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Table of Contents



CHAPTER ONE The Brain: Where It All Starts

The Brain Creates the Mind

The Brain and Immunity

Hypothalamus/Pituitary: The Brain’s Thermostat

The Limbic System

Why Placebos Are Effective

CHAPTER TWO Why and How We Get Sick

A Mind-Body Perspective

Homeostasis: An Internal Balancing Act

Neuro-Endocrine-Immune System

What Are the Effects of Stress on Health?

How Mind-Body Therapies Help Reduce Stress

Stress and Aging

The Stress Connection

Adapting to Stress

Conditioned Immune Responses

Can the Mind Slow Cancer Growth?

Are You Cancer-Prone?

How Stress Affects Cancer Treatment

Aging and Disease

CHAPTER THREE Using the Mind-Body Connection to Prevent Disease

Recognizing Signs and Symptoms

Common Signs and Signals of a Stress Reaction

Stress Intervention as Preventive Medicine

How Sleep Affects the Mind-Body Connection

How We Think Really Matters

Nutrition and Disease Prevention

Diets That Fight Disease

Rules for Buying Herbal Supplements

Food and Stress

Carbohydrate Cycling

The Curative Properties of Water

Is Sugar Toxic?

CHAPTER FOUR Conditioning the Brain to Prevent Illness

Stress Begins in the Brain

Test Your Coping Skills

Stress Response as a Conditioned Habit

Stress Rating Scale

How Stress Affects Weight

Developing Stress Tolerance

Mind-Body Suggestions for Stress Tolerance

Type A vs. Type B Personality

Behavior Modification for Type A

The Stress-Sex Connection

Stress, Exercise, and Disease Prevention

CHAPTER FIVE Stress, Mental Health, and the Mind-Body Connection

Stress and Depression

Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Depression Rating Quiz

Nutrition, Stress, and Depression

Becoming Depression-Resistant

Anxiety and Related Disorders

Loneliness Is a State of Mind

CHAPTER SIX Aging and the Mind-Body Connection

Aging: Everybody’s Doing It

Life Satisfaction Quiz: How Well Are You Aging?

Human Lifespan: Is There an Age Limit?

Stress Hormones During Aging

Growth Hormone Cycles During Aging

Sex Hormones and Aging

Nutrition and the Aging Process

Coping with Middle Age

Coping with Grief

Aging and Mental Health

Medication and the Mind-Body Connection

Medications That Deplete Nutrients

Strength Training for Seniors

Special Health Tips for Aging Successfully


An Ancient Practice Perfect for Modern Life

How Meditation Works

Meditation and the Mind-Body Connection

Four Rules of Meditation

The Importance of Breathing

Mantra Meditation Techniques

Mindfulness Meditation Techniques

Labyrinth Walking

Getting the Most Benefit from Meditation

CHAPTER EIGHT Guided Imagery and Self-Healing

Picture This

How Guided Imagery Works

Learning to Visualize

The Five Elements of Guided Imagery

Imaging Exercises for Relaxation

Guided Imagery for Motivation

Guided Imagery and Self-Healing

Imaging Exercise for Self-Healing

Fighting Cancer with Imaging

The Best Self-Healing Images for Cancer

CHAPTER NINE Relaxation Exercises and Techniques

Relax, You Are in Good Hands

Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)

Autogenic Training (AT)

Autogenic Instructions

Self-Hypnosis As a Relaxation Technique


Sensate Focus Approach

CHAPTER TEN Spirituality, Alternative Medicine, and Health

That’s the Spirit

Faith and the Mind-Body Connection

The Power of Prayer

Using Prayer for Health and Self-Healing

Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Alternative Health Therapies



Ayurvedic Medicine

Binaural Beats

Color and Light Therapy




Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy

Music Therapy


Orthomolecular Medicine

Tai Chi

Therapeutic Humor

Therapeutic Touch


CHAPTER ELEVEN The Mind-Body Connection in Children and Adolescents

The Stress of Growing Up

Warning Signs and Symptoms

Effects of Toxic Stress on Brain Development

The Teenage Brain and the Mind-Body Connection

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Child and Adolescent Depression

Child and Adolescent Bipolar Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Stress Management for Young Children

Praise and Self-Esteem

Coping with School

Coping with Grief and Death

Talking About War and Terrorism

Dealing with Anger

Stress Management with Preteens

Stress Management for Adolescents

Signs and Symptoms of Suicidal Behavior

APPENDIX A Time Management and Stress

Time Management Skills Test

Time Wasters That Create Stress

Tips for Students

Time Management Plan of Action

Effective Time Management Strategies

APPENDIX B Health Assessment Quiz

APPENDIX C Family Stress Assessment Quiz

APPENDIX D Health Screening Checklist



Mind-Body Health and Healing

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