Читать книгу Heaven and Earth - 1 - Now - André Hofer - Страница 10


1 To the Masculine:


Hello, Brother, it is nice that you are here with me, that you exist. How are you?

How is your life right now?

Are you feeling well? How is your body?

All systems go?

The reason I am asking you this is that we are living in a world where men have the saying in almost all matters, or at least in politics, economy and religion for more than 5,000 years. This long period was coined by great strains, e.g. strategies, power, hierarchy, fights, wars, conquests, destruction, techniques, logic and, not least of all, the oppression of the Feminine. This epoch is also called Patriarchy. Male patriarchs decided the course of world affairs in governmental as well as ecclesiastical matters. Terrain was conquered, surrounded by borders and a name was given. When lucky, this terrain may have contained valuable minerals or other primary products, guaranteeing long-lasting wealth. In this way the whole planet Earth was divided into dominions during the course of human history, and these were defended at all costs. “Great Führer“ (leaders) believed time and time again in their delusion that they had to enlarge their territory by hook or by crook. To this end, plans and weapons were hammered out. Innumerable, millions of human brothers were sent into battle, fighting each other, killing each other and, what was worst of all:

They even killed those beings whom they loved more than anything in this world: their wives and children.

What pain, what suffering!

In order for those men to be conditioned to such an extent, they had to cut themselves off from their inner feelings, to kill their inner voice and subjugate themselves entirely to an ideology:

All for the King, all for the Fatherland! By doing this, their own lives gained meaning and significance at the same time, and the feeling of belonging to a group conferred a correlative value to their existence. The body had to be strong and was thought to be functioning best as a machine, for only the best would survive; and so, to be ready for every possible event, they were trained as far as the utmost limits of human strength can go.

Meanwhile, the state of the Nation was being analysed with masculine intelligence and rationality in the Head Office of the powers in charge. New strategies were developed, established and propagated, commands were given in the hierarchical echelons, from top to bottom; and when one had excelled in his duty, one was decorated with a medal. Man could work himself up the hierarchical ladder; even, when necessary, this was achieved by selling one’s grandmother! All of this was also blessed by the Highest Power, i.e. by God Himself; this, at least, was proclaimed by the masculine representatives, who were chosen by God’s grace. Therefore, that is why nobody should now object, for Heaven’s sake.

Our Father in Heaven and the patriarchs knew what was good, correct and legal, as a matter of course and rising above all doubts. Hence, everything was in “apple-pie order”. There was no room for sickness, frailty and challenge, and by rebelling against the authorities one could risk one’s neck, one’s own “freedom” or one’s own life. This self-evident claim of the forceful powers not only referred to their own territory, but was extended to include other peoples and nations; e.g. as the last President of the United States phrased it so aptly: “Whoever is not for us, is against us.” This means in other words: there is only an “either – or”, a “swim or sink”, an “eat or die”.

Within these spiritual and secular structures in the Western world there developed different systems in economics, science, education and culture. Quite outstanding results have been achieved in all these areas to date. Nobody would dispute this, but this is not what is meant here and now. “Masculine” pride is, in my opinion, mostly out of place. It is rather high time to look at, and really study, where this millenia-old regime has brought us.

When we look at the Earth’s present situation, the climate, the widespread poverty, the so-called social system in the industrial nations, the interdependence of economy, politics and media (“lobbyism”), ancient conflicts between certain nations, wars about raw materials (commodities) and religious systems, increasing technological and medical possibilities and, not to forget, the rational educational system, we must be honest with ourselves and state that, in many aspects, we are now touching the limits, the borders of the tolerable.

Our human race has arrived at the boundary of self-destruction, and it is now high time to take fundamental decisions. And all these decisions finally end up in the one question: “Force (Money) or Life!”

The “Powerful” on this Earth seemingly have as yet not recognised the signs of the time, at least they behave that way. They still believe that we can carry on, despite all warning signs. Personal interests are still put before the interests of the bigger picture.

The patriarchal “hamster wheel” keeps on turning, the rat-race is on, we must achieve, learn, know, be fit and compete, own, be No. 1! We must be good, pray and confess our sins, so that we will be eligible to enter Heaven. And if someone comes along and tells us that we already have Heaven here on our beautiful planet Earth, at least some of us, and if we all “work” together on it, then we could see to it that this will be so for all of us, s/he would probably be ridiculed as a dreamer, utopian, quixotic esoteric or mystic.

Anyway, that’s how it was until now.

‘Psychological Strain’ is a well-known concept in psychology: one keeps on doing something until finally, it causes so much pain and strain that the behaviour cannot be sustained any longer. Only after arriving at that point does mankind need therapy and opens up for help, for new ways and means. Having said this, it is a wonderful omen that more and more people, especially the male genre, are beginning to realise the borders of their limits, which is called ‘Burn-out’. When we really love our planet Earth and life in all its wonderful diversity, we should in a sense wish that many, many more of our masculine species may reach that point sooner rather than later. However, there may be, perhaps, another way available, e.g. the way of simple awareness. The mere awareness of having become unsettled in small as well as great matters may suffice, of having placed the masculine before the feminine in all aspects of life, of doing before letting something happen, achieving instead of growing, intruding instead of welcoming, reason instead of feelings, spirit before body, knowledge before wisdom, force before elemental power.

Every great change begins in small increments. The German nation was able to witness some 20 years ago what an initially insignificant Monday demonstration achieved in the end: more and more people joined, because a handful of brave people had the heart to shout out loud what the majority of the nation were feeling deep in their souls. So a great movement was born, culminating in the legendary call: “The Wall must go!”

Nothing could have been more to the point than that.

And the same applies to the masculine:

“The Wall” is there too, the wall separating the masculine from the feminine, from feelings, from perceiving signals of body language, from solidarity with Mother Earth, from simple growth and ‘letting things happen’, from intuition, wisdom and care.

Your equilibrium is called upon here, your well-being and, thus, your own contribution to the equilibrium and well-being of the ‘big picture’. You should not suppress your inner femininity any longer, but rather accept it, even though other masculine species may call you “mollycoddle”, “woman-driver”, “wimp” or “softy”.

The time of the ‘lone warriors’ is certainly over now. When you love your wife and your children above everything else, and you are willing to give everything up for their well-being, it proves that you have a heart of gold; but do not forget yourself in all of this: You do not have to sacrifice yourself, and it surely is not a matter of vieing with other fathers in order to ensure that your family is better off than the others. The point is that all families should be better off! Even you! There is enough there for everyone to share!

And that is why I, right now, would like to ask you to take your foot off the pedal, stop, get out and breath deeply in and out: slowly inhale, slowly exhale. Stretch and uncurl yourself!

How are you? What is your body telling you? How do you feel?

Just forget for a moment everything you have learned so far and what others want(ed) from you. Are you perhaps tired? If yes, there is nothing wrong with it! It is okay! You are okay!


This is neither selfish nor irrelevant, it is rather all- positive.

Or, to repeat it differently: Come back to your sanity in this world, which is growing more and more insane. Ask yourself what you perceive, so that you know the truth again for yourself, irrespective of what any public authorities may have to say about it.

You do not have to find your place within the existing hierarchy, and you certainly do not need to become a member of any ‘men-gang’, male society or confederation in order to become a “true man”. There has been enough bawling, poaching and looting.

Assume responsibility for your perception, your truth, your well-being, your equilibrium. Be brave! Now!


Human Psyche can be compared with the various layers of the earth within a mine. In the same way as humus, sand, loam, clay, coal etc. are arranged in different stratifications, there are also different strata in our Psyche. At the surface we find the layer of so-called everyday life and awakened awareness. Below that resides the stratum of the individual subconsciousness, in which all past experiences are recorded and stored. The next stratum comprises biographical memories, including those of ones’ own childhood years, and further down there are the memories during birth or during the time of pregnancy. Going down deeper still, one touches an individually-spiritual time- and memory-stratum beyond biography, and again way deeper we arrive at the collective unconscious, where events from the entire human history are stored in a data bank.

The Lindwalls (cf. “The fundamental stuff” Part B, page 15) developed a computer model, which depicts in a graphic way how the human being “functions” as a Body-Soul-Spirit-entity. It indicates the following:

The Soul brings with it all memories of the individually-spiritual and collective stratum and decides, which experiences it intends to make in the life ahead, before amalgamating itself with the body. In that way, the Soul (as “user/programmer”) programmes the brain (the “hard disk”) with the corresponding “Software” which is, of course, already present at the time of birth. During lifetime, the individual accumulates further experiences, stores them in the memory and perceives the world accordingly. The body characteristics, as well as actions performed and experiences in the outer world are “hard copies/print-outs” of the stored data.

When complications arise in the outer world stratum, there must be corresponding “files” available in the inner stratum; and that is where the Releasing-method begins to take effect:

“Files” are being sought, as it were, which are responsible for causing complications in the outer world, and when they are found, they are deleted, i.e. respectively released. By formulating sentences, starting with the “deleting”-command “I release/let go”, all superfluous, or now “undesirable Software”, is being deleted from the “hard disk”.

My dear brother, do you know what would be, in my view, really brave for you to do as a modern man?

If you could get engaged with the depth of your Soul!

(Beyond all ancient and learned rational lessons and principles).

At this point I would like, as an introduction, to offer you a set of Releasing-sentences, which you may just simply read through. However, if you like, you may also take the time to speak out aloud to yourself each sentence, and afterwards breathe deeply in and out. And you may feel and sense for yourself whether any of these sentences touches you in some way or perhaps just makes you think… That would be a great step forward!

Even if, at the start, you may think it funny, just do it, you have nothing to lose!

So, here we go:

I release/I let go of…

- all consequences of having surrendered the responsibility of my life to public authorities

- all consequences of having not listened to my inner voice, my feelings and my body

- all consequences of having seen rivals, opponents or adversaries in other men (brothers)

- all consequences of having degraded my body to act like a “machine”, and to having pushed myself time and again to the forefront

- the entire old, corresponding and related, stress and the fight against fatigue and weariness

- all old programmes suggesting that my soft, feminine, sentimental side of my character is debilitating or counterproductive in the struggle of life

- the fear that I am unprotected and defenseless without my old armour

- my old habit of always scenting some potential danger in everything and not to trust calmness and peace

- all consequences of having denied my own truth within the realm of clubs and societies for men in order to belong to them

- all consequences of having spoken and acted against my own inner voice in the patriarchy

- all programmes suggesting that I, as a man, must act in a hard, cool, calculating and power-orientated manner

- the whole old strictness against myself

- all old destroying and self-destructive tendencies


A while ago, a business man conveyed to me his inner feelings, using quite a colourful image. He told me that he felt like a frog that had jumped into a pot filled with cold water. The pot was placed on a stove and the water, getting hotter and hotter, began to boil. The frog, although realising that the water was getting hotter with the pressure rising, patiently remained, without moving. We can imagine how this story is going to end if the frog sticks to its original plan. But, do we really want to do that?

“Further and further still”, “Men as hard as steel” or “as tough as leather”, “An Indian never knows pain”, or “Man never cries”, were and still are widespread slogans, and this self-conception is still prevelant in many of our Brothers in respect of their ‘Being a Man’. They are fighting for a certain idea; they go to the utmost limits, sacrificing themselves in the cause for the sake of an enterprise or their family.

The point here is the question of how to overcome this persisting old belief. In the ‘frog-story’ cited above it would mean that, as soon as the frog feels the water getting intolerably hot, it decides to jump out of the pot, thus saving its own life.

Many small as well as great achievements were accomplished with that old inner attitude; obstacles and opponents were removed out of one’s way, huge turnovers were generated, monumental buildings were erected and much more undertaken besides. And after a planned undertaking had been completed, it was honoured appropriately, celebrated and one’s ‘Ego massaged’. And above all, one could be mighty proud of the achievement.

This masculine Ego still dominates all major events of the Western (economy) life. Nations, enterprises, political parties, sports clubs, families and ‘lone warriors’ in this world have set goals for themselves, developed strategies and leave no stone unturned to adhere to the set parameters and, thus, be successful. One concentrates and keeps a focus, one puts on ‘blinkers’, neither looking left nor right. One calculates, analyses, speculates, guesses and values in Euro or Dollars, one half of a pig’s carcass is traded at the market rate on the stock exchange and, which is most important, the stock must be at the correct, acceptable value. One remains as long as it takes in the “tunnel of success” to reach the set goal; only then can one treat onself to a short holiday, party and other excesses, after which the rat race starts again with the tread mill of new, revised forecast figures, higher, faster, further, more and more.

It is highly interesting from a psychological point of view to set these human activities in correlation to Dr. Hawkins’ scale of awareness. Noticeable is that the majority of daily dealings in the Western world happen in the strata between greediness and pride. There is the craving for certain things or objects (money, car, house, holiday), or for economic growth, and these goals are consequently pursued, either more or less aggressively, or even with a strategy like “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”. Whenever opponents are blocking one’s way or problems arise, anger, enragement or even hatred begin to show their ugly heads, leading to even more reserves being mobilised. Once the goal has been reached, pride reigns again. The trade laws of the market prevail, as can be seen in the media day after day, repeated like a mantra. The logic of offer and demand dictates the entire activities, the “Big” devour the “Small”, the economic cycle must function, so the ‘lesser’ heart-circuit-system of the individual can be neglected. The pursuit of these market-economic goals is, in the true sense of the word, robbing energy. This is true for the individual person and her/his body as well as for the “Big Body” on which we live – our Mother Earth. And if we do not tread carefully and keep an eye on it, it may end fatally!

Why this is so, can simply be explained by looking at the analysis of consciousness: concupiscence, anger and pride are intrinsically without any power; their values can be found between 125 and 175 on the Hawkins-scale, which means that, whatever little energy is in them, pulls down towards the “0”- point (value for physical death). Just let me remind you again: real power is only present after surpassing and exceeding the value 200; at this value the spiral curls upwards and is conducive to life.

When one listens to public discussions about social order or market economy, the concept “without alternative” crops up time and again, meaning that there is no other alternative available but the one and only stated. And when dissenters move away from the ‘achievement principle’ and counter with the equality principle for all mankind or even all living creatures, including animals and plants, it would soon be dismissed as a communistic idea, and one might conclude that these respective exponents may have got stuck in the 60’s or 70’s of the 20th Century, still believing that they have to defend the Western world against the great enemy from the East.

Another interesting phenomenon can be observed when that so-called ‘unconditional basic income’ is being debated on the political scene. The underlying idea of it is that every person receives a monthly salary from the government to the extent that all basic demands in respect of accomodation, food and health insurance can be met. At this point, the opponents like to produce the argument that, if this would be implemented, we should soon have a nation of sluggards who would have absolutely no interest nor any incentive to work, nor any chance for them becoming involved for the common good. In no time our entire nation would comprise social welfare recipients and we could soon close up shop (business location Country, etc.). In this way, one sticks to the well-proven achievement principle; after all: where would we end up if everyone would do whatever they like?!

Is it possible that here, like so often in life, the truth could be found half-way between both arguments? In any case, we have arrived at the point, where it is high time to surpass this wide-spread masculine pride based on wealth and achievement.


At this point, a fundamental conceptional clarification should be helpful:

Self-awareness and self-realisation are two terms cited regularily today. In most cases the word “Self” is hereby used in an incorrect sense. When an idea is used to describe the making of plans, or to come out on top against competitors, or to persist on one’s viewpoints, or to achieve goals by asserting oneself and amass wealth, we should correctly talk in most cases about ‘Ego-awareness’ and ‘Ego-realisation’.

The “Self” is synonymous with the “Soul”. He who knows his Soul, he who is quite clear about who he really is, is really selfconfident; and whoever lives according to this self-awareness and throws his qualities into the balance, he ‘self-realises’ himself. The “Self” automatically bears reference to the “Whole”, since it recognises the “Self” among other things and knows, that all of us originate from the same source (God/Goddess).

However, the Ego thinks predominantly for itself only, it sees first and foremost the personal gain and thinks, talks and acts accordingly.

Pride takes its nourishment from several sources; for example: after the close of the Football-World-Championship in 2010 one could be proud to be German. You can be proud for a whole year, when your own team has won or just simply because you are a member of a successful club. One may be proud to be employed in a certain enterprise, to drive a certain type of car, to be proud of one’s own fitness, both physically and mentally, of one’s own achievements or those of his children or other family members. There is nothing wrong with this kind of pride, especially as it is often justifiable on account of the many sacrifices that have been made in achieving those goals. As has been said already, the frog gives all it has.

The problem of pride, however, rests in the fact that it mostly takes into account the viewpoints of only one’s own situation, family, enterprise, club and nation. Or, as it can be read so aptly in the vernacular: “Charity begins at home!” However, it really should read, in a more correct way: “Charity begins with Self!”

The point here is, as it were, the overcoming of this ‘Ego-mentality’, which means that ‘man’ should do everything in a different way forthwith. In the first instance, it suggests that the entire Western activities should not be placed before the interests of others anymore, not to take matters so infinitely important, not so deadly serious. The Germans are highly appreciated across the world for their discipline and industriousness, but the “easy-going” of the Australians is also quite attractive. In nature we know greyhounds and tortoises. Everyone moves with their own speed. And there is room for everyone and everything, provided we do not destroy its habitat.

Talking about animals: we humans presumably originate from the apes, and especially in the masculine behaviour we can detect parallels; for example, we only have to look at showy behaviour, turf wars, herd instinct, alpha-animals, jealousy about food and sexual drive. How often can we hear the supposedly justifying remark: “I am only a man”, “I just cannot do otherwise”. In other words: The testosterone is to blame! This old masculine high-handedness, too, has to be overcome, especially since it is only a ‘half-truth’, for even men have a Soul.

So, while we are talking about overcoming, we should all begin it within ourselves, and try to find out where the own Ego, the animal instincts within oneself and any self-interests, leads us.

Well then, Brother, what is the matter with your pride? Your avarice? Your fanaticism? Your masculine self-importance? Your Ego? Your controlling? And in what way are you dealing with the feminine side in you? And with the femininity in your ambience? Have you everything under control? Do you know who you really are? What comes to your mind about the word “Soul”?

I am inviting you now to ponder a while about these questions; just muster your courage and do it!

Thus far, I have mainly addressed those of our Brothers, who are remaining, like the frog, in the water, despite it getting hotter and hotter, who are in some way involved in the “Big play of the West”. And now I want to bring all those Brothers into play, who have so far refused to jump into the water, and who are leading their existence in some other way, croaking away or not; all those Brothers who have as yet not found their niche - one could call it their refusing to grow up, because they never wanted to be like their consexuals or their fathers. This ‘elbow-mentality’, this fight, this destruction were and are incompatible with one’s own truth. This decision, though quite brave, mostly leads to doubts whether one is still a real man, and so an awareness of life emerges that one is an “in-between”, neither fish nor fowl. And the very reason why a part of your own energy is trapped in resistance, is the point of you getting nowhere. The “field of life’s combat” is being surrendered to other male species, conflicts are being avoided, and one looks for niches in the social, intellectual or service areas in order to survive. One can talk about everything, discuss everything and, hopefully, soon one will love one another again.

Hello, Brother, it is okay to be a man, do not be afraid, you will never turn out to be like those men who have brought this planet to the edge of the abyss. Masculine energy is not bad per se, it has only become unbalanced; however, without this force there cannot be equilibrium either. Therefore, accept your masculinity again! Conquer your ancient resistances and accept your masculine body; become the man you really are! Come out of your comfort zone! You must act according to your own “Self”, and because you are a man, just accept your inner power again, jump into life’s water, do not fear, you shall not drown, for you are needed, everyone is needed, and you surely have talents that no-one else has but you! Just stop to think and talk too much, start acting, even if your Brothers may as yet be unable to formulate it properly: they all need you, for they have overstrained and overloaded themselves. In fact, they lack a real plan, though they might still “blazon forth” that they have everything under control.

You see, it always takes two to tango: the antagonist of a powerful man is the man without power. The powerful man can admit his powerlessness to the same degree as your accepting your own power again.

Well then, let’s get going, men! We shall meet in the middle!

And thanks be to God, we still have our Sisters around!

It is high time to conquer the ancient games of power and powerlessness, demolition and self-destruction, self-importance and self-denial, excessive demands and comfort, control and resistance. The key-words here are courage, truth and integrity!

They are all available, all we have to do is to use them.

At this point you may want to tackle some more Releasing-sentences, if you feel like it.

I release/I let go of…

- all ramifications pertaining to the fact that nobody ever told me that I am a “Living Soul”, preventing me from identifying myself as my true Ego and person

- all ramifications pertaining to the fact that I have exclusively pursued profane goals so far and that I have put achievements above everything else

- my old one-sided reasoning logic and the over-activity of the left side of my brain

- my (bad) habit to express and convert the value of all living things in monitary terms and statistics

- excusing my masculine attitude with the fact that testosterone flows through my blood vessels

- all decisions not to fully accept my masculine power because I did not want to turn out like my father or my fellow males

- all ramifications pertaining to the fact that my life’s energy has gone to my head

- all decisions to withdraw myself and my masculine energy from life, to avoid conflicts and to amuse or side-track myself instead

- my ancient doubts whether or not I truly am a man

- all ramifications pertaining to the fact that I have sought to find my true identity in joining groups, clubs or other status symbols


Brothers, when we look at our world and its present situation, it should be quite obvious that we certainly do not have everything under our control. The events of the oil catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico (2010) and the nuclear disaster following the earthquake in Japan (2011) should suffice to illustrate this. Despite all technical knowledge available, it was not possible to plug the bore hole in the ground of the ocean for months respectively to get the reactor in Fukushima under control. And even before any solution was in sight, the discussions had already begun to find the ones responsible for those disasters, and who would have to pay out the financial compensation for damage and loss suffered. Hence, the questions were of economical and judicial nature, while the environmental contamination was in full swing. We could say in a figurative sense: while our Mother Earth, the Feminine, lay bleeding, politics and economy and the Masculine kept on fighting over monitary-, liability- and power-questions. This then puts more urgency on the following question:

How long more must the Feminine keep on bleeding before all these activities cease?

We may, perhaps, have to go far back in time, even as far as the beginning of human history, in order to understand the deep-psychological roots that are at the bottom of great imbalance which is today topical. In the Christian Book of Genesis stands written how God created mankind. We are told that God first created man, known as “Adam”. And because God did not want Adam to be alone, God thought to create another human being, namely “Eve”, made from one of Adam’s ribs; she was to be Adam’s subject. And God breathed life into both.

These few sentences contain important points, which we should try to analyse:

- firstly, the Creative Maker (God) is depicted as being masculine,

- secondly, God created man first (Adam),

- thirdly, God relised that Adam was lonely and

- lastly, God did not shape Eve from the same ‘material’ he had used to create Adam, but he used one of Adam’s ribs instead.

This story tells us that the universe was created by a masculine Deity, that Man as a masculine has a primary position in the world and was created directly from God or, figuratively speaking, “from one Man to another”. The Woman, the feminine, was originally not even planned; only after realising Adam’s loneliness God got the idea to put a playmate at Adam’s side, one could be tempted to think it was just for the purpose of ‘mere amusement’; and because God could not find the necessary material quickly enough, he had to improvise, and so a masculine rib had to serve in creating the feminine being. To recapitulate: Eve did not come directly from God, she was supposed to amuse Adam in his loneliness, and she had to be eternally grateful to him, for after all he had sacrificed his rib so that she could come into being, and so she has that deep-rooted desire to always be at the service of her Adam, her God. Yes, that is how it was, supposedly so, and how it was passed on over centuries and millennia, and thus, the interrelation between the sexes and their mutual Creator was clarified.

Dear Brothers, may I tell you what I believe? I am convinced that this story has been concocted by our Brothers a long time ago. And why? The simple and plausible answer would be that they wanted to have power and they wanted to control “in the name of God” both life and the feminine beings. Therefore, this creation-mythos was best suited for their aim; and so it has coined the masculine and feminine self-conception to an extremely high degree ever since. This is true not only for the individual human psyche, but also for collective ecclesiastical and social institutions, as well as for any basic normative structure.

That is why many male species still believe that they have a natural entitlement to women, that the women should ‘kou-tow’ to them, to adapt themselves to the male, and to be there, first and foremost, to guarantee that their male companion has a good time, to make a nice home for him and, of course, to bear him children, preferably male species, naturally! For women doing all these tasks is for most men without question just a matter of course and need not be appreciated or valued highly; after all, women have no place in the greater world affairs because men, from the outset, were always No. 1. Likewise, men have a direct hotline to God, the Father, and have been chosen by God’s grace to put order to the course of human history in matters of church politics, and to forgive sins of those who did not follow the Word of God.

While writing these sentences I am well aware that we meanwhile have come to live in a world, in which – thanks be to God! - more and more women are filling leadership positions, and more and more men abandon their “Pasha”-mentality (at least most of it). I realise this, and hence, we should not waste any more time on the topic.


Eastern proverbs and philosophy look at mankind as a holistic Being.

There is some ancient knowledge about the correlation between spiritually-etheric and physically-materialistic matters. One is aware that every corporeal matter originates in the spiritual realm, e.g. the highest skyscraper exists first as an idea in the architect’s spirit. Something likewise is the case with us human beings: everything we experience physically has its origin in our spiritual-psychological realm, it turns into a physical shape, originating from the spiritually-etheric realm.

Yoga, as well as buddhistic and many other Eastern traditions, know a tenet called ‘Chakra-Doctrine’, according to which every human being has an energy system comprising various transformers. These energy-converters are directly connected to the physical gland system. Hence, one chakra is directly connected with the thyroid gland, another one with the pancreas and a further one with the thymus gland, etc.

We in the Western world know, for instance, the terms ‘solar plexus’ or ‘the third (or spiritual) eye’.

There are seven main-chakras known, which are distributed along the vertical axis of the human body, three of which are situated below the diaphragm, correlating to the Feminine Principle, and three others situated above the thorax, belonging to the Masculine Principle.

They are interconnected with each other in the heart via the heart-chakra.

Mankind is connected energetically with the Earth, the root- and vital force, by the three bottom chakras (the Feminine), which nourish the carnal body.

The upper three chakras (the Masculine) are connected with vocal expressions, spiritual clarity and a “hotline” upwards, to the Devine, towards transcendency.

Once the bottom and top chakras are evenly opened, connected via the heart with each other, a human being experiences the best of spiritual, mental and physical well-being, simply due to the fact that she/he is energetically in a state of equilibrium. This means first and foremost that the physical (Feminine) and spiritual (Masculine) aspects of a human being are flowing freely and are in harmony with each other, in feminine as well as masculine bodies.

Hence, the Masculine dominates the Feminine, the Spiritual (or rationality) is above the physical, the gut feeling. Adam made Eve his subject, according to God’s will. Thus, feminine bodies were turned into ‘childbearing machines’ and sex objects to accord to man’s pleasure, whether he only wanted a few nice hours or offspring (preferably masculine). The woman never got the recognition as being the wonderful, unique being that she was; she was replacable, she had to serve, to obey and to function.

Furthermore, man did the same to Mother Earth, he also degraded her to a ‘means to his ends’, and so Mother Earth is still depleted as much as possible, because commodities, timber, animal carcasses, plants and estates can be turned into money, and money equates with power!

Thus, Adam got lost in his avaricious quest; he remained lonely despite having Eve at his side, he kept on farming and tilling the earth, and in the process failed to notice that he gradually lost control …

While writing this last paragraph I could not but feel a certain nausea taking over the region of my stomach. When one really visualises all this, one could truly get sick and, maybe that is exactly what it takes for us to act, NOW …

My dear Brothers, you in your position as the mighty ones in government, economics, church, sciences and techniques, are you not slowly beginning to feel sick in the face of all that destruction, exploitation, abuse of the female body, the killing of life for money and possession? How long more do you want to continue? How long more do you want to cling to that deadly logic? How long more do you want to assume your role as God’s proxy? When can you admit at long last that you have gone astray and cannot see real solutions for the immense environmental problems, mountains of debt and social unrest?

It just is not possible anymore to carry on according to the principle: “Close your eyes, accelerate and push through!” You will not be able to appease all so-called ‘Joe Soaps’ and all women any longer, using just bread and entertainment. Although you may believe you still can.

Just stop! Now! Wake up! In the same way you began this nightmare you are able to end it; all you have to do is to admit that you cannot do it on your own.

However, that is okay, you will not lose your face over it, and if you do, what harm? The Feminine, out of her own heart, will only be too glad to crown you “King” again when she looks into your sad eyes, so abject, resigning, war-torn, heart-rendering and asking for forgiveness.

An ancient Spanish proverb runs: “When you want to learn to pray, just walk into the sea!”

How wonderful, how simple, how wise!

Just imagine: You are standing somewhere on the shore, looking out on this endless watery vastness; your feet feel the water; you walk a few paces further into the water, and suddenly you realise how infinitely small you really are, despite your 1.80 or 2.00 metres (about 6’ or 6’ 5”) compared to the ocean. You would feel the elements even more up-close and comfortable if a gentle wind would be blowing and the waves lapping the shore. Yes, my dear Brother, go to the ocean and stay as long as it takes for you to come to understand; and while you are there you may even swim a few rounds, and once you are on the shore again, how would you feel, after going down on your knees and prostrating yourself on the sand, so that your heart and forehead touch the Earth? How would you feel if you would consciously breathe in and out, to sense and even to talk to the Earth, the Feminine? How would you feel if you could, perhaps for the very first time in your entire life, honestly pray out of the depth of your heart?

Beginning in the 1990’s there are wonderful books available on this planet entitled “Conversations with God”. Millions of people have read these books so far, and I can only warmly recommend them to you. I just mention this now, because they contain a very basic and essential idea, among many other aspects. How wonderful would it be if, after all the cited millennia, which were also moulded by the belief in one’s own creed and one’s own understanding of law and order as the one and only valid, genuine truth, the mighty powers of this world would come out openly and state, that their own way was not better, but simply different! What consequences this could have, to grant each nation, each religion, each individual their own truth?

This could have an immediate and intuitive great effect, provided another proposition is considered, viz. that one’s own truth cannot be realised and lived accordingly at the cost of others. “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you!” Nobody needs to be evangelised, nobody needs to be converted! Or, saying it in different words, as our Brother so aptly ‘hit the nail on the head’ 2,000 years ago: “There are many rooms in my Father’s house.”

Even in little things, in the family circle, it would mean that we men, all of us, should stop telling women what is good for them.

How much could be gained, if this antiquated masculine arrogance, still rife in our educational programmes, would remember the philosophical roots of the Occident and would go down on one’s knees before one of the most wonderful Souls ever to walk this planet, whom we know under the name Sokrates, and who stated at the end of his life: “I only know that I do not know anything.” How simple, how true, how humble in every sense, when one contemplates the never-ending vastness and depth of the universe.

Humility is asked for, my dear Brother, in small as well as great matters, NOW!

Just to make something quite clear: I do not mean the ancient incorrect subserviency of subordinates or apprentices within any hierarchical organisation vis-à-vis mundane or ecclesiastical authorities, and the involved renunciation of one’s own truth in order to gain ‘Brownie points’ from them, neither do I mean the endurance of pain and suffering in the name of the Lord in order to be rewarded for it in heaven. That has nothing to do with humility, it is rather the abandoning of one’s own responsibility to think independently, to feel, and speak and act according to one’s own truth.

So, if you have lived so far in a rather conformed life-style, then true humility could mean for your own truth and for your way of life in future to end at long last your ancient self-abandonment.

For you as a man this could mean that you no longer approve of certain aspects in the hierarchies in which you move, that you no longer follow certain dictates. It could also mean that you no longer bow to pronounced or unexpressed expectations resulting in stress.

You could, for instance, ask yourself who has been your master whom you served in your life until now, and whether it really reflects the way you would like to live; it involves the humility vis-à-vis your own Being, your Self, your Soul.

At this very moment you are moving within the ranges of courage, truth and integrity, viz. around the value 200 on the Hawkins’ scale. You are squeezing through your own ‘needle’s eye’ and breaking through the ancient, negative downward pulling circuit which was never able to surpass pride. Now, for the very first time, it really is going upwards!

Thank you, my dear Brother, for your humility, for your courage!

I firmly believe that we are not alone, and that our Brother did not promise too much when he said: ”For whosoever clings to this life, will lose it, but whosoever is willing to lose it, will win eternal life.”

Perhaps you would like to let go of some antiquated programmes and programmings.

I release/I let go of…

- the ancient programme, programmings and self-programmings that I, as man, always know and also must know how to guide myself and others in what is beneficial and correct for us

- all ramifications pertaining to the fact that I was programmed and believed that I, as man, was and am closer to God’s creativity than women were and are

- all programmings and self-programmings that Masculinity ranks before Femininity and that this was and is God’s will

- all ramifications pertaining to the fact that I have lost true contact with Femininity and Mother Earth because of these programmings

- my ancient masculine claim to power over Femininity and Mother Earth

- my presumption as man to assume the role of a mediator, having placed myself between the Feminine and God’s creativity

- all ramifications pertaining to the fact that I, as man, have abused the Feminine as an object of my concupiscence and desire, and abused Mother Earth and all living matter as a means to an end (money/power)

- my having demanded respect in my position as a mundane or ecclesiastical authority, although I was not entitled to it

- all ancient decisions to comply as man, and due to anxiety, with existing hierarchical regulations and, by doing so, to have renounced my own truth and responsibility

- all ancient decisions to have put knowledge and external voices of authorities before my own inner voice and the truth of my own Soul

- all anxieties that myself and my family have not enough resources available for our living, and in renouncing my ancient conformance will live in future more courageously, truthfully and with integrity

- my entire ancient breathlessness, stress, pressure and all programmings, which suggest that I cannot afford to take a rest, to find my inner peace

- my antiquated self-importance

- always having to have, and want to have, an immediate answer for everything

- the ancient programme, programmings and the claim that everything has to be shipshape

- the ancient resistance against a temporary disorder

Thank you, my dear Brother, for your listening.

And so, at the end of these chapters, I would like to turn my attention to our Sisters.

Well, my dear Sisters, will you kindly permit me to talk to you?

Heaven and Earth - 1 - Now

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