Читать книгу Heaven and Earth - 1 - Now - André Hofer - Страница 7



In effect, everything could be quite simple. Our Brother Jesus Christ, who walked on this planet about 2,000 years ago, demonstrated it by His way of living, speaking and acting. “Love Thy Neighbour as Thyself” or, in other words: “Don’t do to anyone else what you don’t want them to do unto you!“

This was and is basically everything in a nutshell that any human being needs for orientation in their own lives. Think about it, if everyone would live according to this, our Mother Earth would truly be in ‘heavenly order’. No-one would harm anyone else, and LOVE would point the way in every matter, great and small.

However, something must have gone ‘pear-shaped’ with LOVE, including the love for oneself.

What really IS love? And who or what is the ‘Self’? Who in our modern world has the time to contemplate these important questions? And who can give genuine answers to these questions?

Many books have been written about the prevalent ‘Zeitgeist’ (the Spirit of our age) these days, and everyone knows only too well in which world we now live. Hence, just a few words should suffice:

Media and technology bring about more and more possibilities. A lot of talking, chatting, role playing takes place, a seemingly unlimited amount of words are spoken and the attention is focussed for the most part on the superficial: where is the next sensation happening? What dramas, tragedies and disasters have happened today? Don’t miss any of it, God forbid! One must be able to talk about it, to demonstrate that one is ‘with it’, that one is ‘in the know’! Time is money, and there isn’t enough around most of the time. “Knowledge is Power” and can make me a millionaire. Share prices are of enormous importance. Children are supposed to learn already in the womb, after all our Nation is to achieve a better result in the next ‘Pisa’-study. Bodies ought to be fit and not grow old! One should take from life and enjoy as much as possible, after all we are only living once! Business, fun and cult are the hot topics! There is a pill available for almost every ailment, and fear of the future is out of place, and eventually we will be able to manage the ecological devastation … sometime … later … not just now!

This “later … not now” I have come to recognise only too well in my own life: I have put off writing this book for about two years, always talking about it, but never starting to write! However, I have to write it now: the silence has prevailed for far too long.

My Heart told me: It is the right time, NOW!

As a man who loves, from my innermost heart, life, people and our Mother Earth, I am now prepared to take on, at long last, the responsibility and express everything the Soul longs for – as I see it.

I am delighted, and it touches me deeply to know that now you are holding my book in your hands. You are to me a sister or a brother, a member of the great family of mankind, to which we all belong. That is why I take the liberty to call you ‘sister’, ‘brother’. Whatever gender, whatever the colour of your skin, which nationality you have, what kind of job you have or whether you are unemployed, whether or not you belong to a certain religion, how much money you have in your bank account, what you can do or what you can afford to buy, what you know, how old you are, what mistakes you have made in your life – all that is unimportant to me.

The only important thing that matters is: You are there!

The only important fact I know is that you are infinitely precious and a wonderful being, and that both of us are on a pilgrimage together on this planet Earth. My Soul is reaching out to you, inviting you to spend a few hours of your precious time in reading this book. And my Soul will be very grateful to you for your “Yes, I will.“

However, before we start in earnest, I would like to put this request to you: Do not believe anything that is written here, but also do not categorically dismiss any of it from the start. Just let it affect you, feel and sense, whether anything is touching you, and what it means to you and your life, for that is the essential point for you, so that you can confidently forget about the rest. Okay? Then it’s a deal?!

The great Greek philosopher Socrates stated: “I know that I do not know anything!”, and this book has been written bearing his saying in mind. I am quite aware of my insignificance within the vast, infinite space of the Universe, which in turn is only one of many. Thus, this book does not claim to speak THE truth. However, it is my heartfelt wish to convey to you, and share with you, “my” experiences, perceptions, deep feelings and sentiments and in this way to perhaps build bridges and reawaken connections. I am not an analyst by nature, nor am I a thinker, philosopher or rationalist,; rather my Soul has qualities like feelings, intuition and a higher stage of truth.

I am writing just the way I feel, in simple, sometimes almost banale, everyday formulations, which may perhaps prove to be obstacles for you thinkers; alas, it is as it is!

Hence, even though this book is clearly structured, it does not contain a comprehensive analysis of a definitive situation or a possible approach to a solution. There will be numerous impulses for women and men,; still you may perhaps miss certain incitement. It is as it is, just accept it!

Within a few minutes, being in a state of deeply relaxed inner clarity, I got the inspiration to write down 27 sentences and to divide them into 3 by 3 by 3 chapters. At some moments there were thoughts asking me what it was all about and that I should be aware that all of this was not entirely everything there was to it. To all of this I can confidently say: Yes, I am fully aware of it! In the past years of my life I have learned to listen more and more to my inner voice and to trust in what it is saying to me, and so out of all of that emerged this book, which you are now holding in your hands: a small, modest 3 by 3 by 3 of woman and man living together on Earth, in the past, the present and the future, and in their mutual way home. There are 3 parts, each comprising 3 sub-sections having 3 chapters each. 3 x 3 x 3 = 27.

The first three chapters in part I are addressed to the Man, to the masculine, for here, in my opinion, the greater part has to be done, respectively undone. The Woman, the feminine, is dealt with in the next three chapters in part II, placed here, for once, in second place. Part III, again comprising three chapters, is dedicated to the mutual approach between Man and Woman. This section deals collectively with reviewing the past with all its separations, injuries and fights. In the middle section we are treating the new togetherness of Woman and Man and the qualities of a new relationship emerging between the genders. The (mutual) inner gathering of oneself focused on the Power that created all of us is elaborated on towards the end of the second chapter.

In the third part, we are analysing what great powers can be set free through our mutual devotion to the Source of all life, and what it can mean for our earthly life. Images of a New Era and a new, basically good feeling of life, possible for everyone, rounds off this 3 x 3 x 3.

On the one hand, each of the 27 chapters are building on each other, following a recurrent theme (leitmotif), however, on the other hand please feel free to open the book at any page and read what you find there. This chapter may at that particular moment be just relevant for you and your life.

Please, don’t forget that you have not just a mere storybook in your hands, but you will be invited from time to time to put the book aside and to turn to your own Self. After all, it is YOU who is the most important entity, the “Self” in this book, the Woman you are, the Man you are, the Being you are. If you like to play games, you may cut some 27 slips of paper, write the numbers 1 to 27 on them and put them in a hat. Then you can pull out one of them and read the corresponding chapter in the book, e.g. the number 11 would be “It is time to decide - Now.”

And even if some chapters are directed explicitly towards one particular gender, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the other gender should not read this section at all.

“Two-by-two makes four widde-widde-witt,

And three-by-three makes nine.

I make the world widde-widde-witt as I like it!”,

sings Pippi Longstocking in her song.

Having said this, I firmly believe that we can together, and with the help of the Power of the Creator, recreate a world in which only peace will prevail.

Ottobrunn, 30.03.2011

André Hermann Höfer

Heaven and Earth - 1 - Now

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