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1  1 On the rise of Donald Trump, see Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, How Democracies Die (London: Penguin, 2019).

2  2 Francis Fukuyama, The End of History and the Last Man (New York: The Free Press, 1992).

3  3 Reinhart Koselleck, Futures Past: On the Semantics of Historical Time, trans. Keith Tribe (New York: Columbia University Press, 2004).

4  4 Oswald Spengler, The Decline of the West, trans. Charles F. Atkinson (New York: Oxford University Press, 1991); José Ortega y Gasset, The Revolt of the Masses, trans. Anthony Kerrigan (Notre Dame University Press, 1985).

5  5 Interesting in other ways are recent fictional dystopias, such as those depicted in film. Examples include Blade Runner 2049, directed by Denis Villeneuve (Burbank, CA: Warner Bros. Pictures, 2017); and War for the Planet of the Apes, directed by Matt Reeves (Los Angeles: 20th Century Fox, 2017).

6  6 For a critique of the disappearance of society’s ability to tolerate ambiguity, see Thomas Bauer, Die Vereindeutigung der Welt: Über den Verlust an Mehrdeutigkeit und Vielfalt (Stuttgart: Reclam, 2018).

7  7 Andreas Reckwitz, The Society of Singularities, trans. Valentine A. Pakis (Cambridge: Polity, 2020).

8  8 Pierre Rosanvallon, The Society of Equals, trans. Arthur Goldhammer (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013).

9  9 See Reckwitz, The Society of Singularities.

10 10 The term “individualism” is usually used to denote a culture that favors the self-responsibility of the individual over social solidarity, and “individualizing” is typically used to denote the process of “freeing” the individual from such collective bonds. See Ulrich Beck, Risk Society: Towards a New Modernity, trans. Mark Ritter (London: SAGE, 1992).

11 11 On the topic of singularization, see also Igor Kopytoff, “The Cultural Biography of Things,” in The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective, ed. Arjun Appadurai (Cambridge University Press, 1986), pp. 64–91.

12 12 The work was first published online as “Zwischen Hyperkultur und Kulturessenzialismus,” Soziopolis (October 24, 2016), https://soziopolis.de/beobachten/kultur/artikel/zwischen-hyperkultur-und-kulturessenzialismus. On April 30, 2017, a revised version of the text – now titled “Hyperkultur und Kulturessenzialismus: Der Kampf um das Kulturverständnis” – was broadcast as part of Deutschlandfunk’s radio series Essay und Diskurs.

The End of Illusions

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