and get rid of Chaos and darkness in our souls. This experience helped our civilizations stop the Intergalactic Wars. And that is why your planet does not have Stargates… The truth is that now this struggle in most of the Universe known to us simply does not exist, except, perhaps, for some distant destructive civilizations, subject to the Darkness, where we prefer not to fly in… There, all the negative is present in in full: selfishness in an exaggerated form, hatred…

– So, this is the reason why strife never ends on Earth… But wasn’t there another way? – Anna asked.

Captain Mikkel shook his head.

– Unfortunately, no. We have tried many things… Our task is to wait for the Awakened, and then we take them and return to our galaxy – Cygnus, Sirius or Orion, and the next expedition takes our place. Several times every hundred years, some of us leave the Hall of Meditation to be reborn on Earth. This is because often earthlings need help, they need someone who will guide, give advice when history comes to a standstill. Chaos must not be allowed… Our mission is to remind the world from time to time of the importance of such things as spirituality, faith, hope and love. If you want to change the world, you need to start with yourself, work on yourself… Only then you can take the path of Truth. And the fact that you have found us means that everything is going as it should… Yes, you are not the first awakened ones. The Intergalactic Council will be happy to know that our plan to get rid of the inferno is going well and there are those who are proof of this. For you, my story may seem like a fiction, but in fact everything that happens is part of the great plan of many generations of scientists of the Intergalactic Federation… Now you understand how important your return is? Yes, I know that there is no way back for you, I know about the danger that you expose yourself to… But this is for the best, believe me… and it means only one thing – it’s time for you to return home.

– I guessed, – the girl looked at Mikkel, he smiled. – But this transition… Will we be able to withstand it?

– Well, you usually come to us after dropping this avatar, – seeing Anna’s incomprehensible look, Mikkel hastened to clarify. – Your body. It is too primitive for the Higher Worlds.

Arthur, eyes wide with horror, looked into the impassive face of the astronaut. Then he turned his gaze to the girl, as if seeking support from the inevitable that awaited them.

– Arthur, you said it yourself, we understood what we were getting into, didn’t we?

– Very witty, Anna, – the young man brushed his hair back from his forehead. He suddenly couldn’t breathe. – I am amazed at your calmness… Why would it be?

– Maybe because for the first time I clearly realize the importance of my actions. Arthur, here on Earth, we are stuck in the networks of virtual reality… We complain about anything… not understanding the truth – you need to start with yourself, take responsibility for your actions, for your developed infantilism… Find the answer to the question – what is it for? everything we want to say with our lives, what we want to leave behind? Have you never thought that your existence is not just a series of natural needs?…

– Did you think so? Unlike some people whose brains are cobwebs in the dark bookshelves, I love life and don’t want to give it up so soon. In general, I expected that we would hand over this accursed stone to you and, covered with glory, return home calmly. And I voted for plan B.

The girl looked at Captain Mikkel, who shook his head.

– Sorry, Arthur, there is no other way. We checked the ratio of your Natal Charts… If you do decide to return, you will be caught and the last thing that awaits you is a week in a punishment cell and execution in a gas chamber for breaking the rules. And what we offer is not death at all.

– And what is it? You yourself said that life on your planet in our bodies is impossible, – the young man crossed his arms over his chest. – If I had known, I would never have picked up this bundle…

– Arthur…

Without listening to the girl, the young man jumped to his feet. Panic surged through him.

– No. I didn’t sign up for this! And if you, Anna, do not care about your life, then I do not!

– Arthur, have you forgotten? We have no choice…

– I don’t care… I don’t want to, I…

Suddenly, he felt something prick his forearm. His legs buckled, the captain’s assistant came up and supported the losing consciousness of the man, helping him to get to the chair. Looking at the peaceful face of Arthur, the girl whispered:

– I didn’t think it would affect him so much… Arthur was always so staunch, cold…

– Be more forgiving, Anna. Everyone is tied to this world in different ways… Sometimes the connection is too strong and breaking it is not as easy as it seems… – Art turned to Anna. – Are you ready?

– Absolutely. One question – what about Stas and the others?

– Don’t worry, they won’t remember anything about what happened. Tomorrow morning they will wake up, as usual, and rush to fulfill the tasks of your leadership… Everything that happened to them will be erased from their memory… By the way, – he thought. – We can alleviate the feelings of those who are dear to you in the same way.

– What? But, how?..

– It’s simple – we will make them forget about you. Everything that reminded you of your presence here will be hidden…

– They will forget… but if we return one day, will it be possible to cancel… this?

Commander Art nodded.

– Undoubtedly. Our memory is multidimensional, what is removed can be returned if necessary.

– Then I agree. And lastly, should I be afraid?

The Commander placed a hand on her shoulder.

– Just not for you…

– Good. You know… For so many years I have dreamed of finding out if we are alone in the Universe. Now my world has turned upside down… And I’m glad about it.

She noticed the glittering needle in Aldabra’s doctor’s hand. The girl closed her eyes… A discharge of current… And her consciousness began to float away. She felt weightless, feeling herself rising up…


…Throwing away the sword, the Warrior fell to his knees. He no longer wanted to fight. Emptiness enveloped him… Emptiness and pain. What did he fight for? For peace? How can you fight for peace if you sow pain yourself? He clenched his teeth. He saw too much pain and injustice in his life. Probably, it’s time to get used to it… But the Soul didn’t want to get used to it. He looked at the sky, where the scarlet sunset was smoldering and… wept. For the first time in a long time, sincerely, since he cried only once, a long time ago, when he realized that he was returned to Earth again, that he could not, did not complete his Mission to the end… That was His Birthday…

He remembered how much bullying and ridicule he had to endure in childhood, in his youth… Before, he wondered – FOR WHAT?! And he tried to reach out to the hearts and souls of other people… Then he met LOVE. Did His Soulmate answer him?… His Soul flared up with a bright light… But it soon went out. Again the door of the Heart was slammed before him. His Sincere Feelings were rejected… He knew loneliness. It has become a path to distrust and deep resentment…

It was then that he first picked up a Weapon… It became his Mind… But not for attack, but for defense. Protection from those who enjoyed his pain… Who didn’t need excuses and understanding of others… He decided to prove to the whole world that he could be strong, invulnerable and rebellious… But did it bring relief? Hardly… more likely even greater disappointment in Life and the World… The battle with the Windmills turned out to be pointless… Hopeless… If there is no point, then what is all this for? Why live if there is no peace even with yourself?!!! And he hated himself, his reflection in this world of Mirrors… Plunging into darkness, where he felt freedom… But the Darkness was full of unbearable loneliness… It seemed to haunt him… FOR WHAT?! Throwing away his sword, the Warrior fell to his knees. He no longer wanted to fight. Emptiness enveloped him… Emptiness and pain.

He threw back his hood and golden curls scattered over his shoulders… Yes, he completely forgot about who he was… In this world, it is not surprising to forget that you are a girl… Are you a girl? No one has ever seen HER in HIM. She used to defend herself, got used to relying only on herself in everything… NOT A SINGLE TEAR. YOU ARE STRONG! So it was accepted… The strong do not cry! And never complain, never look for excuses… You can’t… Stop it… ENOUGH!!!… They say that despondency is a sin. So laugh, LAUGH IN THE FACE OF FATE, LET’S… Do not give her pleasure… Otherwise, she will definitely laugh at you. Who has seen little, cries a lot. No one wants your tears, everyone wants comedy! Did you fall, does it hurt? HA_HA_HA! Like in an old silent movie… We used to make fun of each other, it’s so funny. But do we have fun when we ourselves stumble and fall? Not, we will never admit it… Those who have seen a lot… can no longer, will not laugh at the fallen. He would rather extend his hand. Get up…

…There is no Light without Darkness, just as there is no Life without Pain… We all experience bodily or spiritual torment in one way or another… We are born with a cry, so at least we need to live with laughter! Shadows cast across the dark ceiling. Another night without sleep. As time drags on, the hands of the clock keep moving. No, you are not sad, because your destiny is to be strong, no matter what. It’s already a habit. The habit of waking up, living, relying only on yourself. Fight. And to be silent, to laugh, hiding yourself behind a mask… Another day passed, but again it did not bring relief. They say that coffee invigorates. Nonsense, it only takes away strength… For a long time there is no point in waiting for something… Time is running, taking years. All the same notorious “Groundhog Day”… And again a new day… And again everyone repeats: “You are strong, you cannot be broken!” Yes, strong, you see, I’m smiling! Straightening the back, gait from the hip… Faces, so many faces, acquaintances and not so… And it is strange, going home in the evening to hear the ringing silence. You go online … 0 friends, 0 of them are on the site, and there is no one to talk heart to heart with. And when you go into the bedroom, you see a big empty bed… And you decide to sleep on the couch today. How could this happen? Why was it necessary to be born into this world? Starless blue sky. Answer… Silence. No answer. Dreams, darkness, cold, fatigue… The labyrinth of the subconscious. I CAN’T DO THIS MORE!… She was sick, physically, from hospitals, doctors’ prescriptions and their prohibitions. A weak, puny body… how it limited her! Like a butterfly in a hateful cocoon… Yes, she understood that there are people much more unhappy in fate, she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically … 0 of them are on the site, and there is no one to talk heart to heart with. And when you go into the bedroom, you see a big empty bed… And you decide to sleep on the couch today. How could this happen? Why was it necessary to be born into this world? Starless blue sky. Answer… Silence. No answer. Dreams, darkness, cold, fatigue… The labyrinth of the subconscious. I CAN’T DO THIS MORE!… She was sick, physically, from hospitals, doctors’ prescriptions and their prohibitions. A weak, puny body… how it limited her! Like a butterfly in a hateful cocoon… Yes, she understood that there are people much more unhappy in fate, she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically … 0 of them are on the site, and there is no one to talk heart to heart with. And when you go into the bedroom, you see a big empty bed… And you decide to sleep on the couch today. How could this happen? Why was it necessary to be born into this world? Starless blue sky. Answer… Silence. No answer. Dreams, darkness, cold, fatigue… The labyrinth of the subconscious. I CAN’T DO THIS MORE!… She was sick, physically, from hospitals, doctors’ prescriptions and their prohibitions. A weak, puny body… how it limited her! Like a butterfly in a hateful cocoon… Yes, she understood that there are people much more unhappy in fate, she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically… How could this happen? Why was it necessary to be born into this world? Starless blue sky. Answer… Silence. No answer. Dreams, darkness, cold, fatigue… The labyrinth of the subconscious. I CAN’T DO THIS MORE!… She was sick, physically, from hospitals, doctors’ prescriptions and their prohibitions. A weak, puny body… how it limited her! Like a butterfly in a hateful cocoon… Yes, she understood that there are people much more unhappy in fate, she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically… How could this happen? Why was it necessary to be born into this world? Starless blue sky. Answer… Silence. No answer. Dreams, darkness, cold, fatigue… The labyrinth of the subconscious. I CAN’T DO THIS MORE!… She was sick, physically, from hospitals, doctors’ prescriptions and their prohibitions. A weak, puny body… how it limited her! Like a butterfly in a hateful cocoon… Yes, she understood that there are people much more unhappy in fate, she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically… she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically… she endured and tried not to grumble. But I so wanted to be stronger both spiritually and physically…

Blow… silence… blow… hush… hush…

She seemed to be gliding along a warm river, fragments of memories flashed and faded in her mind… Is it really the end? But there was no end. She was carried by the current of the river… A bright flash of light… As if through a dream, soft music burst into her brain. So strange and calm… But then her memory began to come back to life. The whole meaning of what was happening suddenly dawned on the girl. She’s in space, in a starship! But all of a sudden she just dreamed it all? The girl squeezed her eyes shut and then slowly opened her eyes with excitement. Her eyes fell on the ship’s cozy cabin, apparently the medbay. She was lying on a capsule-shaped bed, under a soft warm bluish light. Squinting her eyes, next to her, on the same bed, she saw Arthur. Covered with a light blanket, he did not move, breathing evenly and calmly, as if sleeping.

So it wasn’t a dream? The girl stretched out her hand… In the bluish glow, she seemed to be fashioned from ivory. What does she look like then? However, as soon as she moved, the door opened and a pleasant young woman in a snow-white suit entered the room.

– Are you awake already? Perfect! – She took the girl’s hand, looking at the monitor. – Everything is okay.

– Right? – the girl fell silent, not recognizing her voice, unexpectedly high and melodic.

– Exactly, – the young woman smiled. – You’re doing great, Anna.

– Saima? What happened with me? And where is Mikkel, Alex? – the girl raised herself on her elbows. Looking around herself, she turned pink – she had no clothes on at all. – Ouch…

– Don’t be embarrassed, – the young woman approached a strange-looking device that looked like a 3D printer. – As soon as I’m sure you’re all right, you can meet them. How do you like your updated avatar?

– I… don’t know what to say, – the girl sat down. Every movement now came to her with unprecedented ease and grace. – It looks like I need time…

– I’ll help you, but first, please get up here.

The girl obeyed. The doctor led her to a circle in the floor. From somewhere above, warm water poured onto her, immediately evaporating upon contact with the body, at the same time giving a feeling of freshness. Observation did not let her down – the robot-printer quickly “printed” clothes for the girl. Dressed in a silver-colored outfit consisting of a thin sweater and tight-fitting trousers, Anna turned to the now mirrored wall and gasped. Looking at her was a graceful young girl, about eighteen years old at the most, with short black hair that beautifully framed her face and turquoise eyes.

– It’s me?

– Well, certainly not me, – the doctor laughed merrily. – How do you feel?

– Perfect! That’s just… I have a strange feeling. I smell, but I have absolutely no thirst and hunger. This is fine?

The Doctor nodded.

– Yes. Your body is no longer a biorobot, although it retains a set of former qualities, including the consumption of food as a pleasure, but not a need, although your digestive system is much more perfect than before and is not subject to any negative influences. You don’t need any more of this nourishment, as we have long since learned to draw energy from a special spectrum of light waves, emotions and sensations. So, positive emotions give strength, and negative ones drain us. We are also not subject to the destructive effects of the external environment, but nevertheless we can be destroyed by a special type of energy weapon. Over time, you will understand everything, working in space expeditions…

The girl glanced at Arthur.

– Will he… wake up?

– Yes, – the doctor approached the motionless young man. – But he needs time. Arthur is more difficult, he is too attached to the past. Midgard won’t let him go so easily… But his will is strong, he can handle it. We are sure of it.

Anna nodded as she walked over to the capsule and looked at it. Arthur’s face breathed calmness, the wrinkles smoothed out… He looked ten years younger. The girl smiled softly – all resentment, pain evaporated without a trace. There was an indescribable lightness in her body… as if she woke up from a serious illness and now her whole being rejoiced. Saima went out, and the girl turned once more in front of the mirror. Yes, she will also need time to get used to the new sensations of freedom and strength that overwhelm her body. It was as if she woke up from a serious illness and now her whole being rejoiced. Mikkel, Art! She must find them, thank them… Glancing at Arthur once more, the girl went out into the corridor. Entering the elevator, Anna was a little confused, but then she remembered, Mikkel’s words, that the ship was also controlled telepathically. It was worth a try.

– Please, captain’s quarters. I don’t really know what level…

Contrary to her fears, not even a second passed before the elevator opened again, and the girl found herself in a long corridor, on the sides of which there were several doors. Interest overcame shyness. As soon as she approached one of them, it immediately opened, and Anna saw a spacious bright hall, and in the middle of it a huge pool with such clear blue water as she had never seen in her life. As soon as she entered the room, a small shining white ball lit up in the middle of the hall under the ceiling, it became warmer around and from somewhere a pleasant sea breeze blew. Yielding to the environment, the girl resolutely took off her clothes and, running up, dived into the water. She gently accepted it, and Anna gave herself the opportunity to sink to the very bottom – the depth of the pool was at least two to three meters! Then, with a few swings of her arms, she surfaced. To her delight, the water turned out to be so warm that it was possible to stay in it indefinitely. It was nothing like the disinfected sports clubs where she sometimes ventured to swim. In addition, there she always had to make a lot of effort to stay afloat, but here the water itself kept her! It was wonderful…

– You are a great swimmer!

From surprise, Anna almost went under the water again. The girl looked around in amazement and saw a young man standing nearby. The dark gray suit beautifully fitted the man’s slender body, and his tall stature and soft movements gave him a resemblance to a flexible and strong cat… Panther, that’s how she could characterize him. Brown eyes followed her, and her lips parted in a half smile. Adjusting a strand of dark curly hair, he put a hand to his chest.

– I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.

– No, you’ll forgive me for allowing myself…

Then it dawned on her that she was in front of a stranger in what her mother gave birth and blushed. But most of all, she was struck by the behavior of a man who calmly watched her.

– Uh, mmm, could you turn your back… Or give a towel?

– Of course, here you go, – the cosmonaut, holding out his hand, helped her out and held out a towel. The embarrassment of the girl obviously did not bother him.

– So you won’t turn away?

– In terms of? Ah, I get it. Do not worry, soon you will understand that we have not been shy about the beauty and perfection of our bodies for a long time. Our Body is the creation of the Almighty, so why should we be ashamed of what is given to us by the Universe?

The girl nevertheless turned away and, wrapping herself in a bathrobe given to her by a man, decided to translate the conversation.

– Still, I’m embarrassed that I’m like this, without permission…

– Well, what are you. I didn’t mean to disturb you, but you are indeed a great swimmer.

– Thank you… And you? How do you feel about this kind of sport?

– Actually, I really like to swim, but there is not always enough time.

Anna nodded. After drying off, she threw off her robe and, still turning pink, dressed quickly.

– Mikkel, I’ve wanted to ask for a long time… Art never explained to me why his name sounds different in this world?

The captain shrugged.

– The Commander is not the first time incarnated on Midgard, so he decided to move into the category of mentors. And the name… It is not forgotten if the memory does not go out, right? He has been preparing for this for a long time, because the Commander is half Lanthean, half Alvian… Their civilization belongs to the constellation Cygnus, like yours, by the way.

The girl looked at the young man in astonishment.

– My? I thought my home was Earth. Even though I know that our meeting with Art was preordained. I saw him in one of the memories of a past life. But my family…

– So it was, – Mikkel nodded in agreement. – But now you’re back to who you really are. And soon meet your real family.

The girl lowered her head.

– It’s hard to forget the past.

The young man took the girl by the hand.

– No one is forcing you to forget them. They will always be in your soul, as a part of you. But you cannot deny your true nature. You are a purebred swan, Aria. Princess…

– I? – the girl looked at Mikkel in amazement, he smiled.

– Yes, and your people, like your family, are waiting for your return. Soon your memory will return to you… By the way, – the young man handed the girl a pendant made of a strange-looking stone, with unusual runes carved on it. – That stone did not just find you. Now you can rightfully wear it as a Guardian.

– I don’t understand.

– Everything has its time. You will understand soon…

The girl shrugged. A pleasant warmth spread from the stone through the body. Smiling, Ann… Aria looked at the astronaut.

– And you, Mikkel… also a swan?

– No, I’m an Orion, though not a pureblood. My mother is an Orion and my father is a Lyrian.

– I have so many questions … – the girl tousled her still slightly wet hair, collecting her thoughts. – I’ll start with the main thing. My transformation… is it complete?

– Completely. It remains to be trained.

– I’m ready…

The alien nodded.

– We have contacted the Council. They allowed you and Arthur (when he wakes up) to be trained on Orion. In the end, we have one of the best schools… In the meantime, the flight lasts, they offered to bring you up to date.

– And who will be my mentor?

Mikkel smiled slyly.

– And what do you think? He is in front of you.

– Well, – the girl held out her hand to the man. – We are glad to cooperate. When do we start?

– Tomorrow. True, here, in space, eternal night reigns… But time is the same for everyone.

– I have always loved the night…

– Then it’s decided. By the way, we have already entered the dimensional tunnel. A few more tens of parsecs and we will jump into hyperspace. If everything continues to go well, then in two or three days we will be ready to jump into zero-space. By the way, would you like to take a look at the tunnel itself? It’s pretty interesting.

– Why not?

Moving forward along the corridor, they entered a small round room, in the center of which stood a pair of chairs. The whole wall of the room was occupied by a huge screen. The young people sat in comfortable chairs that instantly took on the shape of their bodies, and Mikkel turned on the surveillance screen. Immediately, the whole room was plunged into darkness, and a spatial window appeared on the screen. The ship moved in such an incredible overflow of colors that the girl could not even imagine. The stars turned into white streaks that instantly swept past, and the tunnel itself shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow…

– Mikkel… It’s so beautiful…

– I knew you’d like…


Suddenly, an alarm sounded through the ship. The screen flickered and went out, and a bright light came on all around.

– What’s the matter?

– I don’t know yet, – Mikkel jumped up, but then the ship shook so that he was forced to grab onto the back of his chair. – Hurry, follow me.

They ran out into the corridor and hurried to the control room.

– What happened? – Mikkel went up to his assistant, peering into the instrument readings.

– I have no idea. Fuel is good, but the ship has exited the dimensional tunnel.

– What? – Mikkel pressed the button, causing the shields blocking the view moved aside, and their eyes had an incredible sight. The stars disappeared, and the ship itself moved as if in a light purple mist. Entered at that moment, the Commander froze. – Can’t be!

Approaching the captain, Art took from his hands a tablet with constellation diagrams.

– I’m afraid the testimony is correct, Mikkel…

– What’s the matter? – Aria walked over to the captain, who was staring intently at the purple clouds. Every now and then they seemed to flare up from the inside with bright flashes. – Where are we?

– I’m afraid that the most unforeseen happened – we got into one of the very dangerous nebulae. There’s a strong gravitational field here, which means…

The captain’s mate interrupted him.

– Mikkel, look.

The captain bent over the indicators, but, peering into the play of signals, he abruptly straightened up and, going to the dashboard, pressed several buttons. Immediately, a voice was heard throughout the ship:

– Everyone, take your seats! I repeat, all crew immediately take their seats and buckle up, in case of turbulence!

Mikkel switched off the loudspeaker and, after exchanging glances with Art, sank into a chair next to him. Aria followed suit. Soon, through the fog, the outlines of a huge planet began to be seen.

– Mikkel, what is it?

– A planet of spectral type F. In other words, a supergiant with an incredible power of gravity.

But can we bypass it? – girl excitedly looked at Commander Art. The Commander shook his head.

– Not. In addition, our engines have not yet recovered after leaving the space tunnel… Deg Lennart…

– Yes captain!

– On the left, I noticed a small satellite. We’ll be in orbit around the planet for about an hour. Send a scout robot to its surface.

– Do you offer boarding? Deg looked questioningly at the Commander.

– Yes. We have no other choice. It will take several days for our engines to restart. But, fortunately, we have enough fuel.

A few minutes later, the capsule with the robot was lowered, and the team could only wait. However, the voice of astronavigator Kama Tar was soon heard, reporting a safe landing. Everyone hurried to the observatory.

An image of a desert gorge with sharp rock ledges appeared on the screen. The robot itself, by a lucky chance, landed on a large flat area. Some time later, soil and water samples showed the absence of harmful impurities.

– The air is very rarefied, – Commander Art turned off the screen. – I think we’ll still have to use spacesuits. Let’s go.

– Are we going to land on the planet? – Aria looked at Mikkel in amazement.

– Yes, this is a common practice, we must see with our own eyes the world where we fall by the will of fate and leave a beacon there, putting the planet on a map of the constellations, this is part of our work. But I think you’re better off…

– I’m with you.

Fortunately, the spacesuits turned out to be not the bulky suits in which the people of the Earth went into space. They were made of a thin synthetic material that was like a second skin and hardly felt on the body. But, according to Sa-Ira, the ship’s engineer, they could easily withstand a hundred degrees of frost, and not just thirty degrees, which was on the planet. Putting it on, I looked in the mirror. Silver in color, it tightly fitted her slender body and, in combination with the snow-white waterproof raincoat attached to it, perfectly completed her image. Finally, making sure that the suit fit perfectly, she went up to the control room, where Mikkel and Art were waiting for her, also already dressed in similar suits, which suited them very well. Sitting in a chair next to the Commander, the girl buckled up, the captain nodded to his assistant, and he pressed the landing lever.

Aria felt an unknown force lightly push her into a chair. The ship rushed from its place and, breaking through the dense atmosphere, began to describe circles, looking for a profitable landing site. Finally, she was found – in a small gorge among the rocks. As the ship softly touched down, Mikkel unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned back in his chair, breathing a sigh of relief.

– We are in place. Well, it’s time to find out what we’re dealing with…

Rising to her feet, Aria felt how strong the gravity field of this planet was. Her whole body was constrained, and movements were difficult, but deciding not to lose her face in front of the crew, she gathered her strength and followed. As Art had predicted, the planet was freezing cold, fortunately barely perceptible through the spacesuit’s heating layer, and a strong wind was blowing, and dark cumulus clouds were crawling across the light purple sky. All together it looked like a picture of a science fiction movie. The commander turned to the people accompanying him.

– So, we’re here. But let’s agree – never go anywhere alone. And do not lose vigilance. Aria!

The girl, who thoughtfully fixed her gaze on the mountains in the distance, turned to the Commander.

– Yes?

– I say we should be careful. Do not forget – this world is not familiar to us and we should be very careful.

– Okay, – Aria nodded with a shrug.

Commander Art sighed and shook his head.

– Just be on the alert… Let’s go.

They slowly began to climb up the big hill. To everyone’s surprise, even with such a frost, flowers grew on the planet, but due to the lack of sunlight, they were completely colorless and, moreover, huge (at least two meters in height) in size. Under the gusts of wind, they bent to the ground, making it difficult to climb. Having risen to the top, the friends were finally able to look around. The entire area was completely empty. There were no trees, they were replaced by white thorn bushes. In combination with the dark brown soil and purple sky, the whole surrounding picture evoked a strange feeling of unreality of what was happening on the travelers.

Aria suddenly froze as she listened.

– What happened? Art looked at her warily.

– I do not know. I thought I heard some kind of noise…

Here everyone really heard something similar to the clatter of soft paws. Aria looked around anxiously.

– Mikkel, be careful!

The astronaut turned sharply, having managed to see a huge beast rushing towards him. But at that moment, Aria pushed him away and the beast, having missed, rushed towards her. Mikkel pulled out a stunner attached to his thigh, essentially releasing a couple of electric waves. However, the beast turned out to be completely insensitive to the action of the weapon, which only angered him even more. In a rage, he attacked the girl, knocking her to the ground. The astronauts froze in horror – the monster was pushing Aria to the edge of the cliff…

– Aria…

– Mikkel, stop!

Not listening to the Commander, the captain, pushing him away, rushed to the girl, as a bright flash of light illuminated the surrounding area. The mysterious creature, howling, rushed away and disappeared into the darkness.

– Aria! Are you okay?

– Sort of. What was it?

– An incredibly strong lightning strike, and this “something” was extremely like a big wolf, – Mikkel held out his hand, helping the girl up. – Of course, I could deal with this… beast myself. But thanks anyway.

– Don’t, I couldn’t have done otherwise.

She swayed. Despite the fact that the strong material from which the suit was made protected her from the claws of an alien creature, the fall made itself felt with severe dizziness. Art shook his head.

– Mikkel, Aria needs Saima’s help. We return to the ship.

– Yes, of course, – the young man held out his hand to Aria, and she shook it tightly. – Let’s go…

Chintamani Chronicles. Crystal of Truth

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