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As researchers continually discover more about the amazing extent to which the brain has power over the body and may even control healing, we continually marvel at what has become known as the mind-body connection. The premise of this book is that by using a variety of simple techniques and tools we can harness and direct that power for optimum physical, emotional, and behavioral health. These include diet, exercise, attitude adjustment, and, perhaps most importantly, stress reduction.

Mind-body specialists posit that the mind and body are essentially inseparable—that the brain and peripheral nervous system, the endocrine and immune systems, all of our organs and all of our emotional responses, are in constant communication with one another through a common chemical language. Indeed, many of our most deeply felt emotions may be considered by some simply as chemical reactions that take place in the brain and manifest in the body as the states we recognize as love or hate.

Mental states can be fully conscious or unconscious. We can have emotional reactions to situations without being aware of why we are reacting (think “triggers,” or “having one’s ‘buttons’ pushed”). Each mental state has a physiology associated with it—a positive or negative effect felt in the physical body. And so, many mind-body therapies focus on becoming more conscious of mental states and using this increased awareness to guide our mental states in a better, less destructive direction.

Scientific studies show that severe prolonged stress and chronic negative thinking can compromise the immune system, laying the groundwork for disease to take hold. One way that many mind-body therapies work is by reducing stress. So it is helpful to understand what stress is and the role it plays in health and well-being.

Studies have also revealed that individuals with a positive attitude toward life tend to become sick less often than those with a negative attitude.

Even though these concepts may be new to you, studies in the mind-body connection are showing us that our minds play a major role in influencing our level of wellness. By using the simple techniques I outline in this book to condition your brain, you will be able to harness and direct your own brain power to boost immunity and effect healing.

It is my hope that after reading this book, you’ll be better equipped to take charge of your mind as well as your body and condition yourself to remain healthy throughout life.

The mind-body concept is defined as the interaction that takes place among our thoughts, our body, and our external world. A new science that studies this link is called psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). PNI describes ways in which our emotions and attitude, both positive and negative, can affect our health and also the outcome of medical treatment.

Mind-Body Health and Healing

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