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2.1.4 Testing Effort
ОглавлениеTesting effort depends on the project (environment)
Testing takes up a large portion of the development effort, even if only a part of all conceivable tests—or, more precisely, all conceivable test cases— can be considered. It is difficult to say just how much effort you should spend testing, as this depends very much on the nature of the project at hand.4
The importance of testing—and thus the amount of effort required for testing—is often made clear by the ratio of testers to developers. In practice, the following ratios can be found: from one tester for every ten developers to three testers per developer. Testing effort and budget vary massively in real-world situations.
Case Study: Testing effort and vehicle variants
VSR-II enables potential customers to configure their own vehicle on a computer screen. The extras available for specific models and the possible combinations of options and preconfigured models are subject to a complex set of rules. The old VSR System allowed customers to select combinations that were not actually deliverable. As a consequence of the VSR-II QA/Test planning requirement Functional suitability/DreamCar = high (see below) customers should no longer be able to select non-deliverable combinations.
The product owner responsible for the DreamCar module wants to know how much testing effort will be required to test this aspect of the module as comprehensively as possible. To do this, he makes an estimate of the maximum number of vehicle configuration options available. The results are as follows:
There are 10 vehicle models, each with 5 different engine options; 10 types of wheel rims with summer or winter tires; 10 colors, each with matt, glossy, or pearl effect options; and 5 different entertainment systems. These options result in 10×5×10×2×10×3×5=150.000 different variants, so testing one variant every second would take a total of 1.7 days.
A further 50 extras (each of which is selectable or not) produce a total of 150.000×250 = 168.884.986.026.393.600.000 variations.
The product owner intuitively knows that he doesn’t have to test for every possible combination, but rather for the rules that define which combinations of options are not deliverable. Nevertheless, possible software faults create the risk that the DreamCar module wrongly classifies some configurations as deliverable (or permissible combinations as non-deliverable).
How much testing effort is required here and how much can it effectively cost? The product owner decides to ask the QA/testing lead for advice. One possible solution to the issue is to use pairwise testing (see the side note in section 5.1.5).
Side Note: When is increased testing effort justifiable?
Is a high testing effort affordable and justifiable? Jerry Weinberg’s response to this question is: “Compared with what?” [DeMarco 93]. This response points out the risks of using a faulty software system. Risk is calculated from the likelihood of a certain situation arising and the expected costs when it does. Potential faults that are not discovered during testing can later generate significant costs.
Example: The cost of failure
In March 2016, a concatenation of software faults destroyed the space telescope Hitomi, which was built at a cost of several hundred million dollars. The satellite’s software wrongly assumed that it was rotating too slowly and tried to compensate using countermeasures. The signals from the redundant control systems were then wrongly interpreted and the speed of rotation increased continuously until the centrifugal force became too much and Hitomi disintegrated (from [URL: Error Costs]).
In 2018 and 2019 two Boeing 737 MAX 8 airplanes crashed due to design flaws in the airplane’s MCAS flight control software [URL: MAX-groundings]. Here too, the software—misdirected by incorrect sensor information—generated fatal countermeasures.
Testing effort has to remain in reasonable proportion to the results testing can achieve. “Testing makes economic sense as long as the cost of finding and remedying faults is lower than the costs produced by the corresponding failure occurring when the system is live.”5 [Pol 00]. Reasonable testing effort therefore always depends on the degree of risk involved in failure and an evaluation of the danger this incurs. The price of the destroyed space telescope Hitomi could have paid for an awful lot of testing.
Case Study: Risks and losses when failures occur
The DreamCar module constantly updates and displays the price of the current configuration. Registered customers with validated ID can order a vehicle online.
Once a customer clicks the Order button and enters their PIN, the vehicle is ordered and the purchase committed. Once the statutory revocation deadline has passed, the chosen configuration is automatically passed on to the production management system that initiates the build process.
Because the online purchase process is binding, if the system calculates and displays an incorrect price the customer has the right to insist on the paying that price. This means that wrongly calculated prices could lead to the manufacturer selling thousands of cars at prices that are too low. Depending on the degree of miscalculation, this could lead to millions of dollars in losses. Having each purchase order checked manually is not an option, as the whole point of the VSR-II system is that vehicles can be ordered completely automatically online.
Defining test thoroughness and scope depending on risk factors
Systems or system parts with a high risk have to be tested more extensively than those that do not cause major damage in case of failure.6 Risk assessment has to be carried out for the individual system parts or even for individual failure modes. If there is a high risk of a system or subsystem malfunctioning, the test requires more effort than for less critical (sub) systems. These procedures are defined through international standards for the production of safety-critical systems. For example, the [RTC-DO 178B] Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification standard prescribes complex testing procedures for aviation systems.
Although there are no material risks involved, a computer game that saves scores incorrectly can be costly for its manufacturer, as such faults affect the public acceptance of a game and its parent company’s other products, and can lead to lost sales and damage to the company’s reputation.