Читать книгу The End of Illusions - Andreas Reckwitz - Страница 2


Table of Contents


Title Page

Copyright Page

Figures and Tables Figures Tables

Introduction: The Disillusioned Present Progress, Dystopia, Nostalgia Disillusionment as an Opportunity From Industrial Modernity to the Society of Singularities Notes

1 Cultural Conflicts as a Struggle over Culture: Hyperculture and Cultural Essentialism The Culturalization of the Social Culturalization I: Hyperculture Culturalization II: Cultural Essentialism Hyperculture and Cultural Essentialism: Between Coexistence and Conflict “Doing Universality” – The Culture of the General as an Alternative? Notes

2 From the Leveled Middle-Class Society to the Three-Class Society: The New Middle Class, the Old Middle Class, and the Precarious Class The Global and Historical Context Underlying Conditions: Post-Industrialization, the Expansion of Education, a Shift in Values In the Paternoster Elevator of the Three-Class Society The New Middle Class: Successful Self-Actualization and Urban Cosmopolitanism The Old Middle Class: Sedentariness, Order, and Cultural Defensiveness The Precarious Class: Muddling Through and Losing Status The Upper Class: Distance due to Assets Cross-Sectional Characteristics: Gender, Migration, Regions, Milieus A Trend toward Political Polarization and Future Social Scenarios Notes

3 Beyond Industrial Society: Polarized Post-Industrialism and Cognitive-Cultural Capitalism The Rise and Fall of Industrial Fordism The Saturation Crisis The Production Crisis and Polarized Post-Industrialism Globalization, Neoliberalism, Financialization Cognitive Capitalism and Immaterial Capital Cultural Goods and Cultural Capitalism Winner-Take-All Markets: The Scalability and Attractiveness of Cognitive and Cultural Goods Extreme Capitalism: The Economization of the Social Notes

4 The Weariness of Self-Actualization: The Late-Modern Individual and the Paradoxes of Emotional Culture From Self-Discipline to Self-Actualization Successful Self-Actualization: An Ambitious Dual Structure The Culture of Self-Actualization as a Generator of Negative Emotions Ways Out of the Spiral of Disappointment? Notes

10  5 The Crisis of Liberalism and the Search for the New Political Paradigm: From Apertistic to Regulatory Liberalism Political Paradigms and Political Paradoxes Problems and Solutions: Between the Paradigms of Regulation and Dynamization The Rise of the Social-Corporatist Paradigm The Crisis of Overregulation The Rise of the Paradigm of Apertistic Liberalism The Threefold Crisis of Apertistic Liberalism Populism as a Symptom “Regulatory Liberalism” as the Paradigm of the Future? Challenges Facing Regulatory Liberalism Notes

11  Bibliography

12  Index

13  End User License Agreement

List of Tables

1 Chapter 1Table 1.1 Relations between Culturalization I and Culturalization II

2 Chapter 5Table 5.1 The left–right distinction and political paradigmsTable 5.2 Political paradigms and social problems since 1945

List of Illustrations

1 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 The social structure of West Germany in 1965.Figure 2.2 Percentage of the US population older than 25 who completed high school or colle...Figure 2.3 The three-class structure of late-modern society.Figure 2.4 Socio-cultural milieus according to the SINUS studies and their “translat...

2 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 The development of employment and GDP in the Federal Republic of Germany, 1950...Figure 3.2 Technological revolutions since 1770 (a graph based on the work of Carlota Perez...Figure 3.3 The percentage change in employment share by job-quality decile in OECD countrie...Figure 3.4 The development of investment in tangible and intangible capital relative to GDP...Figure 3.5 The pyramid of goods.



2 Table of Contents

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The End of Illusions

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