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1. Questions of courage and conscience

Andrea Levy: Loose Change

Shereen Pandit: She Shall Not Be Moved

Saeed Taji Farouky: The Rain Missed My Face and Fell Straight to My Shoes

2. Questions of identity and belonging

Jhumpa Lahiri: The Third and Final Continent

Qaisra Shahraz: The Escape

Abbreviations used in the annotations

abb abbreviation
adj adjective
AE American English
BE British English
b born
derog derogatory (beleidigend)
e.g. for example
esp especially
etc et cetera
fig figurative
fml formal
hum humourous
idm idiom
i.e. that is
inf informal
Lat Latin
n noun
old old-fashioned
opp of opposite of
pl plural
sb somebody
sl slang (be careful how you use it!)
sth something
usu usually
Displacement Stories of Identity and Belonging

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