Читать книгу The Successful Trader's Guide to Money Management - Andrea Unger - Страница 2

Table of Contents



Title Page





CHAPTER 1: Martingale and Anti‐Martingale 1.1 The Right Stake 1.2 Martingale 1.3 Anti‐Martingale 1.4 More Examples 1.5 A Miraculous Technique? 1.6 Conclusions

CHAPTER 2: The Kelly Formula 2.1 Kelly and Co. 2.2 Conclusions Reference

CHAPTER 3: A Banal Trading System 3.1 Analyzing a System Based on Moving Averages 3.2 Applying the Kelly Formula 3.3 Conclusions

10  CHAPTER 4: Money Management Models 4.1 The Fixed Fractional Method 4.2 Optimal f 4.3 Secure f 4.4 Fixed Ratio 4.5 Percent Volatility Model 4.6 Levels for Changing the Number of Contracts 4.7 Conclusions References

11  CHAPTER 5: Refining the Techniques 5.1 The Importance of the Trader's Temperament 5.2 Reduced f 5.3 Aggressive Ratio 5.4 Asymmetric Ratio 5.5 Timid Bold Equity 5.6 Equity Curve Trading 5.7 z‐Score 5.8 Conclusions References

12  CHAPTER 6: The Monte Carlo Simulation 6.1 Using the Monte Carlo Simulation 6.2 Maximum Loss 6.3 Conclusions

13  CHAPTER 7: The Work Plan 7.1 Using a Work Plan 7.2 Conclusions

14  CHAPTER 8: Combining Forces 8.1 Using a Combination of Systems 8.2 Portfolio Money Management 8.3 Which Capital? 8.4 The Effects of Portfolio Money Management 8.5 Conclusions Reference

15  CHAPTER 9: Money Management When Trading Stocks 9.1 Trading in the Stock Market 9.2 Conclusions

16  CHAPTER 10: Portfolio Management 10.1 A Portfolio Approach 10.2 Some Improvements to the System 10.3 Conclusions

17  CHAPTER 11: Discretionary Trading 11.1 Trading Criteria and Definition 11.2 An Example: Mediaset 11.3 Adjusting Volatility During the Trade 11.4 Trading Futures 11.5 Conclusions

18  CHAPTER 12: Questions and Answers

19  APPENDIX I I.1 The Impact of a Trading System on Planning I.2 The Trading System

20  APPENDIX II II.1 Understanding the Type of Strategy

21  APPENDIX III III.1 The Advantages of Forex

22  APPENDIX IV: Online Trading IV.1 The Trader IV.2 Trading Profits IV.3 Systematic or Discretionary? IV.4 Choosing the Broker IV.5 Which Platform?

23  Index

24  End User License Agreement

The Successful Trader's Guide to Money Management

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