Читать книгу What Killed Jane Creba - Anita Arvast - Страница 5

Author’s Note


When I first began following the trials of the many young men charged with the killing of Jane Creba on the street outside of the Toronto Eaton Centre on Boxing Day 2005, I was disturbed by what was being reported in the news. Of course, we all wanted to blame the “thugs” — the young men whose parents had come from Jamaica — but the situation was far more complex than what was reported.

To arrive at the writing of this book, I spent years attending the trials, scouring academic journals and media reports, and conducting interviews, in addition to reviewing seventy-five banker boxes of trial files that one of the accused handed over to me. Those files form the bulk of the information I present in this book; they included police notes, wiretaps, forensics, statements of the accused, and statements from informants, in addition to thousands of transcripts from preliminary hearings and the actual trials. These files also included much information that I cannot write about for legal reasons.

Some of the people who were involved directly with this case believed I could add some substance, to tell their stories in a way that is not meant to garner sympathy or provide excuses, but rather, offer a level of understanding in a situation we should not be expected to understand, let alone accept.

The information I was given was not something anyone can easily get a hold of. Many people trusted me by giving numerous interviews. I gave them all the same promise — that I would share their truths.

I hope I have upheld that promise I made.

What Killed Jane Creba

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