Читать книгу The Successful Trader's Guide to Money Management - Andrea Unger - Страница 3

List of Tables


1 Chapter 1TABLE 1.1TABLE 1.2TABLE 1.3

2 Chapter 3TABLE 3.1

3 Chapter 4TABLE 4.1TABLE 4.2TABLE 4.3TABLE 4.4

4 Chapter 5TABLE 5.1TABLE 5.2TABLE 5.3

5 Chapter 6TABLE 6.1TABLE 6.2TABLE 6.3TABLE 6.4TABLE 6.5

6 Chapter 10TABLE 10.1 Summary of results.

7 Chapter 11TABLE 11.1TABLE 11.2TABLE 11.3

8 Appendix IITABLE AII.1 Results of the two systems with a percentf model set at 5.24%.

The Successful Trader's Guide to Money Management

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