Читать книгу All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim - Andrei Ioann Romanov-Kolomietsing, Andrei Ioann Romanovsky-Kolomietsing - Страница 4

All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim
Table of Contents


All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim

The foreword

0. A spiritual indispensability

I. A postulate. Financially binding strings

II. The Postulate. Corrections

III. FSW and consideration through it.

Sensuality (complications)

Power historical

0. Spiritual I – II. Actually postulates of the Theory III. FSW and consideration through it IV. Genealogy in scientific confirming… V. Messianism

0. A spiritual indispensability

Conversation on a state of the art of the person


Selection of articles about essence of history from the doctrine on FSW.

Additions of Frank theory, the version of Efraim



That give chromosomal researches in consideration of Additions of Frank theory


Hummering of Turanes from Turkis

What haplogroupp of the future Tsar?

2 Messiahs-anointed sovereigns of God and His holy testament.

Modern situation of position in Church

Andrey Ioann Romanovskij-Kolomietsing (Andrey I. Kolomiets)

All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim

Is more up to the ending true. Should be translated all series: «Restavration natural science» and second serie: «Restavration of sceince». Here needs your attention and doing for invite a reality-true. Now its only on original language – russian published books: Все-Историческая Эсхатологическая теория или дополнения Франкской т., Эфраимская версия. Also: Монархическое (учение), which is monarhi study about a life by Formule of the Structure of the World» 0—4—7—24-∞. There is mutch top deep information about minimized energetyc trait of Human living, which dangerly denial. Even is plus take a russian text and autotranslate by mashine.

Also this formula (FSW) give a discover result for philosofiec-spiritual study of imagine, theorie of Sensitive – (Hiromantia by FSW), Energetyc substantional – Alhimia by FSW, and about theoretical psicologie – (Astrologia by FSW).

Real Astrologia is not free, like now by amateurs, but systematical like it in book Astrologia by Formula of Structure of the World (-Building). Original language is Russian: Астрология по ФСМ. Amazon, Smashword, Ridero. Explaining shortly: Human have Psyhologie – 24 tipe/ 12 houses and starsigns. Any Psyhologie have Code 3 numbers (like in Astrologie – 3 terms). Exemple: sexual (mostly) Scorpion: 3—1—2, That explain: 3-Sensys by 1-Energetic on 2-Mental (same Body), that why sexual (mostly). 11-House = 412 = Jupiter: 4-Gas gigant – 1 Powerfull active 2 – Hard inner, even Hydrogen metalliysing. And many such analogies, which is different than classic. First 4 and 1 – this is code of twice number of Sensys 6. Love. 5. Tuctill – 31. 4. Earing 21….. e.t.c. No any predictions here. Only metaphysic.

Translate it authomatically, by professional and publishing in your population. Announce that! By all question to Author.


All-Historical the Eschatological theory or additions of Frank t., the version of Efraim

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