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Week 3


Scripture text—Hebrews 13:2

Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some

have entertained angels unawares.

This verse reminds us to be kind to everyone we encounter. God can send his messengers to interact with us humans in any way he chooses. This reality should make us consider the words we use, the way out body language speaks, and whether or not we love others as ourselves—which he commands. It is hard to do that indeed. All people fail to meet God’s holy standard. I miss the mark daily.

God commands us to love those that love us and those that hate us. It is no sacrifice for us to love a person who loves us, that’s simple (Matt 5:46–47). We should strive to always treat people well. The person at the bus stop today may be a heavenly creature in disguise.

It is a blessing to know that the angels are here to serve as our ministers (Heb 1:14). They were created to serve God. They caution humans several places in scripture not to worship them but God alone. Knowing that they are all around us going about our Father’s business is a tremendous reality. Likewise, Satan’s spiritual followers are here too. We must learn discernment through prayer and scripture study. The unseen world is real. More so than what we humans can comprehend.

Just to be on the safe side and keep God smiling down on you, consider that those around you could be on a mission from above. Don’t disappoint God and mistreat his servants.

God Likes Ants: Every Week

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